
Chapter 49

It was another beautiful day on the Holiday Island, warm, sunny, and full of joy and excitement, but then alarms rang, and everything came crashing down.

A sea of dark clouds approached the Island from West and South, with signs of an inevitable storm, and people could not understand how it was possible.

Holiday Island was a summer Island, which had always remained warm and sunny throughout the year, except for the occasional rain. But storms rarely occurred there.

And what was headed their way was not a normal storm. It was as if the world was coming to an end. Those dark clouds looked and sounded angry.

The people on the beach stared at the continuous lightning that occurred and experienced the thrill of the rumbling clouds. A fascinating sight and experience, just as much as it was scary, and as time passed, their fear overwhelmed their fascination.

Soon the sirens rang, and the Marine Soldiers started assembling on the beach.

The people started spotting a black ship that was sailing under the dark sky and approaching them, and by how the Marines looked anxious, it was clear that the Black ship was dangerous

"Please take shelter inside the buildings." A Marine Captain spoke through the loudspeaker. "The ship that is approaching the Island belongs to the Blackstar Pirates, a highly dangerous and bloodthirsty Pirate Crew. People are requested to listen to our arrangements and hide inside the buildings..."

Panic and then pandemonium broke out even before the words finished, but then to the dismay of everyone, the dark clouds accelerated towards them, covering the sky above the Island within a minute.

The phenomenon quietened the people down, and now the only sound that could be heard on the Island was that of the rumbling clouds.

It started to drizzle too, and at other times, they might have found it pleasant, but right now, it was as if the sky was weeping for what was about to happen to them.

Momonga and Bastille understood who was responsible for this lightning storm. But they were still dismayed at the Power the Captain of the Blackstar Crew held in his hands.

Their hearts tightened the second several pillars of lightning fell from the sky, destroying the ships that were trying to leave the Island, as well as the Marine Vessels that were heading forward to intercept the Black Pearl.

And then more pillars of Lightning fell, and soon, the entire Holiday Island was engulfed in a Blue Lightning Cage.

The scene was something that instilled fear even in the hearts of the brave, and everyone started praying that this would not be their last day.

Black Pearl safely entered through the Cage of Lightning, and the Marines drew their guns, shaking all over in fear.


The clouds rumbled some more before a terrifying thunderclap sounded out, and one Soldier accidentally pressed the trigger in alarm.


The very next second, a gunshot sounded out from the Black Pearl, and the soldier who had just pulled the trigger at the ship, dropped dead on the beach.

The rest gulped in fear and started stepping back. They had already lost all their will to fight.

Who could fight against nature itself?

Just when Momonga was about to give an order and shout at his soldier to help them regain their bearings, another pillar of Lightning fell from the sky, this time, on the beach, right in front of the Marine Vice-Admiral.

A tall and handsome young man emerged out of it, wearing a Captain's hat and a long coat, and as soon as he raised his eyes to meet Momonga's, a burst of energy erupted from him and travelled throughout the Island in form of a shockwave.

It was a burst of Conqueror's Haki, so strong that it rattled Momonga and Bastille too, and when the two of them looked around, they found everyone dropping or already lying on the ground in an unconscious state.

"Conqueror's Haki..." Momonga controlled his trembling body, but could not help his troubled heart, and then he apprehensively looked at Sin.

"Good afternoon, Vice-Admiral." The Captain of the Blackstar Crew smiled at him. "I am happy to inform you that we are going to loot this Island. So, why don't you obediently stay right where you are and wait for my Crew to finish our work?"

Though he spoke those words in a very polite manner, it was akin to a slap on their faces and their pride as Marines.

"You don't want to force my hand and jeopardise the lives of so many civilians and important guests on this Island. Right?" He harmlessly smiled when the Vice-Admiral was about to reach for his sword, and Momonga's heart sank at those words.

He glanced at the clouds and the cage of lightning, and he felt utterly helpless, but then he glared at Sin and drew his sword, ready to bear the risk.

"I can not allow you to do as you please."

"Good." Sin smiled at the conviction in Momonga's eyes. "Their deaths are on your hands then." His eye's flickered with Lightning, and a series of thunderclaps sounded out.

Bastille and Momonga looked around in alarm, and then they froze when they heard a loud explosion on top of the Umbrella Tree.

The Main Hotel's top two floors were destroyed, and a Purple Flame, whose mere sight tightened their hearts, started engulfing the rest of the building.

"Stop!" Momonga shouted out.

The Hotel was where the special guests were staying, and there were representatives from various Kingdoms as well as the traders who had links with the Celestial Dragons and the World Government.

"It was your choice." Sin harmlessly smiled at him. "But since I am magnanimous, I shall give you another chance to be obedient."

Sin sent a signal again to Hancock through a series of thunderclaps, and the Fire that was eating the Hotel started receding, allowing Momonga to take a sigh of relief.

By now, his Crew was standing right behind him, and Sin turned his face away from the two Marine Officers, ignoring them.

"Augur, stay here and keep an eye on these two."

"Aye, Captain." The tall man unhesitatingly nodded.

