
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue 2

Currently I'm too weak to take on my clan, heck I'm too weak to evem move further into the forest, so I've come up with a training regiment to help augment my abilities and I don't need to worry about it stunting my growth since it's normal for Deka Oni to start training at 5.

My training consists of 100 pushups, sit ups , fintertip push ups, squats and 500 thrusts and swings to practice my form and increase my strength. It also consists of 500 punches and kicks.

*2 weeks later*

It's been some time since I started with ny training and I noticed the difference it made, whilst I could easily kill those wolves I always needed my spear to do it since their hides were more resistant to blunt strikes then they were to piercong strikes I could easily pulverize their heads with one strike now.

I also observed a slight increase in height.

After all these changes i decided I'd head slightly deeper into the forest. The forests on the island surrounded the mountain in the center with the forests itself being divided into 3 different sections with the closer you got to the mountain the stronger the animals were.

The forest sections were differenciated by the trees and the animal type. I was currently in the outer section which had trees around 10 metres in height, and mammalian type pf predators. The middle section whilst sporting shorter trees that stood around 7 metres tall they had fricking dinosaurs as the main predators, not only were these dinosaurs stronger then the mammals in the outer section they were also faster and some had weird mutations.

The inner most section was even weirder as it consist of mammal and dinosaur mixtures such as an animal with the body of a Camel but a head a stegosaurus.

Anyway today would be the day I take on the middle section, as I really didn't have much on myself it wouldn't take too long to reach there.

"The islands in the south are warm...

And their heads get really hot...

They grow-a pineapples...

They grow-a coconuts...

And they're all idiots!" I sang to myself as I made it deeper into the forest.

"Animals aren't attacking me anymore, seems like I've made it to the top of this sections food chain".

I notice the trees length gradually decreasing until they stayed a consistent height of 7 metres. It took me around 10 minutes to find the 1st animal, it was a large T-Rex around 4 metres tall with an extra pair of arms which were kinda useless considering that they were also really short.

The T-Rex now dubbed four-arms lowered it's head and charged at me, I roll to the left to avoid it's head and dash towards its left leg, as the 4 metre easily towered over me i decided to try to get it lower down to deal some damage to it's vital areas. My spear pierced the air as I thrust it towards its leg just for its to simply nick four-arms scales and bounce off. Seeing as my spear had to affect I decided to take a more physical approach. As it got ready to charge again instead of rolling away to the side I decided to charge head on too. As it approached and lowered its head leaving just enough space for me to slide under it, jump and punch its under belly.


As my punch connected a large gust of wind was sent around blowing the leaves and sticks on the floor away. Four-arms was slightly lifted off the ground by my punch. Whilst it was lifted off the ground it wasn't enough for me to do more. Four Arms dash forward to trynto get away from me being under it.

Managing to get away from me it's tail cut through the air at speeds hard for me to see, I brought my spear up to block which did little as the tail split it in half and sent me crashing into a tree. I coughed out blood as I look up to see it charging towards me.

"Shit, too late to dodge" I thought as I cross my arms to block as it crashed into me. As my back was already on the tree the strike completely broke the tree in half sending me crashing into another tree.

Seeing it charge once more I made a desperate jump to the side as it crash into another tree splitting it in half.

With my arms dangling at my side and my my spear split in half i decided to retreat back into the outer section. I got up and started running away. It's footsteps causing the ground to shake causing me to stumble. Four-arms was quickly catching up to me and right as he was about to my foot slipped and i fell into a hole that I didn't previously see.

"Shit, shit, shit , shit". My mind was racing as I tumbled down the dark cave and hit my head on the ground making everything go dark.


"Ugghhh, my head hurts", I sat up against one of the cave walls and looked around the cave, it had torches along the wall going down a large tunnel. Seeing as I couldn't go back were I fell from, let me just move forward and hopefully find an exit.

Whilst I can go longer without eating then a human thanks to my race, I still needed to eat at some point. I got up and started walking along the tunnel making my way around.

• 1 hour later •

I've been walking for about an hour now, my arms were better as they were no longer dangling by my side and I was slowly regaining strength back. The tunnel itself wasn't anything special from what I've seen but man am I suprised about a tunnel of this length being undiscovered by the clan.

Despite being hated by the clan and my family I did have a few privileges as the Chief's son, such as unlimited access to our ancestors findings and information about the island and none of it ever mentioned a tunnel underground.

I was taken out of ny thoughts when I got to a large door. Opening the door what welcomed me was a large room with a pedestal in the middle with a black and yellow fruit on top of it.

"N-no way, it can't be. NO FUCKING WAY AM I IN ONE PIECE"

Barely 1k words but rest assured the next chapter will be longer.

Thanks for reading and if you see any mistakes do let me know

Magivisioncreators' thoughts