
One Piece: The Pinnacle

Follow Dean as he embarks on a thrilling adventure in the world of One Piece, armed with a set of unique perks that will help him climb to the top. ps: It is the rewrite version of the other fan-fic. Just with slight changes.

Fargouz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Time flies

' What's up'- Thoughts

"What's up"- Speech

*What's up*- Sounds


The following morning, Dean roused from his slumber well before the break of dawn. With a sense of purpose, he grabbed his two trusty water containers and made his way swiftly towards the nearby stream. Eager to quench his thirst and replenish his supply, he sought the crystal-clear waters that awaited him there.

As his familiarity with the outskirts of the forest grew, he navigated the pathway with increasing confidence.

Despite not sensing any immediate threat of dangerous monsters in his proximity, Dean remained cautious during his exploration. He understood that lurking within the depths of the forest were potentially poisonous creatures, whose presence could pose a hidden danger.

As he contemplated ways to further enhance his swordsmanship and haki, a question arose in his mind. He pondered whether the forest housed formidable creatures worthy of testing his skills against. While he had yet to encounter such creatures, curiosity filled his thoughts.

After careful consideration, Dean made a firm decision. Once he had completed his morning training, he would venture into the depths of the forest.

After reaching the stream, he refreshed himself by washing his face and hands, relishing in the cool, revitalizing water. With his water containers now replenished, he turned his attention back towards the path leading him home. However, as he made his way back, his keen eyes spotted something new and intriguing along the way.

Amidst the foliage, he discovered a cluster of unfamiliar fruits. Excitement sparked within him, and a wide grin spread across his face. Eager to satisfy his curiosity and expand his knowledge of the forest's offerings, Dean carefully collected the newfound fruits, examining their vibrant colors and unique shapes. Each harvest brought with it a sense of discovery and a growing appreciation for the abundant treasures nature had to offer.

With his water containers filled and a bounty of unknown fruits in his possession, Dean continued his journey back.

'I will savor them for later,' he thought.

Upon reaching the sandy shore of the beach, Dean took a moment to breathe in the fresh sea air and absorb the tranquil surroundings. As he stretched his body, feeling the gentle breeze against his skin, his mind delved into thoughts of how to approach his training regimen this time.

Embracing a moment of inspiration, he decided to take on the challenge of Saitama's legendary workout, known for its intensity and transformative results. With a mix of excitement and determination, he added his own variations and modifications to the routine, tailoring it to his specific goals and abilities.

"Dear Saitama-sama," Dean silently invoked the name of the renowned hero, seeking motivation and strength. "Please guide me on this journey and let your legendary workout push me to new heights."

- run: 10 km

- handwalk 100 Meters

- 300 Push-ups

- 50 fingertip Push-ups

- 300 Sit-ups

- double Lateral Hops - 50 on Each Side

- 200 punches to striking Post

- 200 kicks to striking Post

-1000 sword swings

~10 days later~

'It had been a considerable amount of time since I began my workout routine. The muscular rips and tears I experienced during my workouts seemed to heal remarkably quickly, eliminating the need for designated 'rest days.' Additionally, thanks to the rapid regeneration of my muscle fibers, my youthful physique became noticeably defined at an accelerated rate, which I consider a definite advantage.'

As the days went by, Dean could feel his body growing stronger, not just by observing his progress through the 'invisible panel,' but rather by sensing a tangible radiance of power and vitality emanating from within him.

"Finally... The time has come," Dean mumbled, his voice filled with anticipation. "The hunt can officially begin!"

He grasped his trusty "swordstick," the faithful companion that had been by his side throughout countless training sessions. With resolute determination, he made his way towards the dense forest.

Fueled by an unwavering desire, Dean was determined to venture deep into the heart of the forest. He yearned to penetrate its core, to uncover its hidden mysteries and secrets that awaited him within.

Through ten days of rigorous training, Dean's mastery over his observation haki had surged forward. With each passing day, he honed his abilities, extending the range of his perception. The progress was tangible as he expanded his observation haki's reach by a remarkable ten meters, elevating it to an impressive range of twenty meters.


As he moved through the forest, an ethereal, invisible sphere seemed to emanate from his very being. This mysterious energy enveloped his surroundings, and he soon noticed the effect it had on the weaker animals in his immediate proximity. Overwhelmed by the force, these creatures succumbed to unconsciousness, their bodies unable to withstand the power radiating from him.

Muttering to himself with determination, Dean reiterated, "I don't have time to waste." His voice echoed through the air as he continued to make his way towards the deep recesses of the forest.

As several minutes elapsed, his heightened perception alerted him to the presence of another being in his vicinity.

"Mmm, they seem quite formidable," he muttered under his breath, acknowledging the strength emanating from the presence he perceived.


As Dean leaped in front of the three growling red wolves, he assessed their formidable size. Each wolf stood at least 2 meters in length, their menacing presence accentuated by their height of 1,5 meters from the ground. Their growls reverberated through the air, showcasing their readiness to defend their territory.

