
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Plan

"So listen up, we're gonna do the breakout right after each other, after breaking her out we're gonna make our way to the tunnel systwm leading to the trade port. We destroy some important looking shit, we get a ship and we make our way to the next island." I said.

"I see... When are we starting"

"Right now" I said with a smile

"What do you mean right now" he said with a tick mark forming.

"Come on get your stuff, let's make our way there,oh and by the way no stealth, we're making our grand pirate debut after all."

As we made our way to the base I started humming the tune of "Don't stop me now" by Queen. Shame those songs don't exist here, maybe I can introduce those songs jn this world. We eventually reach the base and started walking in. The marines didn't see anything weird as it wasn't likethr base reception and front area were restriced areas.

This all changed when we finally reach one of the doors with a sign saying "marine access only".

"Hey, I dont know if you can read or not but that sign says marine access only, meaning you ain't allowed in there" one of them shout.

"Oh we know, we're just here to break our crew mate out."

"Crew mate, you don't mean her do you? I'm sorry but we'll have to take you in for questioning" the marine reach for Salvador only to find his hand cut off.

"Don't touch me" Salvador snarled.

The marines around all looked in shock and reach for their swords. The receptionist hit a button under the desk letting out a blaring alarm in the base. The marines all dash towards us hoping to get us down with numbers. I put my palm up ready to shoot them all down just for Salvador to hold my arm down.

"I got this" he said to me.

Putting his hand on his sheathed saber.

"Byakko Claw Flash" he said as he pull his saber out sending a white sword wave across the room splitting all the marines in half.

So he can do a sword wave already huh, only those who reach a certain mastery with their weapon could send a wave out. Good thing I decided to recruit him. As we walk through the base makimg our way to the holding cells many marines tried to kill us only to be impaled to the wall by rods.

We made our way to the cells where we saw her looking our way. She seems to have sensed the commotion upstairs. I could get a better look at her this time and she was quite cute, though her complexion was pale which was probably due to the lack of sunlight,she had white hair that was currently messy due to her time in the prison, a round face and puffy cheeks. She seemed to be in her late teens/early twenties.

"You actually did it" she said in shock.

"Of course I did, wouldn't let a crew mate rot away in a cell now would I?" I said as bend the bars to her cell. I rip the chains on her hands and help her up. She rub her wrists and looked at me before saying.

"I'm not your crewmate yet, the name's Selina by the way"

"Vergil, and the man behind me goes by Salvador, oi Salvador come say hi to our sniper"

"Seems like he somehow convince you too huh" he said as wave.

"Now let's make your way to your equipment, this isn't our only stop today"

I said as I made my way out.

*POV change*

*Adrer Island Docks*

The Rear Admiral made his way of his boat and onto the docks where ten marines stood at each end saluting with one standing in the middle at the end.

"Welcome Rear Admiral Kruo" a marine in a suit with a coat draped over his shoulders that read "Justice".

"No need for formalities Captain, lead me to the prisoner"

"Of course sir, follow me."

*POV change*

We got to where Selina's equipment and got them out. Her sniper was especially weird. Its forestock was mostly covered in dark green fur, except for a section on the underside near the end of the forestock. The end of the long barrel had a black, plus-shaped extension on it, and the stock is composed of two long, triangular protrusions that stabilize the rifle against her shoulders. (Basically Lile Barro's gun)

She also have 4 flintlocks with 2 strapped to her back and 1 on each leg. She was was 175 cm tall, she had cargo pant on with a black tanktop on. She had a black cloak above that all where she hid her sniper.

Whilst we were here we also gathered all the money they had and boy did we hit the jackpot. They had a total of 100 million Berries which they probably kept in case someone was here to claim a bounty. We put the money in a bag which Salvador had over his shoulder.

As I was reaching to open the door handle the door suddenly swung open. The man who opened the door was a head taller then me and had a suit with a horrendous colour scheme. The suit was mainly a bright neon green with red stripes.His tie was a dark blue which didn't make his God awful outfit any better, not to mention his bald head shining under the Sun's intense heat. Draped on his shoulders was the classic marine coat worn by those higher in the ranks.

The man looked at me then looked around at the dead marines behind us, then looked at the bag of money Salvador had over his shoulder and finally at the prisoner he was supposed tp be transporting before looking back at me again.

"Sir what's wro-" one of the marine's ask but cut his sentence short when he looked at the carnage behind me. That guy wasn't really the interesting one though. The man stood directly in front of me was strong. A perfect opponent to start my legend with. A smile broke out onto my face, which in turn cause the man to frown.

"Salvador, Selina take care of the other marines and carry on with the plan, I'll catch up later after taking care of this guy"

Salvador simply nod and took his saber out whilst still holding the money in another hand whilst Selina took out two of her flintlocks.

Salvador point his saber to the marine in the suit. "Let's get this over with, We still have another half of a plan to finish" he said with a bored expression on his face.

Seeing Salvador's nonchalance annoyed the marine to no ends.

"YOU DARE FA-" poor man didn't even get to finish his sentence before his head was sliced clean in half.

The rest of the marines look in disbelief only to get shot down by Selina's hail of bullets. She waste no bullet as each marine had a hole in between their eyes.

"Right let's get started" I said with a grin on my face.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also tell menif you see any mistakes so I can fix them. I write all my chapters on my phone so I sometimes miss a few mistakes.

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