
One Piece: The Most Ruthless Villain

Rhine traveled to the world of One Piece. When Blackbeard and Ace were both wounded, he killed Blackbeard to get the Dark Dark Fruit and took over the Blackbeard Pirates. The next thing he does is catch Monkey D. Luffy, and hand him over to the world government, to turn the world upside down. For the crew, he is the perfect captain. For the protagonist group, he is the most terrifying villain. Nami and Robin: "As long as we do this, can you really let Luffy go?" Shanks: "Give me back my daughter! You crazy bastard!" Kin'emon: "You bastard! You actually killed Master Momonosuke! Our Wano country is at odds with you!" Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1255593.html

DreamStolen · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

We're All Rubbish, So Don’t Dislike Anyone

"Damn it! When will we be able to land on the island!?"

A few days later, Burgess, who was lying on the deck's turf, stood up while scratching his skin and crying bitterly.

At first, he felt that the sound insulation effect of this ship was quite good, but now he thinks the sound insulation of this ship is too bad!

Damn it! Are those two women not afraid of breaking their throats?

Burgess wanted to yell at them more than once, 'Why are you screaming so loudly?'

But he didn't have the guts because Burgess knew it himself.

The instigator was his own Captain.

Burgess suspected that Rhine had grown not only in height that day but also in other places. Otherwise, why did those two women scream so exaggeratedly?

"Augur! How far are we from Jaya Island!?"

Burgess couldn't bear it anymore, and he woke up Van Augur in the middle of the night to ask.

"With our current speed, we should be able to arrive before the night the next day."

Van Augur replies impatiently.

In fact, Van Augur's heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface. Although he has poker face expressions, it doesn't mean he has no worldly desire.

After listening to it every night, he also became more irritable.

"Then there's no need to waste time!" Burgess didn't sleep, and he rushed to the rudder; then, one of the Sunny abilities was activated, Wind Burst.

The sudden acceleration caused Robin, who was eating something, to tilt her head.

It also made Rhine raise his eyebrows.

It hurts a bit.

Immediately, Rhine walked out of the room with a black expression and beat Burgess violently...

Fortunately, Rhine returned to the room not long after to find two women to exercise again.

Well, the pain didn't affect his endurance and fighting ability.

Otherwise, Rhine would have to screw Burgess' head off.


At noon the next day, Sunny arrived at Jaya Island smoothly.

This island is where Blackbeard and Luffy first met.

The Blackbeard Pirates are also familiar with this place.

Laffitte and Doc Q were already waiting at the port.

When he saw Sunny with the flag of the Rhine Pirates coming, Laffitte hurriedly waved.

For the logo of his own pirate group, Rhine referred to the symbol of Blackbeard.

In the anime, as Luffy's back becomes more prominent, he doesn't develop an affection for him at all. On the contrary, Rhine developed a little appreciation for Blackbeard, who really started from scratch.

After all, this guy is a genuine self-made.

Relying on his forbearance and strategy, he became one of the Four Emperors. Instead of depending entirely on cheat, background, and the protagonist's aura like Luffy.

Unfortunately, this world is doomed to only have one villain.

So Rhine had to get rid of him.

"You've worked hard, Captain, Augur, and Burgess... eh?"

When Rhine and his party disembarked from the Sunny.

Burgess didn't wait for Laffitte to finish speaking before he rushed towards the island with a fast speed, making Laffitte, who saw it stun.

"What's the matter with that guy?"

Laffitte asked with a question mark all over his head.

"Going to find a woman."

Van Augur said lightly.


Laffitte and Doc Q both looked surprised.

Although Burgess is usually not very serious. However, his not the kind of person without self-control.

How can he not wait to find a woman as soon as he gets off the boat?

"It's fine; let's understand this idiot this time."

Rhine walked forward with a light smile and said to the two: "Go to the town to buy some supplies, and then go to the sky island."

After leaving the Florian Triangle, Rhine and his party ate the food the Straw Hat Pirates left on the Sunny.

Although their appetite is not as exaggerated as Luffy, it is not much better.

Fresh water and food are basically emptied, so they have to resupplies.

On the way, Laffitte glanced at Nami and Robin, then he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Captain, I remember that these two are 'Cat Burglar' Nami and 'Devil Child' Nico Robin from the Straw Hat Pirates, did they join our pirate group?"

"Are you kidding me? Who would join a pirate group full of villains like you?!"

Nami scolded while baring her teeth.

Laffitte was taken aback by Nami's words.

He was a little confused.

Pirates are evil; are there still good pirates?

Rhine also laughed, dumbfounded.

If you think about it, the Straw Hats are definitely a different kind of pirate.

Burning, killing, and plundering these kinds of pirates' actions, they will never do it. Instead, they will help everyone they meet on the round.

Of course, this is limited before the summit war.

After the summit war, Luffy, who released countless prisoners in Impel Down, no one knows how much damage he indirectly caused to ordinary people in this world.

Therefore, everyone is rubbish, so don't dislike anyone.

Although he thinks there is something wrong with Nami's brain.

But Laffitte still realized that the two women did not really belong to his group.

Then he asked Rhine for further instructions: "Captain, every step of our plan is very critical. Wouldn't it be a little bad to have this kind of unstable factor around? Or let me..."

Laffitte didn't finish his words, but his meaning was already evident.

Just one word - kill!