Narrowing his eyes with focus, Dean assumed a poised stance, gripping his "spiky stick" tightly. He prepared himself mentally and physically for the imminent clash, channeling his energy and honing his senses. Every muscle in his body tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Despite his significant progress in training his swordsmanship, honing his body, and increasing his strength, Dean acknowledged that his actual experience in battle was lacking. While he had devoted considerable effort to physical conditioning, the dynamics and strategies of real combat were uncharted territory for him.


A wolf leaped up with both front legs descending upon Dean ready to tear him apart.

He swiftly rolled to the side, evading the attack with a nimble maneuver.

Seizing the moment after successfully dodging the wolf's attack, Dean tightened his grip on the wooden sword he had meticulously carved. Swiftly, he lunged forward, aiming for the side of the wolf's stomach. With a controlled and forceful motion, he drove the wooden blade into the vulnerable spot, piercing the wolf's flesh.


With the wolf howling in agony, Dean seized the opportunity to press his advantage. Without hesitation, he dashed forward, his fist clenched tightly. With precision and strength, he delivered a powerful blow to the wolf's throat, targeting a vulnerable spot. The impact caused the wolf to gasp for air, struggling to breathe as the strike rendered it unconscious.

As the wolf lay incapacitated, Dean could see that it was bleeding out from the previous wound he had inflicted.

He took a moment to catch his breath, surveying the situation and assessing his surroundings.

"Two more to go."

As the remaining two wolves growled menacingly, they launched themselves at him with varying speeds. Their wide leaps and lightning-fast claw attacks showcased their predatory prowess and ferocity.

Thanks to his increased efficiency in utilizing his observation haki, he found himself easily able to anticipate the movements of the assailant wolves. With his heightened senses and perception, he swiftly dodged their lunges and side-stepped their attacks with grace and precision.

Dean's voice carried a sense of nonchalance as he declared, "It's time to bring this charade to an end."

With impeccable timing and agility, he swiftly side-stepped the attack from the wolf on the left, narrowly evading its sharp claws. Simultaneously, he channeled all his strength and focus, putting every ounce of his might into a powerful thrust. The tip of his sword connected with unerring precision, aiming directly for the forehead of the black wolf.

The impact was swift and decisive, as the wooden sword pierced through the wolf's defenses and struck its target. A resounding thud echoed through the air as the wolf recoiled, its body collapsing to the ground.

As the wolf's gaze met Dean's, a flicker of pure hatred burned in its eyes. However, in the same moment, life ebbed away from the creature, and its eyes closed forever.

As the last remaining wolf witnessed the demise of its companions, a wave of intimidation washed over it. The intensity of the battle and the overwhelming force displayed by Dean had left a profound impact. Flinching back in fright, the wolf's instincts compelled it to retreat, overcome by a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

As the adrenaline of battle still coursed through his veins, Dean's expression twisted into a sinister smile. The taste of victory mingled with the raw intensity of the moment, and a surge of dark satisfaction welled up within him. The blood of the fallen wolf flowed down his face, a macabre reminder of the fierce battle that had transpired.

"You're next in line, my friend."



Dean exuded an aura of indomitable willpower as he unleashed his conqueror's Haki, asserting his dominance as he made his approach.

The frightened wolf, already intimidated by the preceding events, found itself further overwhelmed as the invisible sphere encompassed it, causing it to lose all motivation to move.

Despite maintaining consciousness, the wolf's will to resist or flee was completely suppressed by the effects of the invisible sphere.

Standing unwaveringly before the immobilized wolf, Dean raised his arm with swift precision, executing a decisive slash that cut through the air. His strike found its mark, piercing the monster's throat, delivering a fatal blow.



After the battle subsided, a profound silence enveloped the battlefield, broken only by the steady rhythm of blood dripping from the wounded creature's throat, gradually pooling on the ground.

Dean, his body now adorned with the blood of his defeated foe, let out an irritated snort.

"Well, I suppose I've had my share of a peculiar bath," he remarked, a hint of wry amusement in his voice.

Dean, his face stained with blood, swiftly cleansed himself, removing the traces of the struggle. Gathering his composure, he proceeded to carefully lay the lifeless bodies of the wolves to rest, ensuring that they no longer posed a threat. Once the area was secured, he turned his attention to a different endeavor, embracing the opportunity to savor a well-deserved meal. With purposeful movements, he set up a barbecue, eagerly preparing to cook and enjoy the fruits of his victory.

~ 5 months later ~

Dean leisurely strolled through the forest. An air of confidence and strength surrounded him. The beasts that inhabited the woods seemed to sense his presence, refraining from meeting his gaze or challenging his path. Their instinctual respect for Dean's presence was evident, as none dared to cross his path or disrupt his serene stroll.

With each deliberate step Dean took, the surrounding beasts instinctively sensed his approach and reacted by increasing the distance between themselves and him.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded. Even without consciously employing his conqueror's haki, an innate power he possessed, the creatures inhabiting the woods could sense his presence and were overcome by an overwhelming feeling of intimidation.

Despite his youth, Dean's demeanor emitted an aura of pure terror that gripped the hearts of the forest's inhabitants. It was as if an ancient darkness resided within him, manifesting in his presence and commanding their fear. The creatures, small and large, felt a primal instinct urging them to stay away.

With a contented smile, Dean reflected on the fruits of his labor and thought to himself, "All the hard work has definitely paid off!"


