
ONE PIECE : The Legendary adventure

Avarik Halcen, an Armament Haki prodigy, is kicked out of the Whitebeard Pirates. So with the help of his first mate, Axcel D. Grey, Halcen becomes a Devil Fruit Hunter. He's got big plans in store. But in order to get what he wants, they'll have to go up against the most powerful forces in the world. Can they survive? Dark AU Hey guys, this is my first attempt at publishing a fanfic. I've got lots of ideas, this is just the first I had ready to post. I'm also working on actual books, and about a dozen other projects, so writing is my passion. Hopefully that shows. I love One Piece, but I don't own it, so I take no credit for Eiichiro Oda's characters, nor the One Piece world. But I did put a lot of OC's in here. So enjoy

Azaraoth_126 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CH - 11 [ what pirates do ] part - 3

Grey nodded. The others followed suit, but their eyes were terrified. This was full on pirate warfare. They had no choice but to trust their captain.

Halcen walked across the deck, and headed down inside the ship, leaving the others upstairs and alone with the maniacal pirate scourge. He knew he had to work fast, or risk Anosmia catching on. We have no treasure, but what we do have… And finally he came to the room. He unbolted it from the outside and opened the door. There sat the two men that had only just tried to take his own life the day before. Marines, Halcen thought with such distaste.

"Listen up!" he shouted, as he stepped inside.

They perked up, and stared more hate into his eyes. These were some pent up murderers.

"We have been taken off guard by another pirate ship. They want everything on board that's valuable."

One of them laughed. "So you're gonna trade us to save your own skin? Pathetic."

"That would the easiest way to resolve this conflict… but no. You two are mine. Now shut up and listen. They're threatening to sink the ship if I don't fork over everything we have. And since we don't actually have anything of value, besides ourselves… we have to fight. And since you're on this ship, I figure I'd give you a chance to defend it."

"So you want us to help you fight off some pirates?" The other mocked.

"Yes. Consider it a… token of good faith." Halcen went to them each and cut the ropes that were binding them.

They shared glances at each other and then stood up, rubbing their own selves in the places that ached. Being tied up overnight really has an effect on the body. They could feet the rope burns.

The smaller one looked directly into Halcen's eyes. "You're serious?"

Halcen nodded. "I may be a pirate. But I don't want to see any of my crew get hurt. That was never my intention. Nor do I need the deaths of you two on my conscience. Are you gonna help me or not?"

"Do you have a plan?" the tan one asked.

Halcen chuckled.

The three of them stalked back up to the deck, staying inside the alcove that covered them from the sight of the other ship. It stalled in place on the outside of the reef, surely preparing for Halcen's return with their treasure.

Halcen came out of the cover alone. "Anosmia!" he shouted, getting their attention.

"Aye! Ye returned with me goods, did ye? Good man! I was beginning to get nervous!"

Bailu whispered under his breath, "Me too."

"I brought you everything we've picked up!"

And then the sound of cracking rang across the deck of the Black Tail.

A hole appeared through Anosmia's forehead and his entire crew shouted out in alarm. Anosmia's body fell to a lump on the ground with a thud.

"That's what you get for trying to rob a pirate, you scum!" Halcen shouted foully.

Grey smiled. Now we only have to take out the crew.

"Now that your captain is dead-" Halcen began, but was cut off by the sounds of his crew laughing.

That isn't good.

And the voice of the pirate Anosmia began to chuckle heartily as well. His body throbbed on the ground like a heart, still pumping.

"What the-"

"T'ink ye can kill me that easily, eh?" Then he stood back up as the hole in his head sealed with what appeared to be a nasty green liquid of some sort, and then the color of his skin reappeared. Anosmia smiled brightly. "Well guess again!" And he began to laugh hysterically.

Fuck. Halcen immediately realized his error.

"Ye see boy, dat Devil Fruit I mentioned was one of dem logia types."

That would be my luck.

"But if ye want a fight so bad, fine! I'll take yer treasure off ya dead bodies! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Boys! Ready the chains!"

And his crew began to rattle with excitement. Down below, two ports opened up on the portside of the ship, facing the Black Tail. What was on the other side of the holes looked like cannons.

Halcen gulped. Shit.


But instead of cannonballs decimating their ship, ripping them apart, and sending them to their watery grave; two metal spears shot out with chains connecting from their guns. They tore through the side of the ship, splintering the wood and rocking them all mightily. The spears then opened up at the heads and latched into the ship, creating a stable hold. The Black Tail was caught in the Anosmia pirates' web.

The crew of the larger ship began to reel in the chains, pulling tight on the Black Tail and forcing it to drag over the water towards the edge of the reef. They couldn't just sail across it to meet them, so they brought their enemy closer instead. These were some well-equipped pirates. Halcen made sure to remember that.

If they've got this kind of equipment, I can only imagine how strong they are. Well… better they want a fight than to just kill us all and sink the ship. If we can fight them off, we'll be fine. Halcen needed to put a plan into place ASAP.


Grey looked to his captain, then nodded.

"You and I are gonna cross once we get close enough. I'll take on Anosmia. I need you to go down below deck and take care of those chains! No bullshit this time!"

Grey nodded, but his face twitched.

Halcen turned to the rest of the crew that was out in the open. "Bailu, Loyola, Valentina. You guys need to get down below deck and keep safe. They won't be using cannons at this close a range. Jory, it's your job to protect them, got it?"