
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

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Chapter 19

"Eden, are you an idiot?"

Luffy, while eating meat, suddenly said to Eden beside him.


Eden, who was enjoying his meal, sprayed food all over Luffy's face upon hearing his words.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Out of all of us, you're the least qualified to call someone an idiot."

Eden wiped his mouth and responded sincerely to Luffy.

"If you're not an idiot, why would you drink tea with snacks? You should be drinking delicious meat broth instead. Your taste buds are really weird."

Luffy's words left Eden speechless.

Damn it, I can't even be bothered to argue with this guy. Filling my stomach is more important.

Seeing Luffy's nonsense, Eden decided to keep quiet.

"Don't sweat the small stuff. By the way, you mentioned you want to become the Pirate King. You must have gathered quite a few people, right? Where are the others?"

Zoro, sitting on the other side, asked Luffy, thinking that since Eden had saved him and attracted the navy's attention even while injured, he must be a decent comrade. So, the others Luffy found should also be impressive.

"We're all here, aren't we?"

Luffy's words left Zoro dumbfounded. He stared blankly at Eden and Luffy, who were devouring their food. "So... just the three of us?"

"What's wrong with that?"

Luffy, engrossed in his meat, didn't notice Zoro's shocked expression.

"How can three people make a pirate crew?"

Zoro was exasperated. As a former pirate hunter, he had never seen a pirate crew with only three members.

"So what if it's just the three of us? Both Eden and I can take on hundreds. You're strong too."

Luffy didn't care about the number of crew members.

Zoro glanced at Eden, recalling his fierce combat skills, indeed realizing he wasn't an ordinary person. Still, something felt off. "And what about the ship? Where's our pirate ship?"

Luffy pointed to the window of the restaurant, signaling Zoro to take a look.

Zoro walked to the window and saw a lonely, pitifully small wooden boat tied up at the harbor, with a white dog peeing on the post tying it down. He was completely dumbfounded.


Zoro laughed dryly in frustration.

"Don't be so dissatisfied. Actually, I have a boat too."

Eden remembered the small boat he and Nami had come on, wondering if it was still there.

"And where's your boat?"

Zoro's eyes lit up, thinking Eden's boat might be better.

"If it's still there, you can see it from the window."

Eden drank a mouthful of meat broth, relishing its deliciousness and licking his lips in satisfaction.

Zoro looked towards the harbor again, and sure enough, there was another small wooden boat, even smaller than Luffy's.

Zoro nearly lost it.

Looks like Nami left that boat specifically for me.

Seeing Zoro's extremely dissatisfied expression, Eden sincerely said, "So now we have two boats in our pirate crew. If you want, you can use my boat. That way, you won't have any complaints, right?"

"You idiot, we're part of the same pirate crew. How can we be separated?"

Zoro yelled at Eden.

"Actually, you're afraid of getting lost on the sea alone, aren't you?"

Eden bluntly pointed out Zoro's fear, making Zoro want to draw his sword and cut him down.

"Don't worry. Someday we'll have a huge ship."

Luffy finally stopped eating meat and exaggeratedly gestured the size of the ship, his face full of excitement.


Zoro laughed even more exaggeratedly, his expression over-the-top as he said to Luffy, "Keep dreaming."

"And we'll have a pirate flag."

Luffy, lost in his fantasy, stuffed more meat into his mouth.

"I think Luffy-san must have left his planning abilities in his mother's womb."

Koby, seeing Zoro's helpless expression, tried to console him.

"I actually accepted this guy as my captain."

Zoro truly felt like an idiot for calling Luffy his captain earlier. Veins popped on his forehead.

"Big brother, are you really going to become the Pirate King? You're so brave!"

Rika came to Luffy's side, her big eyes full of innocence.

"Yes, I'm very brave. But I'll become even stronger because I'm the man who will become the Pirate King."

Luffy, chewing on meat, smiled at Rika with confidence.

You can boast about your bravery even in front of a little girl. I'm impressed!

Eden glanced at Luffy talking to Rika and mentally criticized him.

