
One Piece: The Power System

Jason, a college student who is bored with his everyday life and is seeking change, finally gets what he wants. After Jason arrives home after college, a strange survey appears on his laptop and he curiously answers the questions that will change his life forever!

GodsDontBleed · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Game Of Survival!

Nami, Erica, and Rein began to walk through Cocoyasi village. Rein had to admit that this village was the most beautiful village he had ever seen before since coming to the one-piece world. Rein remembered his appearance, it was likely that after this, he would garner attention. He didn't have a mask on and needed a cover quickly. Kuina was still back on the ship and had his mask with her.

"Hey, hold up for just a sec, you guys wait here, I'll be back." Rein didn't give them time to ask and disappeared with Soru.

"Gasp!" Nami gasped and looked around for him but he was nowhere to be found.

"He'll be back, don't worry!" Erica didn't think much of it and just gave Nami reassurance. In some unknown place, Rein looked at his system for some good clothing to wear. He mainly wanted something that could hide his face and his whole body.

"Hmm, let's see, clothes of all sorts are cheap so it shouldn't be a problem." Rein clicked the Miscellaneous title, he clicked the clothing title and several clothing lines from many games popped up.

⭑League of Legend

⭑Gears Of War


⭑Apex Legends

⭑Dota 2


⭑Mortal Kombat

Author note: You cant get their abilities but their clothes, so relax, it's still OnePiece

"What clothes should I wear?" Rein thought for a second and clicked League of Legend. "This best clothes to hide my face, what champion's clothing scheme do I want?" After looking for a bit, he decided to buy Zed's outfit, it was the Master of Shadow! There was even yu-gi-oh monsters you could dress up as, like Dark Magician and BlackLuster soldier as well, just wow!

They didn't cost much, they only cost him 500 System Points to purchase. Once he bought them, he put them on right away. "Good, this is actually really comfortable and cozy, this will do for now."

Moments later, Rein appeared back where Nami and Erica were waiting. Once they saw Rein, both of them were surprised. Erica stared for a long time, it was a cool ninja outfit, she had heard legends about ninjas but have never actually seen them.

"Why do you need to wear such an extreme outfit?" Nami wondered why he would change his clothing so suddenly.

"For reasons, you'll find out later." Rein didn't find a need to tell her anything about Luffy but Erica already knew his reason for wearing these types of clothes. If he showed his face in public as a pirate it could cause trouble for Luffy. Garp would catch on quick and rush to their home island where Luffy was, he may even prevent him from setting sail a year later and Rein couldn't have that.

"Sigh, whatever, let's get going, remember I warned you." Nami shook her head and led the way for the two.

Arlong park was some way away like it was pretty far away from their actual village. Arlong Park was located off the coast of the island. There were steel gates to the park that blocked any trespasser from getting in.

Once they were there, Rein had an idea. If things got bad for Arlong's crew, then they would just jump into the water and run away. "Okay, Nami and Erica, you both stand back, let me handle this for a bit." Nami and Erica didn't see anything wrong with that, if Rein remembered correctly, Nami would backstab them if things went south like she did Usopp.

Rein walked up to Erica and told her to keep her Logia form on just in case. Nami would do anything to protect her village, even if she had to stab someone. Once Rein was close enough, he jumped onto the building at the very top.

He could hear a conversation going on inside. "Checheche! How much money did we make this month chew?" One of the Fishman laughed with anticipation.

"Haha, I don't know yet, we have yet to count the earnings, I hope everyone paid up or else!" Chew long lips spewed spit everywhere.

"Shahahaha! It should be nearly 3 million berries, if she is even missing one beli, I'll double it up!" At that moment Arlong spoke up, he was sitting in his indoor swimming pool with a relaxed expression.

Rein poured and flooded the room with Nitrogen, it was a clear gas that no one could see. Those with a decent level of observation Haki would catch on to this trick but these fishmen could clearly not. Everyone in the room started to faint, no one would notice that they were under attack by this gas, it was like a silent killer.

Soon, everyone fainted from the unforeseen gas. Rein gathered all the fishmen up and took them outside. Nami was stricken with shock like never before, he had defeated the Arlong pirates without lifting a finger!

Nami was dumbfounded throughout the entire process. Erica put the pirates together outside the park. Rein moved near the water and released some clear liquid from his body into the water that began to freeze it over. In a flash, the whole area of the sea and Arlong park itself was covered in ice from the liquid nitrogen he released. He could heat the nitrogen up or bring it down to freezing temperatures.

