
One Piece: The Pinnacle

Follow Dean as he embarks on a thrilling adventure in the world of One Piece, armed with a set of unique perks that will help him climb to the top. ps: It is the rewrite version of the other fan-fic. Just with slight changes.

Fargouz · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Small Adventure

'What's up'- Thoughts

"What's up"- Speech

*What's up*- Sounds


Dean wiped the beads of sweat that glistened on his forehead with the back of his hand, feeling the scorching heat radiating from the midday sun. As he shifted his gaze toward the entrance of the dense forest, a shimmering mirage seemed to dance in the distance, mirroring the intense heat of the day. The air quivered with waves of warmth, creating a palpable haze that distorted the outline of the towering trees.

The forest's entrance beckoned like a mysterious portal, promising shade and respite from the relentless heat. The lush green canopy, thick with foliage, hinted at a cool haven within, where the sun's rays were filtered through a natural cathedral of leaves. Dean imagined the refreshing embrace of the forest's coolness, the rustling of leaves providing a gentle whisper to soothe his sun-kissed skin.

However, even from a distance, he could sense the subtle shift in the forest's ambiance. The air held a heavy humidity, pregnant with the anticipation of an impending storm. The distant rumble of thunder echoed faintly, carried on a warm breeze that offered little relief. As Dean contemplated his options, he couldn't help but wonder if venturing into the forest would bring relief from the oppressive heat or introduce him to a whole new set of dangers.

Nonetheless, the allure of shade and the tantalizing possibility of discovering hidden secrets within the forest compelled him to take a step forward. With a deep breath, he took his first steps, determined to find solace in its enchanting embrace and escape the relentless grasp of the blistering sun.

Dean began by scanning the beach and spotting a fist-sized stone with a sharp, pointy end. Recognizing its potential as a makeshift weapon, he swiftly retrieved it. With newfound confidence, he cautiously advanced towards the dense veil of the nearby forest, taking measured steps to ensure his safety.

After carefully navigating the treacherous terrain, Dean finally reached the entrance of the forest. The air felt heavier there, and the atmosphere grew noticeably darker. Though there was a faint glimmer of light filtering through the canopy, it was far from sufficient to illuminate the surroundings. Dean's ordinary eyesight hindered his ability to perceive details within the shadowy depths of the forest.

Before his transmigration, Dean had lived a life as a "Neet", which meant he lacked experience in hunting and survival skills. This knowledge gap added an extra layer of challenge to his current situation.

"I'm grateful to the divine, whether it be God, Buddha, or any higher being, for blessing me with anime and novels," Dean pondered, acknowledging the unexpected value they held in his life. He recognized that these forms of entertainment had provided him with insights and knowledge about situations he had not yet encountered personally.

Fully aware that his survival was of utmost importance, Dean adopted a cautious approach as he slowly edged closer to the outskirts of the forest. Each step was taken with precision, his senses heightened, and his instincts on high alert.

Dean paused, with a deep breath, he activated his observation Haki, honing his senses to their fullest potential.

'1 meter'

'4 meters'

'10 meters'

'That's my limit for now, huh.'

As he cautiously approached the forest, a wave of apprehension washed over Dean. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath. "Even after successfully taking down my prey, I still have to remain vigilant. There's no telling which animals lurking in these woods could be poisonous."

Dean's mind raced with concern, realizing that relying on fruits might be his safest option. "Tzzzzz," he sighed, acknowledging the potential difficulty ahead. "I just have to hope that I can find some edible ones amidst this wilderness." Determined, he continued his journey, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of nourishing fruits along the way.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the darkness grew denser around him. He had been walking for what felt like hours when suddenly, amidst the stillness, a faint sound reached his ears—the gentle babbling of running water. A glimmer of hope sparked within him as he realized that a nearby water source awaited him. Intrigued and in need of refreshment, Dean followed the sound, pushing through the foliage and trees, eager to quench his thirst.

A broad grin spread across his face, relief flooding through him at the realization. 'Thank God,' he thought, his spirits lifting. 'No more distilling that damn seawater for me.'

Despite the unique world of One Piece, where certain factors might not affect humans in the same way, Dean prioritized his safety and well-being. Aware of the dangers posed by the high salt content in seawater, he didn't want to take any risks. Resolute in his decision, he meticulously went about the process of distilling the saltwater. Through heating and evaporation, he painstakingly separated the salt, ensuring that the resulting water would be safe and free from the harmful effects of excessive salinity.

