
Chapter 15: A dark past ( i suck at giving titles so you may excuse in that regard but i'm open to critics if it can help improve the story)

A Dõjõ is a place where people gather for immersive learning or meditation. Most of the time people gather in a dōjõ to learn or practice Martial Arts.

Skylar's dad owned a dõjõ in his past life (Skylar's past life) and he had a lot of people learning there. Since he was recognized as one of the strongest people on Earth, many influential people wanted their kid to practice under him.

That's where Skylar experienced maybe all of his young master looking down on people sh*t.

Funny story, One day, in his rare occasions Skylar went to practice in the dõjõ. He went without problems, doing his training without bothering nobody. Then right off the bat, there is this little kid the same age as him (12) challenging him in a fight.

That kid was the sole son of a billionaire and was the strongest kid around his age. But he was arrogant and always acted like a douche. Skylar's dad almost expelled him at some times but didn't do it to save the little kid father's face.

Like you all know, Skylar always hated people who acted like douches or people who would show him their smug face so he best the Shit out of him.

The kid didn't come for two days and on the third day, his dad came from France just to expel Skylar.

The dad-son duo was in Skylar's father office talking shit about Skylar, and the whole time Skylar and his father was like 'bish wat'.

It was really funny to see their faces when they discovered that the instructor was Skylar's father.

Anyway, Skylar did have good times with his parents, that's why when they died he almost had a mental breakdown. He couldn't believe that a car accident was the reason for their death.

His dad was like a superhuman who could stop cars coming towards him at full speed with a punch (well, I exaggerated a little bit in this one but he really is superhuman). How can someone like that die in a car accident?

Now his mother, a beautiful mature lady with the highest IQ ever registered in history. An IQ of 310, a woman who designed and created her own vehicles to dodge accidents, had died with her superhuman husband in a car accident. Skylar could just not believe that.

After doing his researches here and there, poking his nose to the thing he should not have he finally found something. They were killed, and to the question why were they killed? He only had one answer, They both knew too much.

Not wanting to risk his life anymore, he dropped out of college and started doing part-time jobs. Some people were monitoring him and he wanted to escape them and the people gossiping about him.

That's when he really knew that this world of ours is messed up and is too dark for him to risk his life. So after gaining money and pulled back not wanting to do anything with that and just enjoy doing what he always liked when he was a kid, watch anime, read manga and novels and sometimes write and draw his own original novels or mangas.

The real question is, What kind of knowledge did his parents have? He didn't know what forbidden knowledge his parents had but at that time he didn't want to dwell much further into this mess.

Thinking about it again, he didn't even know who killed his parents. All he could remember was creepy dudes stalking and even attacking him out of nowhere. That shit is too dark, of course, he's not gonna talk about it to anyone.

Who would believe him anyway, and he really doesn't know how he survived until today. Plus what the f*ck was that survey that brought him here in this world.

He is grateful and all but it is also kind of scary, right off the bat he is thrown on an Anime universe without any notice. If it was a deity that brought him here like in every Fanfiction it would be great. But he doesn't know even why he was sent here.

Anyway, that's an riddle we will try to solve along the way, now let us return back to our story.

Our trio were in front of the Dõjõ, In fact it couldn't even be considered one since it is ten times bigger than one. The real word they should have used to describe it is Sect. Yeah, you heard me, Sect just like your normal all looking the same regular ass Xianxia novels.

And it wasn't the only building owned by the Kurogane so they might control this whole part of the island.

You have to know that this island is big alright, we don't know the insides and out but we will soon find out but first our trio will enter the grounds of the Kurogane ' Dõjõ '.

When they entered the first thing they saw was a big hall with one receptionist standing right in the middle of it. The receptionist was an beautiful mature lady, seemingly being in her late 20s with long green hair going to her waist and has good curves in all the right places.

If an regular guy was to meet her, that guy would be captivated. We have a quick example, Barry, right now it ses like he ain't breathing no more.

As For Shin, he is trying not to feel weak and fall for her but he is still blushing. Right now is the perfect situation to make him mad.

"Bro, you're good, we can go out if you want" Skylar said

"Sky, Shut the f*ck up, what are you insinuating?" Shin answered

"I don't know, i just feel like that two of you are blushing really hard" Skylar pointed out

" We're good, we're good" said Barry trying to hide his blushing face

"Yo, how are you even alright. I bet this you're first time zeeing such a beautiful lady" asked Shin trying to calm down, he saw around and every man present except this captain of their is fawning of that lady

"The first time? N*gga stop underestimating me, who do you think i am" Skylar started "I don't even know myself, she is really beautiful though"

Skylar knew damn well why, it's not like Earth lack of any kind of beauty, cold, extroverted, introverted, arrogant, back there we didn't lack any of them and most of them were at Colleges where he passed three years.

It's not like he doesn't think that this lady ain't beautiful, it's just that he have seen so many beauties that he is immune to their charm.. nah not charm but more like aura i think.

"Anyway, let's go there i think that we all see that she is the only receptionist present" Skylar said

" What are we going to ask her though" Barry exclaimed

"I just wanted to make something up or ask her if we could join their school to learn Martial arts" Skylar said

"Making some up... let's go with option two" Shin said "i choose question two, too" Barry exclaimed

After chatting for a little bit they decided to advance foward, when they arrived they saw a bunch of good looking young boys pushing each other to talk to the lady but she was indifferent to their actions and were reading a book.

Suddenly she felt chills and looked at one direction, he saw three young man not even twenty years old coming towards her 'damn the one at the middle and the one at the right side are strong' she thought.

Arriving Shin exclaimed loud enough for the everyone to hear "Can ya'll push we want to pass" but the people didn't quite get it and tried to stand up but suddenly heard the man in the middle say [ Gravity ×5 ] and all the people present in the hall went to the ground except Skylar who did this, Shin, Barry who was barely standing, an old man looking at Skylar like he was trying to see through him and the beautiful lady.

Skylar as surprised, he didn't know that this lady can withstand his ×5 gravity. Even the boys an only withstand to ×3 so that shows that she is stronger than Paul and Barry. Plus that old man... leave him be he ain't gonna find nothing, at best he will suffer a backlash and be paralyzed for two weeks if he countinues.

Leaving the old man trying his best, Skylar turned to the lady and with the most charming smile he had he said "You're quite strong or a receptionist" he ain't no playboy though...