
One Piece: Tales Of the Bubble Pirates

A One Piece inspired fan Fiction using the world that Oda himself has made to build a new original story with absolutely no canon characters. The journey will follow Yua Akari the captain of the Bubble Pirates as she travels the sea with her crew. This Fan fiction may take lots of inspiration from One piece and some devil fruits may be spoilers to people with a few custom ones thrown in for good measure. The story will have mystery elements and lots of adventure and even though the genre says romance I must clarify romance is not my biggest intention writing this though some romance may occur at certain points. I hope you all enjoy seeing Yua and her friends story and I would really appreciate any feedback if you have any for me as I'm doing this for experience. And I’ll add my discord username if you wish to be more direct instead of leaving an open review. Avalanche2477#4326

Avalanche2477 · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: A Gateway To Paradise!


Early the next morning the crew of the Crimson Vulture was wide awake and ready to prepare for the fabled reverse mountain.

Gan was on deck with a very miserable Don who had bandages wrapped around his head where Akako had hurt him and sent him through the floor.

Don: I don't deserve this pain.

Gan: You did cut a guy's leg off.

Don: Well that was an accident. He moved his sword out of the way while I was attacking.

Gan: Don you won your battle. The rest of us weren't so lucky with that snow woman. It's lucky we got away when we did.

Don sighed and looked around.

Don: Isn't Yua meant to be helping?

Gan: Well yes but I told her she could have a break since it's more your fault.

Don: It's definitely not my fault I got kicked.

Gan: Yes. It was.

Yua was in the kitchen with big eyes staring at Mars cooking. Mars was simply cooking some meat but Yua was fascinated in it.

Mars: Yua. Why are you watching me cook?

Yua: Because I find it interesting.

Mars: For some reason I just think your hungry.

Yua: Mars! How shallow do you think I am!

Yua's stomach growled and her eyes drooped as she let out a nervous giggle.

Mars: Right. Well food will be ready soon.

Yua slumped onto the table. She could hear Don out on the deck complaining and hurting himself and sat up smiling.

Mars: You have a small smile there Yua. You thinking of something nice?

Yua: I guess so. It's just nice.

Mars: What is?

Yua: All of this. Me. You. The boys. I don't believe I've ever had a proper family. And I certainly don't remember having friends.

Yua paused and tapped the table a bit.

Yua: I feel quite lucky now though.

Yua smiled widely and just before Mars spoke there was a great deal of shouting coming from the deck.

Yua and Mars burst onto deck and it seemed Don had hurt himself and was jumping about the ship in pain.

Don: I never had this problem by myself.

Gan was laughing.

Gan: You weren't careful enough!

Yua ran at Don and grabbed his arm looking at his hand.

Yua: Oh yeah it's only a little cut. You should clean it though. That's what the town's people told me every time I hurt myself.

Don: Uh yeah thanks for that Yua.

Yua touched the little cut and Don immediately pulled his arm away.

Don: Shit! Yua that really stung. Like more than normal.

Yua: Oh. Sorry.

Mars and Gan walked over and touched Don's cut on his finger. Don looked unimpressed and narrowed his eyes.

Don: That didn't hurt as much as Yua's but what is this a new greeting?

Gan: We hurt less than when Yua touches your wounds?

Don: Yes! It's more of a stingy feeling almost like when you get....

Don stopped talking and looked at Yua.

Don: Oh yeah. Your a bubble human.

Gan: So are we saying that Yua creates soapy bubbles that clean things and not just regular bubbles.

Yua: I thought you knew that.

Mars frowns.

Mars: Yua. How easy would it be for you to clean the dishes?

Yua: Pretty quick. Why?

Gan, Don and Mars look at each other then back at Yua with an annoyed look.

Gan: Then why haven't you offered to do so?

Yua: Well I don't want you guys to get lazy.


They continued shouting and complaining about Yua and she smiled nervously nodding before running to the front of the ship. It looked like something caught her eye.

The other 3 turned to continue their complaints to see Yua pointing at a gate. But this wasn't any gate. Because this gate was blocking off the path to reverse mountain.

Yua: Fancy gate.

Gan: Yua. We can see it.

Don: Why does a mountain need a gate?

Mars: Maybe it's to stop pirates.

Mars spoke bluntly towards Don and he eventually nodded in agreement. Gan and Yua were more focused on how to go through.

Yua: Maybe there's a password.

Gan: Yua I highly doubt it's a password protected gate.

Gan looked just to the right of the gate. There was a lighthouse just next to it.

Gan: What about that lighthouse? Surely whoever lives there will know to get through the gate.

Yua: Good idea! And a new friend!

Gan: Yua people have jobs they have to do. This is definitely one of those people so don't get impulsive and invite them we've already got enough on our plate with you and Jade blades over there.

Don frowned with disapproval and Mars chuckled a bit petting Yua on the head.

Mars: Well let's all eat and get ready to leave then. I was almost finished. Besides we might as well all eat since Yua is hungry.

