
One piece: The path of destruction

EddieNeworld · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter One: Reborn??!

Thinking ' '

Talking " "

Sounds * * ———————————————————————-In a white room a soul floats around almost looks like the soul it trying to inspect the room as we take a closer look we see our mc Davonte Willam sent to this room in soul form by the in famous truck-kun. "Hello my child" a booming voice comes out of no where "Huh?" "You have been sent to this room by my client truck-kun as he sees you fit for reincarnation" "Wait WHAT?!?!" After the Davonte calms down he lets this voice continue " You have decent karma so you have four wishes and you can pick the timeline and word you want to be born in that will not count as wishes now tell me and hurry up I have A lot of souls to tend to" " For my first wish I want to look like Rei Amahiro and have his weapon and wings" " For my second wish I want to have. 15 x boost when learning something" For my third I want Rei amahiro Bo-Staff to be a naginata" "and for my last wish I want a system for stats with a shop etc" "All your wishes can be granted no problem but that boost it going to be times ten and what timeline and world?" "One Piece and in rocks era when he was still establishing his crew but he already had whitebeard kaido and big mom and a few other members" "and if I can pick what island I want to be on I want to be close to a island the rocks pirates will visit in six years" " Ok then you will not be born you will be 10 when you get put on that island anyways live your life that world is full of adventure and thrill and don't waste your time becoming some Marine!" "Wha-" Davonte was already teleported to the one piece world before he could finish