Nami couldn't say anything looking at Arlong park, her eyes stayed wide, she was too speechless to talk but she was secretly so happy that she was shaking slightly but she tried to hide it. "Put them on the ice for me, you don't need to tie them up." Rein said casually

"W-What? If you don't tie them up, they may attack you!" Nami finally came out of her stupor after hearing Rein's words. Erica did just that and put them on the ice near Arlong park.

"Nami, watch and learn." Erica shot a fireball into the sky that exploded like fireworks! The fishmen were startled and began to wake up after the booming sound went off.

"What the hell, why is my ass so cold?" Kuroobi looked around with a confused expression.

"Shit, I was in my pool not too long ago, why am I on Ice!?" Arlong was angry and stood up quick, this included everyone else. Who dares to play tricks on them? They all looked around and noticed that they were outside. They also noticed some humans standing nearby, they were on land while they were sitting on ice.

"Humans from the village? Was this your doing!?" Arlong looked at Rein and Erica but he soon noticed Nami behind them and he smiled sinisterly. "Nami, what is going on here, you better explain or else, hehe!"

"I-I.." Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Rein.

"We are going to play a little game! It called Race For Survival! The first rule, if you leave the ice and go onto land, you die! The second rule, you must walk or run on the ice to the water without tripping, if you fall you die! The third and most important rule, if you attack either of us, you die!"

"What an arrogant human! I'll have to put you in your place you inferior thing!" Kaneshiro couldn't believe what he was hearing, this human was committing suicide! He attacked in a flash, he rushed towards Rein with the clear intent to kill.

Rein flicked his thumb and Suddenly, Kaneshiro was consumed by fire!

"AHHH!" He screamed like a madman and fell to the ground and started rolling in stop drop style. Sadly, it wasn't enough, too bad the water was frozen then maybe he could have survived but nope.

"Kaneshiro!" Hatchan called out in grief but Kaneshiro was already fried fish! Arlong and the rest of his crew facial expression changed dramatically, Arlong recognized that this was a Devil Fruit ability to control fire, then who froze the water? It must be the other one!

"Now then, what do you say, do you want to break the rules again and die? Just let me know, I can punish you right now." Nami looked at the dead Kaneshiro in silence, he was killed in a single hit, she couldn't understand how a human could shoot fire.

"Pisaro and Take, get him!" Arlong ordered, and they attacked together without question, they moved fast on their assault but this was way too slow for Rein. Take punched toward Rein, it was toward his head!

Rein reached out and grabbed Take's hand and crushed it!


"Pssh!" Blood and bones flew everywhere from his hand, however, Rein was being attacked from the side by Pisaro. To slow, he was kicked in the face by the full force of Rein, as nasty as this sounds. His head was removed from his shoulders in a messy scene that would scare anyone! Erica flinched and held her mouth, they had just got done eating and they were witnessing this!

Nami wasn't so lucky though and stepped back, then.... "Blarg!!"

She vomited the food she had just eaten some time ago. Rein had never resorted to killing an enemy unless he had to, but this was one of those times.

"GASP!!" Arlong and his crew were shocked and took several steps back. Take was on his knees holding his crushed hand. He had tears in his eyes from the pain.

"W-wait don't kill m.." Before he could finish, his head was removed from his shoulders by a weapon Rein had formed, dead to the point where he couldn't die anymore!

"Does anyone else want to break the rules, step up now." Nami was breathing hard from the bloody scene but felt joy for some reason, yes, she was quite happy with this result!

"........" No one

"Alrighty then, if you look into the distance you'll see the sea, you'll go one at a time to make it to the sea. Remember, if you fall, hehe, it's game over for good!" Rein grinned coldly and said, "Aw, don't look at me like that, don't you guys like to play games, it'll be fun!"

"Okay, the first up is the pink guy with squiggly lines on his forehead, what was your name, hmm, ah yes, it was Shioyaki!" Rein pointed out the most scared-looking fishman to go first. Erica pulled out some chairs from her storage ring and sat them down for Nami and Rein to watch the show.

Nami had beads of sweat on her forehead, where did these chairs come from!?

"Damn bastard, he's using us as entertainment!" Chew whispered under his breath, he was furious and so was Arlong. His crew was nearly wiped out by some random human asshole who wore ninja armor!

Shioyaki braced himself and began to walk on the ice slowly. He had some ways to go before reaching the water. If he fell then he would die without a proper burial from Rein. "Yawn, move it or I'll break your legs and throw you to the wolves I saw in the forest. I'm sure they would love fresh salmon, haha!" Shioyaki was actually a type of salmon fishman and would surely be tasty for the wolves.