Yua did not refuse and very quickly ran into the kitchen followed by a very eager Don who also seemed to be hungry. Gan and Mars followed behind them also feeling slightly hungry from their hard work

The crew ate and then went to get ready. Yua, Gan and Mars had everything and had already moved the ship closer to the base of the mountain. Mars had actually packed some leftovers in a basket she found. They were now just waiting on Don to get his shit together.

Eventually Don walked out of the boy's quarters with his swords strapped to his back and walked to the others who looked annoyed it had taken him so long to get ready.

Gan: When on earth did you find the time to sneak clothes on the ship?

Don: I don't see why that matters.

Yua: Stop talking lets goooo.

Yua ran off the ship and towards the lighthouse. Don did the same trying to keep up with Yua and the other two were left still standing on the boat before they both groaned and walked following the path they took. Where Gan and Mars used this time to talk.

Gan: So your a polar bear.

Mars: I can see your not the social one. But yes.

Gan: I'm social. It's just we sorta had a rushed meeting. Especially when you were a bear.

Mars: True I suppose. Well I'm sure as you've known Yua the longest so I'm sure your aware of a devil fruit.

Gan: Oh I'm aware. So your saying with yours you become a bear?

Mars: Precisely.

Gan: I mean bears are strong but wouldn't you want something a little more exciting?

Mars: No. I like my power. It boosts my attack and defence power. I don't need anything flashy.

Gan: Oh so your a fighter and a cook? And here I thought Yua had a bad judge of character.

Mars: If your a cook in this era you should always be prepared for any outcome. Besides I wouldn't have come along if I couldn't handle myself.

Gan: True True. How did you meet Yua anyway.

Mars: I caught her from falling in water then took her home. She had some kind of crisis after we spoke about parents so she simply stayed for dinner.

Gan: Her parents?

Mars: Yeah? Why? Do you not know anything about them either?

Gan: Well I'm certain they are alive from the townsfolk's reaction from where we picked Yua up. But other than that we know nothing.

Mars: Weird.

Gan: You know about the reading rocks thing though right?

Mars: The what?

Gan: Ask her yourself later.

The two had finally caught up to Don and Yua who were laying by the door looking defeated.

Gan: What's wrong with you two?

Yua/Don: We can't get the door open.

Mars: That's because someone clearly lives here and doesn't want to be robbed.

Gan: Have you tried knocking?

Yua and Don looked at each other and stood up quietly. It seemed pretty obvious they hadn't.

Don knocked on the door and within seconds the door swung open. A creature jumped at Don knocking him over pinning him. At the door there was a woman. She seemed quite mature but she was extremely beautiful. She was wearing a black night gown and not much else other than some slippers.

???: Oh. Good morning. Is something the matter? You'll have to excuse my appearance I've only really just woken up.

The three standing members looked stunned at her and then Yua diverted her eyes to Don who was on the floor being....licked? By a dog? Well it was almost a dog. It had the head, body and front two legs of one. But the other half almost looked like a frog like creature.

???: Oh I'm sorry dears that's my dog Hopper. He's not usually this friendly.

Yua: Why is he half dog?

???: He ate a devil fruit. The Hikigaeru Hikigaeru no mi. Meaning he can turn into a toad. Though he can't quite control himself so he's a hybrid instead. Hopper come back inside get off the young girl.

Yua: Actually miss Don is a boy.

???: Oh my mistake sorry.

Gan and Mars were still in a state of shock at the woman's beauty.

Mars: More importantly. Who are you?

The woman smiled gracefully and lent against the doorframe.

Hayami: I'm Hayami. The 4th gatekeeper of paradise.

Gan: A-Are you telling us there's more of you?

Hayami: Yes. My sisters. We each control a gate in the separate blues though. Here would you like to come in?

Yua: Yes please!

Yua walked in laying across a nearby couch and Hayami walked over sitting beside her and smiled at her waiting for the others to sit down.

Gan and Mars were honestly shocked at the woman's beauty and shuffled in fairly slowly and sat opposite Yua and Hayami. Don however had other plans. He loved animals so much so he was playing with Hopper on the floor and petting him and giving affection all round.

Hayami: Oh how sweet your friend and Hopper get along so well. Though you all seem fairly adorable.

Hayami pet Yua's head and ruffled her hair making Yua smile and Gan and Mars jealous a little that Yua was getting attention from the beautiful gate keeper.

Yua: Miss Hayami? Your very beautiful for someone who's just woken up what's your secret?

Hayami laughed and giggled.

Hayami: Oh dear child your so cute there's no secret I'm actually in my sixties.

There was a silence for a few moments. Well other than Don serenading the dog toad with affection.

Gan/Mars: SIXTY!

Hayami: Indeed. I'm old enough to probably be all your mothers.

She chuckled and continued to pet Yua's head again.

Hayami: So. Who are you little orange girl?

Yua: I'm Yua! We are off to the Grand Line!

Hayami: Oh cool. It's dangerous you know. Be sure to stay safe.

Yua: I'll be ok I have my friends.

Hayami: I can see. They seem very strong.

Yua: Oh they are.

Gan and Mars blush at the complement of being strong and Don was still completely distracted.