"Let's go." Sin then disappeared from the place in a bolt of Lightning, and Bepo, Hachi, and Kuina went in separate directions, carrying empty sacks on them that they intended to fill with loot.

Augur indifferently stood there in front of the two Marine Officers, and both Momonga and Bastille eyed him, with different thoughts running through their minds.

Mononga wanted to grab the Den Den Mushi from his pocket to contact the Marine Headquarters.

Though the reinforcements were on the way, he wanted them to send an Admiral if possible, or someone who could contain this Crew.

And Bastille wanted to take a shot at Augur, to capture him and force the Blackstar Crew to stay on the Island until their reinforcements arrive.

"If I were you, I would stay obedient. My Captain is not someone to mess with if you make him angry." He lightly said, and as if agreeing to his words, the clouds in the sky loudly rumbled. "Believe me when I say this, he can wipe out this Island without much effort."

Those words sank both their hearts, as they found themselves believing them.

The power he possessed and seemed to have great control over was indeed an Island Killer. Even if he could not destroy the Island without leaving a trace, he could kill almost everyone on the Island.

They had no choice but to hope and wait for the reinforcements.

Whilst Bart stayed on the Black Pearl and Augur watched over the Marine Officers, the rest of the crew was busy looting the targeted areas and people.

Kuina, Bepo, and Hachi did not have to find anything as they had their instructions, and by the time they reached their destinations, the loot was already waiting for them to gather as Sin had arrived there first and left it for them.

Hancock and Robin were busy looting the Bank and rooms of the special guests. They collected everything of Value that was purchased at the Auctions or was meant to be sold tonight and tomorrow.

There were only a few Devil Fruits, several valuable treasures, but what they found in abundance was money. There was just too much of it on this Island.

Sin was busy looting the shops off any valuables, and he was careful in collecting as many Eternal Poses as he could find on the Island. He also chose a few unlinked Den Den Mushi and took his time picking up some clothes for himself.

The only member of the crew who was not busy looting was Bonney. She was targeting the people who had survived Sin's Haki Burst, and right now, she had come across an interesting person.

"Now you see the difference between us?" The man in a white suit smiled at her. "Against my powers, yours are nothing to boast about." He spoke as his body disintegrated into papers. "Unlike you, I was born with this power!" And he laughed proudly.

"Yeah, right." Bonney mockingly smiled.

The only reason this extremely self-centred and megalomaniac person was so confident was that she was taken off-guard by the presence of a Logia user on the Island.

She was not using her Armament Haki earlier, and her kick ended up causing no damage to this guy, who was called Simon the Divine.

Bonney also recognised this person as the one who had given Sin a proactive smile at the Auction last night.

"Let's wrap you up first and then I will deal with your Captain," Simon spoke as he drew his hands at Bonney, unleashing a barrage of Paper at her.

She skillfully dodged the razor-sharp papers that were shot her way, but soon she found herself being attacked from all directions.

The man was not strong, but his powers were giving her a headache. It was a great defensive Power, which could cushion her blows, and within minutes, she lost her temperament.

"Damn you!" She cursed when she saw the man conjure up wings of paper and fly up in the air, refusing to engage in a melee combat.

The drizzle was not enough to dampen the paper and make it unfavourable for Simon to fly, so Bonney quickly made up a plan and started running away.

"You can not escape me!" The man in white laughed as he watched her retreat and sent a storm of paper after her, but Bonney was quick enough to dodge them and reach the place she wanted to lead Simon into.

It was the biggest Shopping Mall on the Island, and since her opponent did not seem to possess Haki, she quickly hid in the building.

One thing she was better at than everyone else on their crew was stealth, and she could manipulate her size thanks to her powers, which helped a lot.

"Come out!" Simon finally bellowed as the frustration hit its peak, and he started destroying everything in his path.

He had been searching for her for the past ten minutes, but he found no trace of her there.

This was the moment she had been waiting for, and taking advantage of the noise he was creating, she sneaked close to him and then returned to her true age before jumping from a floor above him and lunging at him with a Haki-coated Axe-Kick.

Simon's instincts did kick in, but too late, and when he looked up, his face was smacked by a monstrous kick that sent him crashing floors down until he was embedded in the ground, bleeding profusely and knocked out.

"Hmph!" She grinned as she landed next to him, and then checked his pulse.

She was glad that he was still living, and then reached for his collar, planning on taking him to Sin. However, she stopped when she sensed him.

The next second, he was standing right by her side, looking at the unconscious Pirate.

"Took you time to deal with him."

"He has a Paper Logia." She informed him, which caught his interest.

"I will take him to the ship." Sin said as he grabbed Simon and disappeared, leaving behind a trail of crackling electricity.

When he reached the deck of the ship, he threw the body to Bart.

"Tell the doctors to save him and then throw him in the cell with Sea-Stone Shackles."

"Aye, Captain!"

Sin then turned to look at the beach where Momonga and Bastille were obediently standing, and then he checked the time on his pocket watch before returning to the Island.

They still had time, but he wanted to wrap up everything as soon as possible.

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