
"Leaving Ohara"

Marineford, Paradise.

On this island where the Marine Headquarters was located, and where the strongest marines and high ranking officers resided, a gloomy atmosphere could be seen. This was because a few minutes ago, 1 of the 10 navy ships that had been sent to Ohara to fight the demons that wanted to use the ancestral weapons had arrived.

When everyone witnessed a single ship in the distance with only 2 wounded vice-admirals and a few soldiers, no one could believe it. They quickly called an emergency meeting, where only the vice-admirals were allowed to attend.

Inside the headquarters where the meeting was taking place, one could see expressions of confusion and bewilderment at what they had just heard. Kuzan with some quick bandages told everything that happened in Ohara to the letter, from the beginning given by Spandine to attack the place, to the extermination of all the ships by Yamamoto.

On Akainu's part he had not said a word since they left Ohara, his burn still hurt and every time he remembered Yamamoto's wrinkled face his anger increased with some fear towards the old man, he never thought that his magma could be defeated in temperature.

"So you're saying that out of the 10 ships and 5 vice admirals we sent, you were crushed by an old man and only two of you survived with only one ship?" asked a man trying to control his anger in his tone.

This man was Kong was a muscular man, with white hair up, he is the current fleet admiral of the navy that is to say the most senior person in the marine as a whole.

"Yes..." Kuzan nodded with an ugly expression on his face. He really believed that with his devil fruit and haki he was invincible I never expected his ice to be so helpless to Yamamoto's fire that when he remembered it he got chills.

"Did you manage to identify the old man who controls the mera mera no mi?" asked a man with an afro and black glasses next to Kong.

This man was Sengoku, one of the 3 current admirals in the navy, only below Kong in hierarchy in the navy.

"No, he just said he belongs to the Ohara archaeologists and..." Kuzan replied while shaking his head.

"¿And?" Sengoku said as he saw that Kuzan didn't finish the sentence.

Kuzan was seriously thinking whether to tell what the old man said before letting him and Akainu go with the last navy ship, he finally decided to tell it, "He said that next time he won't leave anyone alive." He decided to tell because it was strange that when he could have killed them both he let them go alive.

"That arrogant old man!" Kong exclaimed as he pounded the table with his fist causing it to crack a few times. Everyone in the room began to curse Yamamoto for his arrogant words towards the marine.


"Achio!" Sneezed Yamamoto who was looking around the items in the system store.

*Whoever is cursing this old man, come on, I'll turn them to ashes," he thought as he wiped his snot with a handkerchief and waited for the others to finish moving the books onto the ship.


Returning to Marine headquarters, the Marines in the meeting were still upset by Yamamoto's words, until Sengoku exclaimed, "Enough! We must go to Ohara to catch these criminals."

At first Sengoku was a little doubtful of the World Government's orders about eliminating all the archaeologists from Ohara, but when he saw that of all the marines they sent, 90% were exterminated, including 3 vice-admirals one of them Prodi one of his best friends, he decided that they must catch these criminals at any cost.

With Sengoku's shout, in the hall silence resumed, after a few seconds Kong ordered, "Admiral Zephyr, Vice Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Graydle will go immediately to stop Ohara's demons!"

"As you command!" Kizaru and Graydle said in unison as they rose from their seats.

Kizaru was one of the most promising marines for the post of admiral in the future along with Kuzan and Akainu, just like them he also possessed a very powerful logia type devil fruit.

As for Vice Admiral Graydle, he was an older man with gray hair, a scar over his left eye and a golden metal mouth guard. He wore the classic marine and wore on it two golden metal epaulets. In addition, he was missing his left arm where he had a strange grayish colored arm as if it was made of metal.

Kong knew that it was useless to send marine ships, since it would take too long and they would manage to escape, since he doubted that they would stay in Ohara to wait for their death. So he decided to send Zephyr who was one of the 3 admirals of the navy and two vice admirals to give him support when facing Yamamoto.

Although he was surprised by the strength that Yamamoto showed, he didn't believe that he can defeat an admiral who had more than twice the strength of a vice admiral.

