
One Piece : The Random Adventure

This is story of a man cast into the world of ONE PIECE. Who is granted a semi-reliable golden finger called 'The Random system'. Watch as he starts from nothing and goes on to recruit the craziest diverse crew and carve his story into the history of the world. Starts 6 to 7 years before cannon Has jokes, puns and innovative ideas. Bit slow at start but after sometime picks up the pace. . . Please support me at my patr^on account https://www.patr^on.com/Bleh802 . Join discord at server link https://discord.gg/7Q6psrHwmf

bleh_guru · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chap 14 DIARY

This place was siicckk. It had everything one would need. As I looked through all of it as fast as I can I was mainly searching to understand what this place was. For any kind of clue about who this place belonged to and what had happened to him.

As I was looking through the place I found a diary of the old owner of this house. His name was, can you guess it, folks?




That's right guys it was Captain Jack Sparrow. The situation felt insane, to say the least.

As I held the diary in my hand, you felt a jolt of energy surge through your body. The leather cover seemed to come alive, twisting and turning, until it wrapped itself tightly around my hand, as if it had a mind of its own. I tried to pull my hand away, but the diary was firmly bound, as if fused to my skin.

Suddenly the diary disappeared and a tattoo was left on my right wrist on the inside. The tattoo was a mysterious symbol, dark black color on my skin.

(image here)

As I was wondering what the heck was going on suddenly the diary appeared in my hands again

As I looked closer, I noticed that the previously dormant symbol on the cover of the diary was now glowing with a brilliant light.

The glow from the symbol enveloped my hand, creating an otherworldly aura that illuminated the surroundings, I could also feel a tingling sensation on my wrist and the tattoo was glowing too. As if the diary was fusing with me on a deeper level. It was as if the diary had chosen me, recognizing something within me that was meant to be connected with its magic.

I was was standing there wondering what to do in apprehension. What could this mystical diary want from me? What secrets did it hold? And why had it chosen me?

(Image here)

Before I could ponder further, the diary opened on its own, revealing blank pages that seemed to glow with an inner light. The symbol on the cover now appeared on the first page, beckoning me to write. I picked up a pen, and I wrote the first thing on my mind.

I wrote,

"What are you?"

I realized that the diary was more than just a simple notebook. It absorbed what I had written and returned back to its blank state. Like in the harry potter. And suddenly words started appearing in the diary.


Diary of Captain Jack Sparrow

Ahoy, to whoever is reading this mate. Fret not cause this diary just binded itself to u is all mate. If you're readin' these words, it means you've come across me diary, and it has chosen you as its new owner This might be the luckiest break in your sorry excuse of a life. So take caution and read diligently if you want my riches. Cause I can tell you right now son nothing in this world is free. Especially not anything mine. I take things for free not give them away. Back to the matter at hand,

This diary is no ordinary diary. This is a diary which I had specifically created just for my heir with help from a specially-abled friend of mine. And it cost me a pretty penny too, even if he was me friend. This diary contains all the tales of my stories of adventures through the seas.

As you flip through these pages, you'll find that some entries are blurred or obscured, and some pages may even appear to be missing. But fear not, for these pages hold the secrets to my greatest treasures, and they shall be revealed to you in due time.

As you embark on your own adventures and hone your skills, the pages of this diary will unlock, one by one, revealing new clues, riddles, and challenges that will test your mettle. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, as you prove yourself worthy of the riches and knowledge within. If you can that is.

You'll need to train your mind, body, and spirit to overcome the obstacles in your path. Sharpen your swordsmanship, expand your knowledge of the sea, learn to navigate the stars, and hone your wit and cunning. The challenges ahead will require all your skills and resourcefulness, and only through perseverance and determination will you unlock the secrets hidden within these pages.

But be warned, matey, for the journey ahead won't be easy. You'll face formidable foes, treacherous waters, and unforeseen dangers. You'll need to make tough decisions, forge alliances, and outsmart cunning adversaries. But fear not, for I, Captain Jack Sparrow, have faith in your abilities(NOT!! ha ha)and believe that you have what it takes to unravel the mysteries of this diary and claim the treasures that await(NOT!! ha ha like somebody can match me in greatness)

Fair winds and smooth seas, matey!

Captain Jack Sparrow
