
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Black Maria

King was astonished and jumped up, exclaiming, "Impossible! How can his Conqueror's Haki be so powerful immediately after awakening? A range of ten miles in radius? It even stunned two cadres! Not even boss was this strong when he awakened Conqueror's!"

King wasn't surprised by the fact that Sebastian had awakened Conqueror's Haki. He knew that such a talent, though rare, existed throughout the world, and many with such power ventured into the New World. Therefore, it wasn't uncommon to encounter individuals with Conqueror's Haki there.

Kaido took another sip of his drink and said loudly, "When I awakened, my Conqueror's Haki had a range of up to 500 meters."

Queen smiled wryly and responded, "If someone had told me that Conqueror's Haki could spread ten miles in radius just after awakening, I wouldn't have believed it either. But the reality is before our eyes."

"A powerful Conqueror's Haki suddenly erupted in Wano Country. I initially thought it was an enemy attack, so I led the pirates to suppress the invaders. When we arrived at the scene, we discovered that it was Sebastian who had awakened Conqueror's. It was clear that he had just awakened and couldn't fully control it. When I found him, traces of Conqueror's Haki were still lingering around him," Queen explained. Kaido, King and Jack were taken aback. They had been shocked twice by Sebastian in one day. Even these well-informed and experienced pirates couldn't help but be astonished.

"Monster! What if this monster decides not to stay within our crew and runs away? Are you prepared to take responsibility?" Jack taunted.

"We need to show him our hospitality!" Queen said with determination.

"Let him roam the seas as a free spirit. If anyone has a problem with it, they can come to me," Queen said with vigour.

Kaido slammed his wine gourd onto the ground and said, "We'll do as Queen suggested. Sebastian will go to sea, but he must be accompanied by Ulti and Page to ensure he doesn't betray us. If he stays, he'll be promoted."

"If he attempts to betray us, Queen will be responsible for capturing him!" Kaido's eyes flashed with determination.

Jack frowned but refrained from voicing further objections since Kaido had made up his mind.

Queen, on the other hand, was thrilled and cast a triumphant glance at Jack. "Boss supports my plan. What else do you have to say?"

"Page may not be a match for him. If he decides to flee, can Ulti alone stop him?"

"Black Maria will accompany them. Maria has binding abilities, and he won't escape from her grasp!"

"Understood! Boss."

The next morning, the plan was set in motion. Sebastian, along with Page, Ulti, and Black Maria, prepared to set sail into the vast and unpredictable sea.


Page awoke, feeling a rush of power surging through his body, several times stronger than his previous strength. He clenched his fist and had a momentary illusion that he could defeat Kaido with a single punch.

However, Page quickly dismissed the thought. He reminded himself that he held the utmost loyalty to Lord Sebastian, not Kaido.

"Is this the power that Master Sebastian bestowed upon me? It's incredible! I feel like I could defeat anyone with just one punch!" Page marveled at the newfound power granted by his Eudemons Devil Fruit, the evil dragon Spitz.

Contemplating the origin of Devil Fruit abilities, Page couldn't help but regard Sebastian as a god-like figure for being able to modify the essence of the Devil.

Inside the house, Ulti also gradually opened her eyes, a look of astonishment crossing her beautiful gaze.

"I've gained power from Sebastian?" Ulti mused, struggling to sit up.

Despite the change in her loyalty, which now compelled her to obey Sebastian's orders unconditionally, Ulti hadn't lost her emotions and individuality. She still cared deeply for her younger brother, Page, with whom she had grown up.

She couldn't bear seeing him harm himself and expressed her concern, "Page! What are you doing!"

Pulling out a sword from his heart, Page nonchalantly removed the weapon as if it were inconsequential. The wound on his heart rapidly healed, leaving no trace of injury.

"Sister, I'm testing the power given by Sebastian," Page explained.

In response to her brother's actions, Ulti couldn't contain her frustration and, without hesitation, smacked him hard on the head, exclaiming, "Fool!"


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