

  James. POV.


  The walk back to my father's office was a dreary one. I felt really bad for deceiving this adorable little furball that was softly snoring on my shoulder. Marines snapped to attention as I walked past them and their faces were marked with confusion and amusement to some extent. Too many hallways in this damned place.


  I finally managed to find the door to my dad's office wide open and far to many marines inside for my liking. My dad just sat at his chair with his left leg over his right and his hands in his lap, looking at the men around him as they clabbered around like headless chickens.


  "What did I miss?" That's when I noticed the puddles on the floor, and that some men looked a bit toasty. "Ah." I said with a raised eyebrow and walked over the desk placing Chopper there gently.


  "A Straw-hat?" My dad asked me. He already knew the answer as he barely looked at Chopper and immediately met my eye contact.


  "Their Doctor, Tony Tony Chopper." He hummed softly before walking to the balcony. I followed.


  "Tie him up. Keep him here for now." Two men with rope quickly bound Chopper, placing him in a chair in the corner of the room.


  "These Straw-hats are something else, how quickly do you think they'll notice?" I was beside him now, leaning against the railing. Scratching at it with my finger.


  "I'll give it a couple minutes. They left around five minutes before you came in." My father responded, scratching softly at his moustache.


  "I can take them you know." I said while side eyeing my father. He chuckled softly.


  "I believe you."


  "I'm being serious. Give me the order and I'll take Bayek and we'll hunt them down. End it now, while we're still ahead."


  "Let's wait. We have the advantage here. We took a chance with the treasure, but they'll never leave a crewmember behind."


  "Come on, dad. I was just getting started with fighting Roronoa, if it wasn't for whoever kicked me, I'd be handing you Straw-hat now."


  "The fact that you let the enemy sneak up on you, proves you're not ready to take on Straw-hat. I have to admit he's a lot more…talented then I gave him credit for." His eyes were still on the water below. Staring at the gate leading out of G-8.


  "Fine. We wait. All we do is wait." I turned to walk away before stopping gas I felt my father's hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and he had a sharpness in his eyes, that I saw a little too often for my own good.


  "I'd watch your tone, Lieutenant James." I froze. A thin bead of sweat rolled down my back. I bowed my head slightly.


  My father wasn't a very strong man, sure he could hold his own in a fight, but not against any major threats despite being a Vice Admiral. It was his brain that set him apart from everyone else. My father could out plan the Yonko and somehow manage to get them in one room with each other with all of them confused as to how they got there. It was the reason Admiral Akainu took him in as a protégé many years ago. I met the man a few times. Never smiled. Straight to the point. Not one for jokes. Disciplined. Powerful. Intimidating. Unforgiving.


  "Yes Sir." His entire mood changed, and he smiled brightly.


  "Great. Now you can keep watch on the prisoner. I'll have someone get some food for you. You must be starving."


  "Yes Sir." That made me think of my mother. We, weren't on the best of terms at the moment. I also talked about my boredom with my parents and how nothing exciting happened here. My mother's response was to pick up a hobby, and in my infinite wisdom I asked her. 'Like yours?!'. To be fair. I don't have much of an excuse. It was a bad day of jogging around the base, so I might have snapped.


  I pulled a chair and sat in front of Chopper. He was stirring slightly, and it looked like he was going to wake up. I coughed in to my hand a bit loud to try to accelerate the process and It worked. His eyes opened slowly, and then shot open when he saw the marines around him, before looking at me in shock then tears started to form in his eyes.


  "You're gonna eat me, you big fat liar!!!" I threw my hands up to try to soothe him.


  "No. I'm not, just calm down."


  "I'm tied up! Why would I calm down! Zoro! Robin! Luffy! Help me!"


  "Shut him up already!" A big marine to irrelevant to remember the name of barged forward and looked slightly annoyed. I stood up and glared at him.


  "You touch him and I'll break every bone in your hand. All 27 of them." He still looked annoyed while glancing at Chopper then at me.


  "You're defending the enemy, sir?"


  "He's tied up, surrounded by marines. Let him scream for how long and loud he wants. He won't escape."


  "You didn't answer my question, Sir." He stood with his back straight now. He's stare now turned to a glare, and I saw a few men glancing around at each other.


  "I'd choose your next words carefully, Marine." His hand fell to his sword's hilt.


  "I find it strange, how someone so young can reach such a rank in such a quick time. Lieutenant while only being a Marine for a year. Makes you wonder." I raised an eyebrow with a small smirk. Chopper looked freaked out.


  "What exactly are you insinuating?" The Marines behind him, were all nodding their heads slightly. All of them but the higher ranked ones. Their eyes were just on the floor.


