
ONE PIECE : The Legendary adventure

Avarik Halcen, an Armament Haki prodigy, is kicked out of the Whitebeard Pirates. So with the help of his first mate, Axcel D. Grey, Halcen becomes a Devil Fruit Hunter. He's got big plans in store. But in order to get what he wants, they'll have to go up against the most powerful forces in the world. Can they survive? Dark AU Hey guys, this is my first attempt at publishing a fanfic. I've got lots of ideas, this is just the first I had ready to post. I'm also working on actual books, and about a dozen other projects, so writing is my passion. Hopefully that shows. I love One Piece, but I don't own it, so I take no credit for Eiichiro Oda's characters, nor the One Piece world. But I did put a lot of OC's in here. So enjoy

Azaraoth_126 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CH - 36

Grey nodded. "Indeed."

"Does this feel like a trap to you?"

Grey nodded again.

"But that guy was willing to die to give us this information. It wouldn't make sense that he was trying to trap us."

"So maybe it's not him trying to trap us. Maybe Domian and Kumajin are ahead of us."

"That would make sense. This island seems pretty remote, being that they don't even know what Devil Fruit are… so it's possible they just don't have the tech available for a proper lab."

"But what if it is a trap?"

"Well then that would be interesting."

"What do you want to do?"

"We have to follow through. We have no other options. They took Valentina somewhere and this is our only lead thus far."

"Alright, let's go."

So the two began walking towards the wooden shack on the far end of the gorge. There was a pretty easy path along the top of the cliff that curved around the edge. They continued along the way until they stood a small distance from the shack. It wasn't grandiose, but it was quite a bit larger than it had first seemed from afar. It was still plainly a rundown wooden hut, but it was a good twenty feet high at least, and around fifty long. They could only imagine what was in there. It didn't appear to have any holes in the walls or anything like that, but it was definitely old and seemed a bit unstable. It looked as if they had spent some time trying to maintain its structural integrity.

They found the door by circling around the building. It seemed it only had the one entrance. And it was up at the end of a path that led down the hill to the town. Halcen stood for a moment in hesitation.

"Should we knock?" Grey asked.

Halcen looked at him like he was an idiot. "Now is not the time."

Grey just shrugged it off. "So we just go in then?" he asked quietly.

"I guess so." He grabbed the handle and pushed in, and they both stepped inside the hut.

And it seemed much worse on the inside than it was on the outside. There was a musky smell, counters lining the walls and scattered throughout the floor that were covered in papers and untidy lab equipment. It all seemed very low-budget and chaotic. It was all one big open room, and when they looked across it, there was Kumajin and Domian.

Kumajin's eye was closed tightly from his wound, but it looked like it had been tended to. Domian was a "scientist" after all. His Devil Fruit must have been helpful with certain healing qualities. And Domian himself seemed no worse for wear.

"The heathen and his old man friend," Domian cursed.

"The mongrel and his pet human," Halcen spat.

Behind them, on the counter, was Valentina. She was laid there, unconscious again. Halcen tensed up, terrified.

"What did you do to her?" Halcen demanded.

"You mean… did we give her the God Fruit?" Kumajin growled. "No… not yet. She hasn't come out of her nap yet."

"We were just about to wake her," Domian told them. "But being that you've interrupted us again, I guess I'll have to take care of you two first."

"We were able to beat you both once, why not again?" Halcen's face twitched in rage. "We're going to kill you both here and take Valentina back."

Kumajin took a step back, even though they were all the way on the opposite side of the room. "No, you will not."

"My Lord," Domian intervened. "You need to get out of here, now! Take the girl and get her to eat the Fruit. Once she is yours, they won't be able to take her. And take this as well." He reached over and handed a needle with a vial on it to Kumajin.

"What is this?"

"It's new serum I've been working on. It will give allow you to ascend even further past the God you are now. Your powers will be tenfold!"

Halcen and Grey shared nervous glances.

Halcen wasn't going to wait. He shot off across the room trying to stop him. But he was too late. Kumajin jammed the needle into his thick, furry arm, and the serum went in. Halcen stopped short, horrified. What then transpired before them was a display beyond disturbing.

