
One Piece : The Random Adventure

This is story of a man cast into the world of ONE PIECE. Who is granted a semi-reliable golden finger called 'The Random system'. Watch as he starts from nothing and goes on to recruit the craziest diverse crew and carve his story into the history of the world. Starts 6 to 7 years before cannon Has jokes, puns and innovative ideas. Bit slow at start but after sometime picks up the pace. . . Please support me at my patr^on account https://www.patr^on.com/Bleh802 . Join discord at server link https://discord.gg/7Q6psrHwmf

bleh_guru · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chap 05 NAME

Finally, I was sitting on a rock in the shoreline waiting. I had woken up early today somehow and finished all my business. It was the third day and my third gift would be granted. I was waiting when I heard it.




' right on time.'


Random third gift generation started.




Generated. The gift of 'the soul, body, and backstory of 'D' surname' granting

Asking the user to brace himself .


I was flabbergasted for a second and didn't understand what it meant when it told me to brace myself, And you know, also about the gift itself.

And suddenly my vision saw white and my body became taut, I started feeling pain. Pure pain was all I knew. 'Ohh so that's what the system meant when it told me to brace myself'

Those were my last sober thought.


I woke up feeling like I had just wrestled with death. I looked down and once again was left speechless as I was in the body of a 15-year-old. I also remembered that this body had a father and mother. Or rather, I had a father and mother. Whatever had happened, I had merged with this guy's body and soul. Tears filled my eyes as I couldn't help but feel a deep emotional turmoil. I mourned the loss of my parents from in this life and struggled to accept the reality of having two different sets of memories. one of which was of a boy of 15 years old and another with which I have a full lifetime of it but nothing of emotional attachment. The weight of the situation weighed heavily on my heart, and I was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions.

I tried to wrap my head around the fact that I now had the memories, the soul, the body, and the backstory of someone else with the 'D' surname. It was a lot to process, and I found myself grappling with a sense of loss and confusion.

My mind was flooded with memories of both lives my past life, my new family, and the experiences I had before merging with this new body. It was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of being out of sync.

I sat there and calibrated and synced all my memories and feelings for along while before I could recover. Gradually I got myself together.

Eventually I came to a conclusion. and that was, this life would be my life and the other life would be my past life. I had just become some different. Someone neither purely my old self nor the new one. Someone who was both and at the same time not. I had become a product of mixing both with only the best attributes and traits from both person. 'HE' had become I.

Finally after I synced both of the memories and feelings correctly I started going through the story of the new 'I' completely from start to end.

After completing it I couldn't help but feel bad for myself as it was quit a sad life.

At the same time, I felt a sense of determination rising within me. The story of my new parents and world government was a long one which I was not in the mood to recall. I remembered my goal of dismantling the world government and building my own crew, a goal that I wished for even in my previous life and also the goal of the new 'I' . I knew that I had to make the most of this new opportunity and fulfil my purpose.

With a deep breath, I wiped away my tears and straightened my posture.

Remembering all the injustice the world government had done to the people from the manga and also the injustice the original body owner had suffered. With bloodshot eyes Deciding on the goal for myself from mixing the goal from both my lives my body was filled with a strange energy. Then I spoke my thoughts and goal aloud, reaffirming my resolve to make the best of this situation.

"I am going to be the strongest and freest of them all."

I knew that this journey would not be easy and that I would face challenges along the way.

"I will explore this whole wide world."

But I was determined to navigate this new world, honor the memories of my past life and the new one, and create my own destiny.

"And with a crew surpassing all others in sheer quality"

"I will also take on the world government"

With newfound purpose and resolve, I took my first step towards my new adventure, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"For I am Desmond.D.Darkh"


Guys I know I know some of u may get confused a little, but if you bear with me a little all will revealed in due time. I will give his images and all in future chapters.

Also guys the patr^on account will be finished and be ready for u guys to visit in a couple of days. so please check it out if u have time.

yo guys its the author here . please support me on pat^reon.

Please tell me if there are any valid suggestion or idea here.

Please support me at my patr^on account https://www.patr^on.com/Bleh802.

Join discord at server link https://discord.gg/7Q6psrHwmf.