  "No one has seen you train, or spar with anyone else. The only time we saw you fight was today at the docks and we all know how that went." He paused for a moment. "Maybe those guns are just for show and that rank you have is just fluff, given to daddy's little boy." I smiled now, my fingers wiggling at my side.


  "Who here agrees?" I heard from behind me, it was my father, I didn't turn, I was still had eyes for the Mr. Nobody. A few raised their hands. 9 not including the gorilla in front of me. "Hmm. Well, only one way to solve this." He whistled. It was sharp, difficult for the untrained ear to bare. Then a loud screech followed, then flapping. I could tell by the reactions of the men in front of me that Bayek had arrived. My pet Eagle. I could hear him flap his wings then stop. He probably landed on my dad's shoulder. Then another flap and I felt his talon digging into my shoulder. My smile only grew.


  "Hi, boy." I scratched his chin with my left hand while my right still hovered over my gun. Bayek chirped softly before closing his eyes and leaning more into my hand. "I'm sorry for not seeing you early. Hands were kind of full." Then he stopped and then began staring at Mr. Biggie. Who didn't look all that impressed.


  "Well, Lieutenant James' rank has been questioned as while as my decision to promote him. Now Petty Officer Bill has issued the challenge with Lieutenant James being the Challenged. 9 men stand behind Petty Officer Bill's challenge, therefor it calls for a Revaluation. How do you wish to solve this?"


  "Duel." Bill said still glaring at me.


  "Duel." The men started to circle around the room. Giving us lots of room.


  Chopper just kept looking between us confused and also shocked.




  "Fists." I shrugged.




  "Flip a coin Private Miller. Heads will be Bill, tails will be James." My father called out.


  "Heads Sir!" Private Miller walked forward keeping his hand flat while walking to my father to show him.


  "Fists it is." I took my belt off and placed it at Chopper feet. Giving him a soft smile and a wink. "Result?" I stood back up to see that Bill had made his way to the center of the room.


  "Demotion to Chore boy" A few whispers filled the room. It was a risky gamble for sure. Because if he lost. Well, he would be demoted instead of me.


  "Agreed." More whispers filled the room, and my father clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.


  "You fight till you fall." Bill has already took his shirt off to reveal a blob of a man covered in fat and muscle. It was honestly impressive how his legs held him up. His cap was gone as well. Bayek only looked at him then at me. I shrugged slightly. I then shooed him away causing him to fly to stand on the top of Chopper's chair.


  I sighed and took my shirt off as well. I wasn't exactly muscular, rather lean. I took my hat off and put my hand in my hair shaking it slightly. Trying to untangle my curls that got matted under the hat.


  "Ready?" My father asked and I nodded. Bill however only laughed when he saw me take my shirt off.


  "Sir Yes Sir!" Bill yelled in my face.


  "Begin!" Bill charged with his fist back ready to strike first and strike last. It looked like he had a lot of power behind it. It really did, how his muscles tensed and even his legs were seeming bulging with hidden strength. I just leaned back enough for his fist to barely miss my nose.


  "You're not very fast." I spoke smoothly and he looked confused. "Like you punch slow." I growled and shot a kick at me. Which I just causally stepped back, making him spin around himself. He was rather angry at this point, with his face being red and it looked like steam was escaping from his ears.


  "See if you would have just used your hips more you could have hit me…maybe hit me." I raised my hand with my fingers slightly apart trying to show him the distance between the two. "Like that close."


  Then he swung and swung and swung and swung. It was all rather boring.


  "Stay still!" I smiled, as I tilted my head to the side avoiding another hit.


  "I could never." He tried to perform a flying knee to my chin but I leaned back, this led to a minor opening which he tried to capitalize by tackling me. It didn't work for him. I raised my foot and placed it on his shoulder. Then I dug into it as he pushed forward. He started to crumple to the ground.


  He is so slow.


  "You were doing rather well. Like a toddler learning to walk." He was on his hands and knees now, and he was sweating profusely. I leaned forward causing him to now be face first into the floor.


  "It always amazes me what passes for marines. Look at you. You look 10 or 20 years my senior but you couldn't even graze me." I leaned forward more. "I believe you can surrender now." I was so far forward I was practically doing a forward lunge. My eyes were on the marines around me. How they looked at me, I wanted to show them I earned my rank. It may be harsh, but he not only questioned me, but my father."



  "I quit." I heard him mumble into the floor.


  "I didn't hear you." I let go of the pressure on his shoulder and he turned his head slightly.


  "I give up, you win." I smiled while taking a step back.


  "Great. Now run along chore boy."

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