Kumajin could feel the pain scorching through his body as the transformation began. He groaned in agony as his body morphed. His skeleton grew to three times its size, his bones feeling as if they might snap from the pressure. His skin was stretched with it and he was afraid it would tear to ribbons. The lush brown fur he was so proud of grew dark with blood. And his snout and paws grew to monstrous sizes. His growth continued until he was too large to fit in the cabin anymore and his body pushed on the wooden plank walls until they burst, bringing in the light from the outside.

The transformation ceased, and now the beastly Bear God Kumajin was over forty feet high. His body couldn't support the giant height, so he drew down to all fours outside the cabin to hold his new weight, the ground shaking as he stepped. "What… is this?" He roared in a harsher, deeper, demonic voice.

"This, My Lord, is your newfound power. An ascension beyond God!"

Kumajin sniffed about, attuning himself to his new prowess. His fearsome form threatened Halcen, when he was doing absolutely nothing at all. "This power! I… am… invincible!"


"Oh no," Halcen gasped.

"All my years of work have finally paid off!" Domian exclaimed.

"Yes, you have done well, Domian!"

"Anything for you, my Lord!" He kneeled before the newly powered up, 'roided out supergod.

"Now," Kumajin turned to Halcen, staring the little human down with his beast eyes. They pierced him and shook him. Halcen wavered. "It's time to deal with these cockroaches."

Halcen gulped.

Grey stood, unable to move. This, they had not expected when they had chased the duo across the island. They had indeed gotten the drop on them, but it had proven useless. By scaring them, they had provoked a fearsome turn of the tide. Now, they were screwed.

Kumajin pondered. "How best to torture you two? You have taken much from me: my eye, my army, my hold on this island, and are attempting to take my wife as well. So… before I kill you, I will take everything from you as well."

Halcen shook with rage.

"First, I'll go down to the dock and tear apart your ship and crew, and then I'll make the woman eat the God Fruit, and then I'll come back and kill the two of you slowly."

Halcen stared down Kumajin with beading hate in his eyes. "I… won't… let you!" Halcen took a step forward, struggling to overcome the miasma of fear that penetrated his body.

Kumajin laughed haughtily at the tiny man. He knew there was no real threat. "Now, Domian?" he called, turning back to his servant.

"Yes, My Lord?"

"Can you hold them both here?"

"Of course." Domian bowed his head. "Now, please, sire, take your wife and go and deal with the rabble while I deal with these… mortals."

Kumajin swiped up Valentina from her slumbering place, tossed her over his shoulder, turned in the rubble and began to head back towards the town.

Not according to plan, Halcen thought, almost panicking.

Then, as he stepped forward next to Halcen, not taking his eyes off of Domian, Grey said "Stick to the plan Halcen. You go after Kumajin. We can't let him get away, especially like this. I'll take care of the sidekick."

Halcen swallowed hard. "You're right. We can't lose them." He began to head out towards the new hole in the building, but Domian was suddenly right in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere." He lunged his hand up towards Halcen's neck.

Halcen beat him to it. His body became hardened black in an instant.

Domian's hand almost shattered trying to inject again the diamond-like toughness. He jumped back in agony, groaning. "You think that's going to stop me?"

"I think it might. I have powers that you don't seem to have ever faced. You're not capable of fighting someone like me, are you?"

"You really think that this armor is new to me? Do you realize how many men have come to fight me in my time serving Lord Kumajin? Do you believe that none of them have had abilities of their own? I've studied them and prepared precautions against such abilities." Domian walked back and stood behind a counter.

"If you know other abilities exist besides yours, then how do you reconcile Kumajin being a god?"

"You are not a God because of the power you hold. You become a God because of how you choose to use it. I do not recognize myself as a God, though I ate of the same fruit that transformed my Lord. Do you see? There are many with powers, but only one with the right to call himself 'God.'"

"And you think that's Kumajin? That mutt?" Halcen spewed.

"Mutt?" Domian seethed. "He has ascended past mortal constraints. He is not bound by a human body, he does not bleed from mortal weapons, he is infallible in all things. He always rises up again and again to defeat each foe. He will tear you apart the same way he did to the dozens before you. So yes, I believe Kumajin is that God."