"Alright, let's go" Zephyr said in a cold tone as he stood up from his chair and walked out of the headquarters. Quickly Kizaru and Onigumo silently followed Zephyr.

Everyone knew why Admiral Zephyr's attitude was like this, a year ago a pirate killed his wife and his only 3 year old son, he was about to resign from the navy, but was persuaded by Garp and Sengoku not to quit.

"There was a separate ship that escaped in our fight against the old man" Akainu spoke for the first time after his defeat, with this he was referring to the escape ship where the Ohara villagers who had nothing to do with the archaeologists were.

Kuzan looked at Akainu without understanding what he was getting at and asked, "What's that ship got to do with it? It must be just the villagers from Ohara village." Akainu looked at him with a frown and replied, "We can't let them go, who knows if they are using them to escape or know something."

As Kuzan was about to raise his voice and start a fight with Akainu, Kong spoke up, "That's right we can't leave loose ends, Vice Admiral Komei take care of that."

"As you command sir" Komei replied with a flattering smile towards Kong.

Kuzan was stunned at Kong's order and looked at the other vice-admirals in the room, none of them said anything, accepting as if it was no big deal Kong's order to eliminate a ship of villagers, *If Garp-sensei was here this wouldn't be the same* thought Kuzan as he clicked his tongue and left the room without saying a word.

When Sengoku was about to reprimand Kuzan for such disrespect, Kong shook his head without giving it much importance, after a few more words the meeting ended. With the decision that not a word would come out about the Ohara incident until they managed to eliminate the archaeologists.


Ohara, West Blue.

Yamamoto and the other archaeologists were in front of the navy marine, with all the books and their research loaded on board, so they could now leave Ohara. Thanks to the addition of Saul, they were able to finish much sooner.

Yamamoto started to walk slowly towards the large ship he stole from the navy, he noticed that no one besides him was getting on board so he said, "Come on what are you waiting for, if you don't get on I'll leave you here."

Yamamoto's words brought the archaeologists out of their trance and they began to board the ship in a hurry, afraid that this old man would really keep his words. Olvia climbed up with Robin in her arms who fell asleep, as she helped a lot to transport the books to the ship.

"Look old man, a girl worked harder than you" Clover said to Yamamoto in a mocking tone.

"It is the task of the new generation, to help the older generation" Yamamoto replied shamelessly.

Clover looked at Yamamoto blankly as this old man was able to defeat a buster call and bring with his own strength the ship to the port, but during the time they transported the books and documents to the ship he did nothing but sit around.

Finally, Saul was the last one on board and thanks to the fact that it was the largest marine ship, he could be on board without problems while the ship was still standing and sailing.

Olvia began to give instructions for raising the sails and so on, as she had the most sailing experience of all. After a few minutes they finally set sail leaving Ohara behind.

On the faces of the archaeologists could be seen looks of sadness for leaving their hometown and the Tree of Life. Hocha as she looked sadly at his home island said to Yamamoto, "Grandfather will we be alright?".

"Yes, as long as I am here nothing will happen to them" Yamamoto replied with a kind and confident smile, as from the memories implanted in him he felt that Hocha was really like his granddaughter. Hocha nodded more confidently and wiped some tears from her eyes.

As for the island, they already decided to go to the Warship Island, it is an island in the West Blue near the Calm Belt. This island was found by chance by Olvia on her two year voyage, on this voyage she got lost in a big fog in the ocean and her ship ended up on this island. She decided to name this island because seen from the island's silver it looks like a warship.

When Yamamoto heard this he thought it was the perfect island to hide on as it seemed to have difficult access, as Olvia wrote down every detail of their journey he knew how to get back to this island, the problem was going to be the fog, but they would deal with that when they arrived.

According to what Olvia said it would take them about 2 or 3 days to arrive, which was perfect since their supplies were for 3 or 4 days. As Yamamoto was about to go rest from such a crazy day, he was stopped by Olvia, "Yamamoto-sensei I have something to talk to you about"

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