"AH!!" Shioyaki almost slipped from the frightening words of Rein. Arlong had the urge to kill someone right now, he was so mad that he was tightening his fist until blood was drawn. He looked over towards Rein's table where they were eating sundaes! Arlong glared harshly at Nami who put her head down to avoid looking him in the eye.

Shioyaki continued to walk slowly, he was almost close, he suddenly felt a wave of happiness wash over him, suddenly...

"Oh, no, I slipped, arg!" Rein stood up and felt to the ground. He used Armament Haki and shook the area with his fall.

"AH!" Shioyak slipped and fell! Everyone looked at Rein in complete shock, how much did he weigh, how could he shake the ground!? Even Erica was stunned, how could he have so much weight in his fall?

"Oh, no, Shioyaki, it looked like you fell! Sniff sniff, I am sorry but I didn't want to do this but.... DIE!" Suddenly, the area around Shioyaki changed, no one could see the change but Rein knew what was going on. The air around him disappeared, Rein had set up a cloud of nitrogen in the sky of this area and it would crash down upon his authority. Fish needed oxygen as well, so he couldn't hold it in and fainted on the spot.

"Next is Kuroobi and the big lips guy!" Rein was referring to chew who had lips that looked like they were good sucking... Anyway, he was next!

"W-What, I thought you said one at a time?" Chew had a panic expression, he knew Rein's power and couldn't challenge it. he was ashamed that he couldn't beat some lowly human, how pitiful.

"Two is faster, get to Steppin or I'll get to Killin!" Rein wanted to eat ice cream but had a helmet on, he would eat some later.

"EH!" Kuroobi and chew looked at each other and started walking on the ice. They could see Shioyaki up ahead who had a pale expression on his face, he was a corpse at this point. All the oxygen around him was stripped away and he suffocated! Of course, they didn't know that was the case so they were scared that they could be killed out of nowhere.

Rein stood up and walked onto the ice, they all looked and stopped in place, what was he planning? "Don't look at me, you better continue to reach the water and not slip. I just want to see from a different perspective, that's all."

Different perspective my ass!

This asshole is scheming something!

They cursed silently seeing Rein walk onto the ice.

Hatchi was scared as well, he stayed silent the whole time after witnessing one of his being killed off for the first time.

Going forward, they walked onward. Rein's outfit automatically made his eyes look like they were glowing red all the time, which gave off an intimidating image of him. Chew and Kuroobi were slowly but surely drawing to the open water. Arlong stood in place grinding his teeth in hate, he really wished he could kill Rein in one hit, no, torture him then make him wish he was dead!

Chew and Kuroobi finally made it to Shioyaki, they looked at his sunken expression and felt chills. He was super dead at this point. They could only look forward as they walked towards the sea. Suddenly, the ice moved upward and stumbled Kuroobi and Chew movements. They slipped after being tripped by some ice that moved somehow!

"N-Noo!" Rein didn't make a move but Erica did, she jumped into the air.

"Honō no Hashira!" With a yell, a black flame with white light around it shot out from Erica's palm. The temperature shot up and most of the ice melted. The two fishmen didn't stand a chance, completely dead! Not a bit of them was left, the worse death here! A huge pillar of black flame caused a shockwave that blew the table, Nami, Arlong, and Hatchi away!

Author Note: Honō no Hashira = Pillar Of Flames

Arlong was scared out of his wits, this chick seemed worse than him!

Once the flames dyed down, he froze the ice over again.

"The last two contestants remaining." Rein said bluntly, he walked up to Hatchan and grabbed him. He threw him far off into the distance as you could hear a splash sound.

Erica pulled out another table and called Nami over who actually had a rope around a tree to prevent herself from being blown away. This was premeditated to happen. Nami couldn't count the number of times she had experienced shock today, it was too much for her.

"Sorry, one contestant left, hehe! Actually I have a special event for you!" Rein called Nami over and froze Arlong's body over except his head.

"Uhg, what are you doing to me? You bastard!" Arlong yelled in rage, his body was frozen with no hope of escape.

"Nami, this has been a long time coming." Rein pulled out a pistol from his storage and handed it to Nami. "You choose his fate, if you want him to live or die, you have to choose, not me." Nami took the pistol with shaky hands, her eyes were wide from surprise, she looked at Rein with a stunned expression. She was in a dilemma, should she kill him?

"What will it be?"