
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

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Chapter 14


Morgan touched his nose, which Eden had just kicked, feeling the blood streaming down. The vivid red stained his hand, and his eyes blazed with fury. "You insignificant brat, how dare you injure me!"

"Did you see that? The captain got hurt by that guy," one Marine exclaimed.

"I can't believe the captain is struggling," another added, shocked.

"Hurting you is nothing to be proud of," Eden panted, spitting on the ground. Despite his dizziness, he maintained his defiant stance.

Eden's back injury had worsened from the intense fighting. Without any medical attention, the wound had become a bloody mess. Each move he made deepened his pain.

"If this keeps up, I might actually die here," Eden thought, a wave of panic washing over him. The fear of death was an instinctive human reaction, one he couldn't shake off.

"Leave a few men to watch the pirate hunter. The rest of you, attack! I won't rest until I chop this brat into pieces!" Morgan ordered, his eyes full of malice.

"So cowardly, afraid to fight one-on-one," Zoro spat, disgusted by Morgan's tactics. Even tied up, he could see the unfairness in Morgan's orders.

Coby, trembling, clenched his fists. "Is this what justice looks like? Is this the Navy I aspire to join?"

Morgan sneered at Zoro. "Keep dreaming, pirate hunter. After I deal with this brat, you're next."

Zoro's eyes narrowed, his gaze cold and threatening. Even in his weakened state, he exuded an aura of danger that made Morgan uneasy.

"Talk is cheap, Morgan. A man corrupted by power has no honor," Eden said. He laughed, his voice ringing out defiantly. "You think you can kill me? I've trained too hard and come too far to die here. You don't stand a chance."

His words were like a rallying cry, his defiant spirit momentarily freezing the Marines in their tracks.

"Get him!" Morgan snapped, trying to shake off his own unease. Eden's resolve had shaken him.

Eden charged forward, fighting with renewed vigor. He had no choice but to give it his all. The thought of dying here, of failing his crew, was unbearable. He had to push through.

Eden's fists flew, each punch thrown with everything he had. He took out Marine after Marine, his movements fueled by desperation and determination.

"He's gone mad!" one Marine cried, just before Eden's fist sent him flying.

"You think you can take my life? I'm not here on a whim! I'm fighting for my future, my crew!" Eden shouted, his voice raw with emotion.

He was nearing his physical limit, but he couldn't afford to stop. Each Marine he defeated felt like a small victory, but he knew the real challenge lay ahead.

"Retreating without my orders? Are you all cowards?" Morgan barked as his men hesitated.

Eden knew he had to end this quickly. He lunged at Morgan, grabbing a fallen Marine's sword and swinging it with all his might. But Morgan blocked the attack effortlessly, breaking the blade.

Zoro, watching, couldn't hold back. "You're a disgrace! You call that swordsmanship?"

"Shut up, I'm doing my best here!" Eden shot back, dodging another swing from Morgan's massive axe.

Eden's foot connected with Morgan's jaw, sending him staggering. But Morgan quickly recovered, his eyes burning with hatred.

"This ends now!" Morgan roared, raising his axe. Eden, exhausted, knew he had to think fast.

At that moment, Nami appeared, throwing herself at Eden and knocking him out of the way. Morgan's axe missed, smashing into the ground instead.

"What are you doing here?" Eden gasped, struggling to stay conscious.

"Idiot, you think I'd just let you die?" Nami snapped, her eyes filled with tears.

Eden felt a surge of warmth at her words. He couldn't let her down. He grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet just as Morgan attacked again.

Eden's legs moved on instinct, catching Morgan's axe between his feet. The sight left the Marines stunned.

Even Zoro was speechless. "He caught it... with his feet?"

"Get off!" Eden shouted, twisting his body and throwing Morgan to the ground.

Morgan crashed down, raising a cloud of dust. The sight left everyone in awe, even as Eden collapsed, his energy spent.

"Why isn't Luffy here yet?" Eden thought, his vision dimming. "Did my presence change things too much?"