Next, Zoro asked Luffy where they were heading, to which Luffy excitedly responded, "Of course, we're heading to the Grand Line!"

"What? Are you out of your mind? You're just three people, going to the Grand Line is suicidal!"

Koby, while dressing Eden's wound, was so shocked by Luffy's words that he accidentally touched Eden's injury.


Eden yelped in pain as Koby's accidental touch hurt his wound.

Koby quickly apologized to Eden and continued to address Luffy, "Don't you know? The Grand Line is filled with countless vicious pirates! Entering the Grand Line recklessly, you'll be torn to pieces by those pirates!"

"Is the Grand Line really that scary?"

Rika asked Koby, puzzled.

Seeing Koby halt his treatment of his wound halfway through, Eden had to call Rika over to help him.

"Of course it is. There are two major seas in this world, separated by the Red Line. It's said that there's a small town in the center of the Red Line. Beyond this town, a route circles the globe at a right angle, known as the Grand Line!"

Koby, holding a glass of juice, sat in a chair with a serious expression. "It's said that the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, who once ruled the entire world, chose to hide the world's greatest treasure, the ONE PIECE, in the Grand Line. Because of this, countless pirates have flocked to the Grand Line, engaging in brutal battles."

"The Grand Line has become a terrifying battleground, known as the Pirate's Graveyard. Countless pirates have perished there."

Koby's body trembled slightly, his face showing fear, clearly worried for Luffy and the others.

"I've heard customers talk about it too. None who enter the Grand Line ever return."

The restaurant owner, wiping plates, looked at Luffy and the others with a worried expression.

"But since the ONE PIECE is in the Grand Line, we have to go."

Luffy, unconcerned, spoke lightly.

"There's no other choice, we have to head there. I have no objections."

Zoro agreed with Luffy.

Seeing Luffy and Zoro's determination, Koby hoped Eden would convince them otherwise. He hurried to Eden's side, shaking his hand vigorously, "Eden-san, please talk some sense into them. It's too dangerous to head to the Grand Line now."

Koby's sudden shaking made Eden's wound get touched again, causing him to grimace in pain.

Damn, what did I do to deserve this? I didn't even say anything and now my wound's been touched twice.

Eden straightened up and said to the anxious Koby, "You're not going with us anyway, so why worry?"

"Even if I'm not going, I still care about you all!"

Koby shouted at Eden, his face full of emotion, "Can't I be worried about you?"

"You should be worried about yourself."

Eden's words left Koby stunned, unable to respond for a moment.

"He's right."

Zoro lightly tapped Koby's head with the hilt of his sword. "Even if you were a slave, the fact remains that you spent two years on Alvida's pirate ship. Don't underestimate the navy's intelligence capabilities. If they find out, you'll never join the navy."

Hearing Zoro's words, Koby slowly lowered his head, dejected. "I've never had true friends, let alone ones who'd risk their lives for me. The truth is, I'm just a coward!"

"Luffy-san, though we've only known each other a short time, can someone as useless as me be considered your friend?"

When Koby asked this, his voice was barely audible, filled with self-doubt, yet his gaze towards Luffy and the others held a glimmer of hope.

"Of course, even though we're parting ways, we'll always be friends!"

Luffy smiled at Koby.

Hearing Luffy's words, Koby's eyes behind his thick glasses brightened, his eyes moistening, almost crying on the spot.

"Thank you all so much. I've learned something important from you. People should live for their beliefs."

Koby looked at Luffy, Zoro, and Eden, remembering how Luffy was determined to become the Pirate King, prepared to sacrifice everything. Zoro endured three weeks without food to become the world's greatest swordsman, and Eden risked his life to set sail with Luffy.

They all had their own convictions and unwavering determination, which allowed them to grow stronger. This made Koby realize he couldn't remain weak.

"You're right. That's why we've decided to go to the Grand Line."

Luffy said to Koby, with Zoro adding, "Exactly."

What left Eden speechless was Koby's unexpected response to Luffy's words: "Ah, is that so?"

"No, wait! That's too dangerous right now!"