Halcen suddenly felt the ground give way beneath his body and he gasped as he was plunged into a tank of cold liquid. He froze in confusion, unsure as to what had happened, but then his brain caught up. This was just regular water, perhaps sea water. Either way… this proved one thing: Domian thought Halcen had a Devil Fruit ability… and that was good news. That also meant that the devotee was not going to like what happened next. Halcen grabbed the ledge of the pool and pulled himself up out of the water, coughing and breathing heavily.

"That was a nice trick," Halcen said sarcastically, faking admiration. "But I'm afraid that wasn't quite the solution you needed."

"What the-?" Domian was bewildered. He couldn't understand why this God-Fruit-using man was standing after being dunked in the seawater. "How are you still conscious?"

"I'm not a fruit user, dumbass." Halcen laughed. "Though, that was a clever trick. If I had been, you would have won that round, and then I would have been a bit easier to detain."

"Then what the hell are you!?" Domian growled.

Halcen stood up in full form, his whole body coated in the black miracle of Haki. "I am the angel of death."

Domian shook with rage. "Whatever you are… do you really think that was my only trick? I've spent decades studying these abilities. Do you really think I'd only have found ONE weakness to them?"

Halcen cocked his head.

And suddenly the whole room imploded with a green gas. It was shot like shotguns from the ground and filled the entire hut, clouding their eyes and forcing them to inhale it. Grey and Halcen coughed profusely.

"Whatever that ability of yours is, it's not going to work anymore," Domian said smugly.

Halcen was knelt down on his knees, coughing harshly. This was not something he expected.

As the billowing cloud of gas dissipated through the giant hole in the back of the building, Halcen saw Domian standing triumphantly. He had taken down two enemies with one swipe. Grey was only having a slightly hard time with it, but whatever it was, prevented Halcen from using his Haki. This was a major problem.

"What the hell is this?" Halcen gaped, trying desperately to get his Haki to return to him, to no avail.

"You got cocky, boy," Domian gloated. "You thought you were invincible with your armor. Well, it doesn't seem to coat the inside your body. I guess that's what happens when you don't think ahead. You were outplayed. And you," he said, stepping in front of Grey. "You were a decent enemy, I suppose."

"But you're not going to kill us…" Grey choked.

"Oh no, you heard my Master. Lord Kumajin wants to take you out himself. Me? I just get to toy with you. After all, I am a scientist. And since you seemed to kill all my servants, I'll fill my time experimenting with you."

Halcen struggled to stand up, his body surged with pain, like lightning was rushing through him. It burned and paralyzed at the same time. His knees slowly pushed himself up and his arms struggled to bend. He ground his teeth through the torturous process.

"Stay down!" Domian shouted, jabbing him in the back.

Halcen felt a needle enter his spine and he immediately collapsed and began to hurl. His stomach lurched again and he nearly passed out. "God damn it!"

"You're still conscious? That's pretty impressive. With everything I've given you so far, you should have passed out."

Halcen looked up at him with gleaming hate in his jaded eyes. He was dripping wet, cold, angry, and in agony. "I'm gonna kill you," he grunted.

"Well… let's see if we can't kill that spirit instead," Domian mocked. His finger jutted out into another needle.

Halcen couldn't move this time. Whatever was coming, he was going to have to take it in full.

Grey was down on the ground to the side, on his hands and knees, staring intently. He was in pain too, but he was able to move. Since Halcen had taken most of the attention to himself, Grey had time to collect himself. He lunged, grappling with Domian. He wrapped his left arm around Domian's neck and grabbed Domian's hand with his own right hand. Then he slowly brought them together. The needle pierced Domian's flesh. Domian went limp and Grey dropped him to the ground on his face.

Halcen looked astonished. "Fucking finally," he sighed heavily.

Grey went to help Halcen up. He grabbed him around the waist and Halcen put his arm over Grey's shoulder. "Let's get out of here and catch up to Kumajin."

Halcen nodded. "This shit should wear off pretty soon."

And as they began to step out towards the open air through the broken mess of the hut, they heard maniacal cackling behind them. They cocked their heads over their shoulders to see Domian was very much awake, standing, and laughing in their faces. "Did you really think that would work? Just how fucking naïve are the two of you? Of all things, you actually believed my own powers would take me out? I've run myself through dozens of different serums and gained an immunity to all poisons. Once again, you two are just the dumbest I've ever met."