His anticipation grew as he neared the source of the flowing water. The sound of the trickling grew louder, urging him to hasten his steps. Finally, reaching the spot, he knelt down, his heart pounding with excitement. With a deep breath, he opened the palm of his right hand, ready to collect the precious liquid that would satiate his thirst. The water, cool and inviting, awaited his touch, and he carefully cupped his hand, allowing it to fill with the pure, life-giving stream.



Dean's thirst was insatiable, and he drank from his right palm with an intensity akin to a primal hunger. The water cascaded into his mouth, providing much-needed relief and quenching his parched throat. He repeated this motion, one hand after another, consuming the water voraciously.

"Phew, Tastes delicious!"

As Dean indulged in his desperate quest for hydration, his heightened senses alerted him to a sudden movement ahead. Without a moment's hesitation, he instinctively leaped aside, narrowly evading the striking fangs of a snake that had launched itself from a nearby tree.

"Damn," he muttered, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I barely avoided that attack by the skin of my teeth."

In a moment frozen in time, Dean and the snake locked eyes, an unspoken connection forming between them. The serpent's slitted eyes gazed directly into Dean's, its forked tongue flickering in the air as it emitted a menacing hiss.

Dean's instincts kicked into high gear as he anticipated the snake's potential attack. With measured movements, he began stepping sideways, keeping his eyes fixed on the serpent, ready to evade any sudden strike. Every muscle in his body tensed, and his senses heightened, as he prepared himself for the impending confrontation.



As Dean braced himself for the imminent confrontation with the snake, he couldn't ignore the increasing rapidity of his heartbeat. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, intensifying the sensation of his pounding chest. But amidst the heightened anticipation, he also became aware of a growing pain, originating from his chest and radiating throughout his body. Concern crept into his mind, causing him to question the source of this unexpected discomfort.

With a steely resolve, he reaffirmed his mindset. "It's either him or me! One of us will be the victor and the other will be defeated!"

His grip tightened around the stone he held in his right hand, his knuckles turning white as he prepared himself for the serpent's attack. With lightning speed, the snake lunged toward him, propelled by its primal instincts.

Driven by instinct and fueled by adrenaline, Dean unleashed the spiked stone with all the force he could muster. The projectile hurtled through the air, aiming directly at the approaching snake with deadly intent.

As Dean witnessed the stone striking the snake's head with uncanny accuracy, a mix of relief and astonishment washed over him. By an incredible stroke of luck, the sharp end of the stone lodged itself onto the serpent's forehead, incapacitating it. The snake's body went limp, its threat seemingly neutralized.

However, to Dean's surprise, despite the immobilization of its head, the snake's tail continued to writhe and thrash about with alarming vigor. It became apparent that the creature's survival instincts persisted, even in its injured state.

Eventually, the snake ceased to move.

Dean's breath came in ragged gasps and his chest was heaving. The intensity of the encounter still pulsed within him, refusing to subside. The cool sweat of exertion covered his body, clinging to his skin, serving as a stark reminder of the physical toll the confrontation had taken on him.

As he stood beside the motionless body of the snake, a surge of anger welled up within him. With a mixture of frustration and determination, he muttered through gritted teeth, his words carrying a fierce intensity.

"You piece of shit!" he exclaimed, his words laced with irritation. "You scared the crap out of me, only to meet your demise within mere seconds?!"

"Calm down, Dean."

"Calm down."

With caution, he commenced his inspection, scanning the depths of the rippling streams for any lingering creatures, ensuring their absence before indulging in another sip.

Having satiated his thirst, Dean approached the river's edge, keeping a vigilant eye out for any signs of fruit trees. After a considerable walk, his perseverance paid off as he stumbled upon a cluster of banana plants. Delighted by the find, he quickly located a handful of ripe bananas and relished in their sweet taste until his hunger was appeased. Mindful of future needs, he gathered a few additional bananas to enjoy at a later time.

As he meandered through the outskirts of the forest, the thought of finding a safer haven for the night crossed his mind. Despite an extended period of searching, his quest remained fruitless.

With a heavy heart, Dean retraced his steps and returned to his former sleeping spot, resigned to spend another night in the familiar but less secure location.

He consoled himself with the thought, 'At least I have the option to dive into the soothing embrace of the seawater if I encounter any hazardous situations.'

Regret flooded his mind as the familiar sensation of thirst returned. Amidst his parched state, he couldn't help but lament, "If only I had taken the time to find a suitable container to gather this delicious water."

As he reclined on the soft sand, his gaze fixed upon the twinkling expanse above, a determined whisper escaped his lips. "Tomorrow," Dean vowed, "I shall diligently search for a vessel, one capable of preserving the precious water from the nearby stream." Lost in the beauty of the starry sky, he found solace in the anticipation of a better-prepared future.