Koby quickly realized he almost got swayed by Luffy's words.

"Koby, if you really want to join the navy, you have to change. If you only dream without action, you'll stay the same forever."

Eden felt he needed to encourage Koby. Seeing Koby's lack of confidence reminded him of his past self, who feared chasing his dreams.

Hearing Eden's words, Koby's spirit lifted.

"Eden's right. That's why I eat lots of meat every day. If I only thought about eating without actually eating, I'd have starved long ago."

Luffy's casual words made Eden's face darken, nearly losing his temper.

Just then, the restaurant door opened, and a group of marines walked in.

"I heard you're pirates. Is that true?"

A square-faced marine lieutenant approached Luffy and asked.

"Yes, we just found another crewmate and are about to do what pirates do!"

Luffy answered honestly.

"Even though you caused a commotion at the marine base, you saved us and the town. We're grateful for that. However, knowing you're pirates, we can't ignore it as marines!"

"Hey, marine, what are you talking about? You were all terrified of Morgan! If it weren't for them, who knows what would've happened to you."

"They're the town's saviors!"

The surrounding townspeople, hearing the marines' words, angrily shouted at them. They had suffered under Morgan and Helmeppo's tyranny and were furious at how the marines were treating Luffy and the others who had saved them.

"Let's go then. Thank you for the hospitality, ma'am. The food was great."

Luffy stood up, unconcerned by the marines' attitude, and thanked the restaurant owner with a smile.

Seeing Luffy leave, Eden and Zoro followed. However, the marines couldn't help but show fear towards Eden, who had beaten them the hardest at the base.

"Are you with them?"

The marine lieutenant asked Koby, who was watching Luffy and the others leave.

"Huh? I..."

Koby was taken aback by the lieutenant's sudden question, unsure how to respond.

"Even though we're parting ways, we'll always be friends!"

Koby recalled Luffy's words, Zoro's concern, and Eden's encouragement. Despite the pain of denying their friendship, he couldn't bear the thought of them being discovered.

"I'm not... with them!"

Koby's eyes reddened behind his thick glasses, and he bit his lip, forcing out the words.

"Please wait!"

The lieutenant called out to Luffy and the others.

"Is it true he's not with you?"

He asked Luffy.

"I know what this guy used to do."

Luffy turned and pointed at Koby.


Koby's heart sank: is he going to reveal my past?

"There was a fat female pirate somewhere. Her name was Alvi-something."

Luffy gestured the size of the female pirate to the marines.

"Idiot, her name is Alvida. You even got her name wrong."

Eden corrected Luffy.

"Oh, so you know that female pirate too."

Luffy looked at Eden, then walked towards Koby.

If they find out I was on a pirate ship, I can't join the navy. Please, don't say any more.

Koby clenched his mouth, sweating, thinking about the consequences.

"That female pirate is mean, fat, and ugly. This guy was on her ship for two years."

Luffy lightly poked Koby's head with his finger.

"It's true. I heard this little guy flattering that fat woman on Alvida's ship. He called her the most beautiful person in the world. It was hilarious."

Eden joined Luffy, poking Koby's head from the other side.

Don't say any more, really!

Koby, enraged by their words, especially when Eden mentioned flattering Alvida, couldn't hold back and shouted, "Stop it!"

Bam bam!

In his fury, Koby punched Luffy and Eden.

Everyone was shocked by Koby's sudden outburst.

Seeing Koby punch them, Zoro sighed in relief, knowing Luffy and Eden were provoking Koby on purpose.

"You dare hit me!"

Luffy punched Koby in the face, sending him flying towards Eden.

"You bastard, we're pirates. You dare hit us!"

Eden also punched Koby hard.

Bam bam! Thud thud!

"You brat!"

"You idiot!"

Eden and Luffy mercilessly beat Koby in public.

On a shelf in the restaurant, polished plates reflected the scene of Koby being beaten.

The marine lieutenant, seeing no mercy in Luffy and Eden's punches, shouted, "Stop! You pirates, don't cause trouble in town!"

"Enough, you two are going too far!"