Halcen growled in anger. "Just what does it take to take this guy down for good?"

Grey let Halcen stand on his own and they both readied themselves for another round of "Avoid the Mad Scientist."

Domian threw out his hands, fingers up in gun form, and began firing needles at the two. Grey dove across and tackled Halcen to the ground, so he could avoid the hits. Halcen had taken more doses than Grey had this fight, so he was going to be slower, and more than that, a liability. Grey knew for the moment he was going to be the only one actually fighting. He had to keep Halcen out of Domian's reach.

Halcen sat still on the ground, barely able to move. He was tucked behind one of the counters Domian was using for his lab equipment. "Grey, don't worry about me. Just take him out quickly."

Grey nodded and then turned toward Domian. His arms were still up, and aimed at Grey.

"Do you really think you can keep this up? We both know I was able to get you last time. What say you just stop fighting, give up, and let me play with you until Kumajin gets back?" A couple shots fired at Grey at a high rate.

Grey flung himself down into a roll and hid behind one of the counters himself. "Nah… I think I'll pass, but thanks for the offer." He jumped around the end of the counter and leapt up at Domian, trying to get the surprise on him.

He was surprised alright, startled into firing off some random shots. One of them grazed Grey as he tackled Domian to the ground. Grey knew this was going to be close. The needle hadn't entered him directly, but he knew a graze was enough with poison. He just had to pray it took longer than it took him to kill Domian.

He sat upright and began beating Domian with his fists.

Domian just laughed. "Do you think that's enough? Do you think I haven't jacked myself up so much that I can even feel it?" He swiped Grey off of him with a swift arm across his shoulder, tossing Grey aside like he was nothing.

Grey banged into the wall with a loud grunt.

Domian stood up and felt his face. "That's gonna leave a bruise." He looked angrily at Grey, who was laying on the ground, trying to get up. "What does it take to keep you down?!" Domian shouted.

Grey looked at him and smiled. "A hell of a lot more than you have to offer." Grey pushed himself up again, and he could feel the toxins taking effect. He was a little dizzy but not enough to stop fighting.

Domian wasn't going to take the lip anymore. He shot off one more round, and it stabbed Grey straight in the chest.

Things went black for Grey, and he dropped down to one knee. He couldn't see and he started coughing harshly. This time, it actually felt like he was going to die.

Domian took a step forward. "STAY DOWN!"

And then Halcen came up behind Domian, wrapping his arms around him in a bear hug. He squeezed as tightly as he could with what little energy he had left. He was finally able to move, but he couldn't do any actual fighting. He tried to pull Domian to the ground, but the man was so strong, there was no budging him. Halcen could barely maintain the hold.

Domian chuckled. "Is this all you can do in my wake? Grab onto me and hope I don't break out? How long will that last?"

"Dude…" Halcen grunted, "Shut the fuck up."

Grey finally regained his sight, and looked up at Halcen.

"Grey! Take us down!"

Grey looked at Halcen, then behind them, and nodded. He lunged forward off his feet, tackling the two men, and then all began to fall.

They hit the water with a splash. Domian seemed to have completely neglected the gaping pool of water next to him that he had tried to trap Halcen with. He had left his own weakness out in the open. Halcen held Domian tightly as he tried to escape, but the two of them sank to the bottom, until Domian passed out.

Domian woke up to the stench of smelling salts. He reared his head in the shock and put on a grotesque face. "What kind of vile odor is that?" He looked around, seeing the two men he had been fighting in front of him. Now, he was tied to a chair, sitting for their amusement. He was in the middle of his lab, facing the front door, with the gaping hole behind him. He could see the place was now a mess and that displeased him.

Grey stood in front of him, laughing in amusement. "Just a small part of your punishment."

"Punishment?" Domian laughed. "I will be granted marvelous riches and eternal praise for my doings."

"Says who?" Grey gaffed. "Last I heard, you don't get rewarded for mass murder."

