
Chapter 10

With the prisoners secured and their fates hanging by a thread, the black dragon, now assuming his true identity as Marine Admiral Xilan, wasted no time in departing from the desolate ruins of Impel Down. His movements were swift and agile, akin to a shooting star streaking across the heavens.

Within the span of a single hour, he located the waiting warship, its presence a symbol of authority and justice. As he landed upon the vessel, the transformation from the fearsome black dragon to the resolute Marine Admiral was complete.

Xilan's demeanor was no longer shrouded in the enigma of the underground world. His expression grew stoic and focused, ready to fulfill his duty and deliver the prisoners to their designated destination. The weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders, for the task at hand was no ordinary one.

As the warship set sail, the prisoners remained under the watchful eye of Xilan and his subordinate Marines. The very air around them crackled with an atmosphere of tension and unease. The captives, both those who had paid their dues and those who faced the auction block in Dressrosa, felt the palpable power coursing through their bodies—a constant reminder of the consequences that awaited them should they fail to meet their obligations.

While the majority of prisoners, cognizant of the impending danger, harbored a deep-seated fear of Xilan's retribution, there were those who could not meet their monetary commitments. Among them were Crocodile, Avalo Pizarro the "Corrupt King", and Sanjuan Wolf also known as "Colossal Battleship" for his size, all coincidentally members of Blackbeard's crew, of course with the exception of Crocodile. Xilan, unwilling to let them slip away, implanted his own power within their bodies, effectively controlling their every move.

With a commanding tone, Xilan issued his final decree, "Report to Dressrosa as ordered."

Their fate sealed, these unfortunate souls would face the ignominy of being sold as slaves in the auctions of Dressrosa. It was an outcome they had little power to resist, for Xilan's vigilance and their own precarious situations left them with no recourse.

Within the hour, Impel Down lay empty—a hollow testament to the swift and efficient actions of the black dragon-turned-Marine Admiral. Now, his focus shifted entirely to fulfilling his mission and ensuring the prisoners reached their intended destination.

As the warship sailed forth, Xilan's eyes gazed out towards the horizon, his mind consumed with the weight of his duty. The journey ahead promised challenges, but the Marine Admiral remained resolute, his unwavering determination bolstered by the principles of justice he upheld. With every passing moment, Dressrosa drew nearer, and with it, the culmination of his task—restoring order and justice to a world plagued by chaos.

Why Dressorssa? Simple really. That guy Doflamingo was chosen because they often worked together, a relationship established for years, the kid didn't dare to do anything funny.

In the comfort of his cabin, Xilan, now fully embracing his role as the black dragon, lay lazily on the mattress, a faint smile gracing his weathered face. Tomorrow held the promise of another day to witness the explosive reaction of Sengoku, the Marshall of the Marines.

The thought of the impending Summit War, with Ace's escape from custody, amused Xilan greatly. It was akin to an actor abruptly fleeing the set during filming, leaving behind unfinished scenes. Waiting until dawn to witness Sengoku's reaction seemed almost unnecessary. The remaining jailers wasted no time in contacting Naval Headquarters, relaying the shocking turn of events at Impel Down with unwavering truthfulness.

Sengoku's eyes widened with a mix of incredibility and disbelief upon receiving the report. His mouth agape, capable of swallowing a fist, as the news unfolded before him. Ace had escaped, Jinbei had followed suit, Magellan lay incapacitated, and the very foundations of Impel Down had crumbled. The weight of the situation left Sengoku momentarily stunned, like a sudden power outage plunging him into a state of bewildered confusion.

In Marineford's bustling plaza, a gathering of 100,000 individuals had assembled in anticipation of Ace's execution. And yet, they were all gone now. Sengoku's anger swelled, contorting his face into a mask of fury as he bellowed, "Who is responsible?!"

Trembling with fear, the jailer on the other end stammered, "It... it was the black dragon!"

Sengoku's rage intensified, prompting him to crush the bug-like Den Den Mushi in his hand and slam his fist against the table. This wasn't the first time the black dragon had brazenly disrupted Marine operations. Decades ago, Xilan had caused countless headaches for the organization, releasing freshly imprisoned criminals before they could even be interrogated. To those unaware of his true motives, it appeared as if he were robbing the rich to aid the poor.

Within the ranks of Marine, high-ranking officials couldn't help but wear gloomy expressions, particularly Akainu, whose visage turned even more ferocious. However, one person stood out from the rest—the beaming smile of Vice Admiral Garp, who saw Xilan's actions as a glimmer of hope in a seemingly hopeless world.

"Marshal Sengoku, what do we do now? Without Ace, how can we proceed with the public execution?" one individual dared to ask.

Sengoku's head hung low, a mix of frustration and resignation. The public execution of Ace had garnered worldwide attention, and the repercussions of its failure were dire. "We cannot conceal this," he uttered after a prolonged silence, his voice heavy with sadness. Slumping onto his chair, he seemed to meld into it, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. "We must reveal the truth to the world."

"And that damned black dragon... his bounty shall be raised from 3.8 billion berries to 4.1 billion!" Sengoku's voice carried a mix of exasperation and defeat. A bounty of 4.1 billion berries was now on the black dragon's head, rivaling that of one of the Four Emperors, "Red-Haired" Shanks, who held a bounty of 4,048,900,000 berries.

The repercussions of Xilan's actions would reverberate across the seas, forever altering the balance of power. As the curtains fell on this chapter, a new phase would soon unfold—one where chaos and uncertainty danced hand in hand.


Two hours had passed, and dawn had finally arrived. Xilan, feigning surprise, arrived at the ruins of Impel Down. His eyes scanned the wreckage before him, and he put on a façade of heartbreak as he exclaimed, "That black dragon strikes again!"

Observing the devastated prison, Xilan adopted a tone of disdain and hatred as he addressed Sengoku, "Marshal Sengoku, The Marines must spare no effort in hunting down the black dragon. He must not be let off lightly!"

Sengoku's voice resonated with deep exhaustion as he responded, "The bounty was raised to 4.1 billion berries."

The news of Ace's abduction had already reached the World Government, leading to a furious scolding from the Five Elders that lasted over an hour. Sengoku, bearing the weight of responsibility, had spent the entire night with graying hair and countless lines etched on his face.

"After such a momentous event, they only increased my bounty by 300 million?" Xilan concealed his dissatisfaction and calmly inquired, "So, what is my next assignment? To hunt down the black dragon?"

"First, return to Naval Headquarters," Sengoku replied after a brief contemplation. He continued with solemnity, "I intend to launch 'Operation Clean Sea' to scour the entire world for that damned black dragon!"

"Once his whereabouts are discovered, the four Admirals will be dispatched together to eliminate him!"

Sengoku's voice dripped with seething hatred.

"Of course," Xilan swiftly responded, concealing his satisfaction at Sengoku's predicament. Sengoku had truly gotten himself into a mess this time.

"That will be all for now."

Sengoku terminated the communication, and Xilan stretched himself. As he prepared to depart, his attention was drawn to a ship in the distance. The crimson warship bore no resemblance to the Marine vessels, and the pirate flag displayed an unusual emblem—an intricately designed skeleton surrounded by a swarm of serpents.

"The Nine Snake Pirates... Could it be..." Xilan's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he sensed a new business opportunity beckoning.

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