Zoro pulled Luffy and Eden away from the beaten Koby.

Koby was now bruised and beaten.

"I can tell you're not with them. Now, leave immediately!"

The lieutenant ordered Luffy and the others.

They're doing this for me, to make me angry and force me to fight back!

Despite being beaten, Koby felt more determined than ever.

If I don't seize this opportunity, I'm really hopeless!

Koby, dragging his pained body, slowly stood up, glanced at Luffy, Eden, and Zoro's distant figures, and took a deep breath, gathering his courage to formally ask the lieutenant, "Please let me join the navy. Even if it's just as a chore boy, I'd be honored! Please let me join!"

Finally, I said it.

Koby was overwhelmed with emotion, feeling closer to his dream than ever.

"Lieutenant, I object!"

A marine approached Koby. "I still can't fully trust you. There were spies from pirate crews before. We need to investigate your background first..."

Koby stared at the objecting marine, his face showing despair. Then he thought: does my belief in the navy mean so little? Just because one person objects, I should give up my long-held dream?

As Koby wrestled with these thoughts, he finally shouted his dream he'd never shared with anyone before.

"I'm going to be an admiral!"

Koby's words silenced the room. Even Rika was stunned.

The objecting marine was speechless, as were the others.

The marine lieutenant saw the determination in Koby's eyes and was moved. "We've lost many comrades to pirates. Don't underestimate the navy. I allow you to join!"

"Thank you!"

Koby felt his blood boil, speaking with new confidence.

While Koby was accepted into the navy, Eden and the others arrived at the port, ready to leave Shells Town.

"Your acting was terrible. It's no wonder you were caught."

Zoro said to Luffy and Eden.

"I trust Koby will find a way."

Luffy said nonchalantly.

"True, if Koby easily gave up, we beat him for nothing."

Eden added. "Now cut the rope with your sword."

"Why don't you untie it?"

Zoro, puzzled but compliant, cut the rope with his sword.

"Because the rope's wet. It looks like it's been peed on by a dog. I'd be an idiot to untie it by hand."

Eden's words made Zoro's face change. "What? My sword touched dog pee!"

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me sooner? You're asking for a beating!"

Zoro grabbed Eden's neck, shaking him.

"Hahaha, you two are hilarious."

Luffy laughed, holding his stomach, watching Eden and Zoro wrestle.

After giving each other black eyes, Eden and Zoro boarded the small boat to leave Shells Town.

"You wait!"

Koby's voice called out.


Luffy stood at the boat's bow, looking at Koby.

"Thank you all. I'll never forget your kindness!"

Koby gave a military salute to Luffy and the others on the slowly departing boat.

"Which navy thanks pirates?"

Zoro waved back, while Eden lazily lay on the boat, a slight smile on his face.


Luffy grinned, waving his arms excitedly. "See you again, Koby!"

"All salute!"

A loud voice commanded behind Koby.

On the port, a large group of marines stood behind Koby, saluting Luffy and his crew.

"Your friend is very loyal."

The marine lieutenant told Koby, indicating he had seen through Luffy and Eden's poor acting but accepted Koby anyway.


At that moment, tears filled Koby's eyes.

"Those who saluted the pirates just now have violated marine regulations. As punishment, no food for a week!"

The lieutenant sternly ordered.

On the small boat, Zoro asked Luffy, "Why do you aim to be the Pirate King?"

"Because it's delicious," Eden joked.

"I'm not doing it for food."

Luffy, standing at the boat's bow, took off his straw hat, looking at it with a nostalgic expression. "I once swore to a man to gather strong crewmates, find the world's greatest treasure, and become the Pirate King!"

Putting his hat back on, Luffy turned to Eden and Zoro. "Now I've found two crewmates. This hat is the symbol of my vow!"


Luffy laughed joyfully, standing at the boat's bow, shouting to the sea, "Set sail! To the Grand Line!"

As the sun set, heavy clouds gathered, and rays of light reflected on the sea, creating golden ripples.

The sunset's glow shone on the small boat, slowly moving forward on the sea, warming those on board...