
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


Sebastian's arrival on the deck of the Black Tiger Pirates sent shockwaves through the air. With a single step, he landed right on the vice-captain of the Black Tiger Pirates, a crushing impact that left the man gasping for his last breath.

The vice captain, expelled a mouthful of blood, his chest collapsed, and his life force slipped away. Sebastian stood there, his presence overpowering.

"Who's the captain?" Sebastian inquired calmly.

The chaos on the Black Tiger Pirates' ship ensued. The news of an enemy falling from the sky and killing their deputy captain had thrown the crew into a frenzy. They encircled Sebastian with swords drawn, determined not to let him escape.

Captain Tiger's face twisted with anger. "How dare you kill my deputy captain! You'll pay for this!"

Sebastian, unimpressed, scanned the surroundings. "So weak. Is your bounty really 100 million Berries?"

Captain Tiger responded defiantly, "Don't get too arrogant, you brat!"

Captain Tiger's body underwent a dramatic transformation. His size increased, his body was covered in pitch-black fur, his head morphed into that of a tiger, and a tiger's tail emerged from his back.

"I possess the Zoan Tiger Fruit," Tiger declared. "Don't think you're the only one with such powers. My abilities are superior to yours!"

Tiger licked his paw, sporting a sinister grin, but his smile quickly faded.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian appeared right in front of Tiger, his finger poised at the captain's forehead. Tiger felt an overwhelming sense of dread as Sebastian's voice rang in his ears, a voice from the abyss.

"Strong? What bullshit are you saying."

Sebastian's voice was eerily calm, but it sent shivers down Captain Tiger's spine. 

Fight back! He had no other choice!

Captain Tiger attacked, his tiger claws lunging at Sebastian's abdomen.

"Success!" Tiger rejoiced. "My claws are razor-sharp and can pierce through anyone in a single strike."

But the moment his claws touched Sebastian's skin, a sizzling sound filled the air, and Tiger smile turned into a cry of agony.

"Ah! My hand! How is this possible? What the fuck is your skin made of?"

Captain Tiger was horrified. Not only did his claws fail to penetrate Sebastian's abdomen, but they shattered on impact. The force behind the attack broke all his fingers and left them bloody.

"Is this the dream-chasing pirates that Roger talked about? Ridiculous," Sebastian sneered as he swung his arm.

Tiger's head was blown off, his lifeless body crumpling to the deck with a dull thud.

Witnessing their captain's gruesome end, the remaining Black Tiger Pirates roared with fury and charged at Sebastian, their desire for revenge burning hot.

"Kill him! Avenge Captain Black Tiger!"

"He's going down for this! Our captain is dead because of him!"

"Get him!"

"He can fly! Don't let him escape!"

Sebastian unleashed a powerful Conqueror's Haki, and the world itself seemed to tremble as a black shockwave swept through the area.

The pirates fell one by one, succumbing to the overwhelming pressure of Sebastian's Haki, paralyzed by fear and awe.

The crew members of the Black Tiger Pirates who had surrounded Sebastian found themselves rolling their eyes and falling on the deck one by one.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian was the sole figure left standing on the ship, surrounded by a sea of fallen pirates.

Manipulating the black wings on his back, Sebastian gracefully ascended into the sky, focusing energy at his fingertips. Cero!

A dark green flash engulfed the Black Tiger pirate ship, causing a massive explosion that sent a mushroom cloud billowing into the sky. The sea churned, and colossal waves crashed against the Beasts Pirate Ship.

The pirates on the deck stared in wide-eyed astonishment, their mouths agape, as they witnessed Sebastian's incredible power.

One man had effortlessly wiped out the entire Black Tiger Pirates crew, seemingly unscathed, and had completely defeated the formidable Black Tiger, who had a bounty of 100 million!

Maria observed Sebastian's performance intently, recording it and preparing to report back to Kaido.

"Unbreakable skin, a super-strong Conqueror's Haki, and the abilities of a powerful Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit – he feels even stronger than Linlin's monstrous talents."

"Jack is fortunate to have brought such a monstrous individual into the Beasts crew."

Even if Sebastian didn't join the Hundred Beasts crew, he could quickly rise to become a prominent pirate in his own right.


Half a month flew by, and Sebastian sat on the lifeless body of a Marine Rear Admiral, gazing pensively at the sea.

Their encounter with the Marine team led by the Rear Admiral from headquarters had resulted in a fierce battle. Following the clash, the Marine team was defeated, with the Rear Admiral meeting his demise at Sebastian's hands, bound for the depths of hell.

Sebastian wasn't a saint, and as a pirate with a bounty, he knew the World Government wouldn't revoke it. Marine would continue their pursuit, and sparing the Marine Rear Admiral would only be like shooting himself in the foot.

He had only one path to follow – The Path Of Darkness, Becoming A True Villain And Making The World Tremble In Fear.

His objective was straightforward: To Become The Ruler Of The Omniverse!

Anyone who stood in his way, be it Celestial Dragons, Marines, other pirates, or even the protagonists, will face his wrath.

"Is this your first time killing a Marine?" Maria approached Sebastian and inquired softly.

Sebastian cast a glance her way and replied, "Indeed, it's my first time."

"The first time you clash with a Marine, you take down a Marine Rear Admiral. Your name will spread through the Marine ranks, and you'll earn your own bounty."


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