"Murder? Me? No, it is you who has the blood on their hands. I didn't harm a soul in all this. It was you who sank your blades, bullets, and fists into dozens of innocents here. You do not get to judge me!" Domian looked to Halcen. "God is watching."

"Indeed He is," Grey said. A deep-seated hated glared over his teal eyes. "But not the one you think He is."

"How do we stop him?" Halcen asked calmly from the side.

Domian turned his head to see the leader of their rebellion force, sitting on one of the counters that he had taken much time toiling away for new concoctions over. "Stop him? Lord Kumajin?"

Halcen nodded.

"You can't. He has ascended in ways no mortal like you can compete with."

"You created the serum."

Domian nodded with a proud smile. "I did."

"So how do we reverse it… make him go back to normal?"

Domian laughed again. "I never created a counter-serum. There was no need. And even if I knew how to reverse it, I wouldn't tell you."

"So you'd die for him?"

"Of course I would. We aren't like you people. I've seen you down in the mud. You betray each other over the slightest inconvenience. That's human nature. Lord Kumajin is a being of celestial power, and he chose me to be his servant. We are bonded in ways you cannot understand. I would gladly die for him. I was nothing," he spat. "And Kumajin took me in and made me what I was. So yes… I would gladly sacrifice my own life for his. And you will die against him. I have ensured that. If that is to be my end, then I accept it with honor. My death means something here."

Halcen nodded. He knew there was no more reason to talk. This man would not give him the information he sought. Domian was insane and devoted. He would endure whatever pain Halcen inflicted on him in torture without fear. He was lost. "Alright, have it your way." Halcen walked away, out of Domian's sight. And he came back with a canister of oil.

"So you're going to purify me in fire?" Domian asked happily.

Halcen's jaw clenched. There was no winning over this man. Even the fear of death held no sway over him. He was impervious to all human emotions. Maybe he really has ascended. Even still… Halcen doused the man with the gas, drenching his body in a heavy wet layer, all the while Domian kept a smile on his face. Halcen continued to take the oil and coat the rest of the shack's insides with it, ensuring the whole of the place would burn.

Halcen and Grey left the building to ensure they did not get caught in the fire. Grey lit a match, and as he tossed it, the two of them watched together in anger and relief as the fire caught the building, and even the man tied in his chair in the middle of the lab.

They could hear him begin to roar in pain. As the fire itself picked up, it's own tremendous fury overpowered the man's agony. It tore through everything, shrieking in delight at its new victim: the entirety of the wooden shed. But even through it, deep inside, they could hear Domian's one last taunt. "No power you hold will ever be good enough to save them!" And then he cackled into the fire until his voice died out forever.

Halcen stood on the outside, the heat of the fire and the tirade of primal power before him brought him back to the night when his parents were murdered, and the fire that almost devoured him as well. Halcen looked down at his hand and weakly forced the Haki to return, but it was only strong enough to cover his arm. He wasn't at full power. It would take longer than he had to get himself fully ready for the next fight.

Grey came to Halcen's side, seeing that he was spacing out. "Everything okay?"

Halcen gulped and looked to Grey. "I… I don't think I can do it."

"Do what?"

"Beat Kumajin."


"We had a plan, and it would've worked… but I didn't plan for this. Kumajin has become more powerful now than any of us can compare to. I don't have the power to stop him. We can't save Valentina… and the crew is going to die." He looked desperately into Grey's eyes. "What do we do?"

Grey sighed. "Halcen…" He put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Nobody could have planned for Kumajin to become that… thing. Yes, he's more powerful now, but that doesn't make him invincible. The plan may not work exactly as you wanted it to, but we still have to try." He stepped in front of Halcen and looked him straight in the face, both hands on Halcen's shoulders. "Everyone's life is at stake here. If we don't at least try, nothing can be done. You are strong, smart, and you don't give up without a fight. You're a bloody pirate, Avarik Halcen, and you've not done nearly enough to leave this world yet. So we're gonna go down there, and we're gonna fight, and we're not gonna die. So man the fuck up and let's do this."

Halcen chuckled for a moment. "Alright Grey." He placed his own hands on the taller man's shoulders. And he stared back with a wild glint in his eyes. "Let's go." He turned and began heading down the mountain towards the town. "We're going bear hunting."