
One Piece : The Random Adventure

This is story of a man cast into the world of ONE PIECE. Who is granted a semi-reliable golden finger called 'The Random system'. Watch as he starts from nothing and goes on to recruit the craziest diverse crew and carve his story into the history of the world. Starts 6 to 7 years before cannon Has jokes, puns and innovative ideas. Bit slow at start but after sometime picks up the pace. . . Please support me at my patr^on account https://www.patr^on.com/Bleh802 . Join discord at server link https://discord.gg/7Q6psrHwmf

bleh_guru · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


"I see"

"then how do you work?"

[ The random system is a system which is very random. It gives random quests and random rewards at random times. All I can say is that it increases the chances of rewards and quests the more fights you have and more people you meet and the more adventures u have. ]

"Hmmmm. I see."

[ Also you have a starter pack with 3 random gifts one of which is faster healing the other two will be selected at the same time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. ]

"Okkaaayy. Exactly where am I right now and what do you suggest I do?"

[ Currently suggesting the user to just survive for two days and receive all your gifts then train on this island Until you find a way to leave. This is a random island in the middle of nowhere by the way. There are beasts inside the forest which get steadily stronger the deeper you go inside it.]

[ After that just wing it and roll with the punches till you have set a goal for yourself. Aaaand at that my assistance time is expired so I won't reply to you anymore but be just a non-intelligent system.]

"Oka...wait WHAT? I still have a lot of questions waiiit."



[ .....]

'Oh hell no'

"now what"


As I revised the system's explanation of the random system and its quirks, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The system was truly random, providing quests and rewards at unpredictable times, and it seemed to increase the chances of rewards and quests based on my actions and encounters. The starter pack I received had three random gifts, one of which granted faster healing, but the other two gifts would be revealed in the coming days. I was currently on a random island in the middle of nowhere, and the system suggested that I survive for two days to receive all my gifts and train a little before setting my own goals.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I decided to focus on finding a source of water, realizing that it was essential for my survival. I strolled along the shore, scanning the surroundings for any signs of fresh water. As I walked, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease caused by the system's sudden announcement that it would no longer respond to my questions and would become a non-intelligent system.

After a while, I still hadn't found any water, and my throat felt parched. I started to feel anxious, realizing that my situation was becoming more precarious. I called out to the system, but there was still no response. Frustration and panic welled up inside me.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and think logically. I needed to stay focused and come up with a plan to survive. I decided to continue searching for water along the shoreline, keeping an eye out for any signs of vegetation or animals that could indicate the presence of freshwater nearby.

As I walked, I carefully observed my surroundings, taking note of the different types of plants and animals I encountered. I spotted some coconut trees and remembered that coconuts could provide water if I could find a way to crack them open. I also saw some seagulls flying overhead, which might indicate that there could be fish or other marine life in the vicinity.

With renewed hope, I picked up my pace and followed the shoreline, keeping an eye out for any potential sources of water. I also kept in mind that there might be dangers lurking on the island, as the system had mentioned that there were beasts inside the island that grew stronger the deeper I went. I needed to be cautious and stay alert.

After some time, I finally spotted a small stream that trickled down from the island's interior into the sea. I hurried towards it, relieved to have found a source of water. I knelt down and cupped my hands, taking long sips of the cool, fresh water. It was a small victory, but it gave me a glimmer of hope and a renewed sense of determination to survive.

With my immediate need for water taken care of, I decided to set up a temporary camp near the stream. I gathered some dry leaves and branches to create a makeshift shelter and started a small fire using my survival skills. which took embarrassingly a loooot of tries. and then I let my starter pack gift of faster healing to tend to any cuts and bruises I had accumulated during my search for water.

(image here)

As I sat by the fire, my mind raced with thoughts and questions about my situation. I was still on a random island in the middle of nowhere, with no clear idea of what lay ahead. The system had stopped responding to my inquiries, and I was on my own. I realized that I needed to be resourceful, adapt to the unpredictable nature of the random system, and be prepared for whatever challenges came my way.

I decided to take the system's advice and focus on surviving for the next two days, receiving the remaining gifts from my starter pack before anything else and then start training to improve my skills.

But first things first....

I was dying to take a leak.

That night I also found out the hard way that sleeping on a tree in a forest where many predators were present without so much as a blanket or a proper roof or anything at all, was really not a good idea. The hardest lesson I learnt that day was of all the predators of night the most terrifying and dangerous and scary predators were





(image here)


yo guys its the author here . please support me on pat^reon.

Please tell me if there are any suggestion here.

Please support me at my patr^on account https://www.patr^on.com/Bleh802.

Join discord at server link https://discord.gg/7Q6psrHwmf.