Hayami: So. Let's get down to business shall we. I'll open the gate for you. Although I have some rules for going through.

Yua: Ok I'm sure we can follow them.

Hayami: Ok so. If you have a bounty. I can't let you past without a fee. And the fee is the whole crews bounty total.

Yua went slightly white and felt a gaze from Gan and Mars. Hayami saw a change in Yua's colour and sighed.

Hayami: Pirates can be this cute too huh. That's a shame I just wanted to let you through. Well ok I'm sure I've seen your poster somewhere then.

Gan: Hey would you let us past if we left Yua here with you?

Gan chuckled a little before being stopped by Mars's elbow straight to his stomach. And Gan looked to Mars.

Gan: The hell!

Mars: I should be saying the same! How could you possibly joke about leaving Yua here.

Gan: It was a harmless joke I didn't mean it.

Mars: Well it wasn't exactly funny. You joked about selling our captain.

The two seemed to be bickering now. And Hayami was getting bored of it and grabbed Yua's hand.

Hayami: Here. Let's go to my study where I work. Get away from the bickering and we can talk about the mountain.

Yua nodded blushing by the sudden grab of her hand and stood up with Hayami and was taken up the stairs to a room.

The room was extremely messy there was newspapers all over the floor mixed with spare paper. The walls were lined with wanted posters new and old. And what looked to be a death board.

Yua: So. What is it you do? How do you open a gate with paper?

Hayami: I'm a journalist sweetie. I write the news for the East Blue and make sure they are delivered. And I make sure to copy the wanted posters and put them inside every one. I'm sure I've seen and put yours in a paper too.

Yua: Oh wow. You have such a serious job.

Hayami: Yep. People don't normally come up here. Your one of the first who isn't my sisters.

Yua smiled and watched Hayami look around the walls. Yua assumed she was looking for her poster. Eventually she stopped.

Hayami: Ah yes here you are. 'Bubble Queen' Yua Akari. Well that's apparently what they are calling you.

Yua tilted her head.

Yua: Queen? But I'm not royalty.

Hayami: Awww no no it's an epithet. It's only a title. Now let's see how much you owe.

Hayami was shocked when seeing Yua's bounty and looked slightly confused.

Hayami: How! How are you worth this much? You seem harmless.

Yua: I dunno. Maybe I'm just popular!

Hayami: Uh well I'm not sure on that.

Yua: Well I don't have that kind of money...

Hayami smiled and walked over to Yua crouching to about her height and ruffled her hair again.

Hayami: Oh sweet girl. Don't worry. I'll let you pass. Normally people try and force me so you've been my favourite guest so far. Now tell me, how much do you know of the Grand Line?

Yua: Not much. I know it's dangerous.

Hayami: Well that's true. Here I'll give you a gift and some knowledge.

Hayami walked to her desk and opened it looking for something. Yua walked over and stood beside her.

Hayami: Here it is.

Hayami pulled out what seemed like a bracelet but with a compass on the top of it? Yua tapped it.

Yua: Fancy. Why?

Hayami: This is my gift to you. It's a log pose. This will help you navigate the grand line. It will point to the next island.

Yua took it and put it on her wrist and instantly wiggled it around on her wrist playing with it.

Hayami: Ok stop it. It's not a toy.

Yua: Sorry. So can we get over the mountain now?

Hayami: I'll open it for you I suppose.

Yua got distracted by lots of stacks of paper on the desk and looked at them. On the top was a wanted poster for Manfred! The guy with the bandanna from orange town! Yua smiled seeing the man she'd beat unconscious happy he was ok.

Hayami: Oh those are the new bounties in the East Blue I get those every morning that's the new load. Apparently there was a urgent call for one.

Yua: An urgent one?

Hayami: Oh yeah. Incident yesterday apparently. Happens all the time. Especially when it's from Captain Akako.

Yua stood pretty still. She remembered the name. The captain of Logue town.

Yua: Can I see the urgent one?

Hayami: Oh? Scoping out the competition? Sounds interesting I haven't seen it myself yet.

Hayami walked to a shelf and pulled down a thin package.

Hayami: Here it's in this it arrived this morning. Feels like there are a few in there.

Hayami handed the package to Yua to let her open it. Yua quickly got into it and flicked through. There were lots of people she'd never seen but there was one and only one that mattered.

Yua dropped all other posters and held only one with a shocked expression.

Hayami: What is it? Someone you know?

Yua: Uh well yeah.

Yua turned the poster to Hayami.





Yua smiled cutely and embarrassed at Hayami and Hayami sighed.

Gan and Mars were still arguing in the main area of the lighthouse and showed no signs of stopping. Don was still playing with Hopper. Hopper was growing tired of the arguing as was Don.

Hopper bounced quite powerfully into Gan and Mars knocking them both over and Don cackled with pride.

Both Mars and Gan stood up clenching their fists looking at Hopper.

Gan/Mars: Stupid dog toad!

Hopper hid behind Don who was still laughing.

Gan and Mars eventually calmed down and quickly looked around for Yua who had seemingly vanished while they were arguing.

Gan: Where did she go!

Mars: How would I know!?

Don: She's upstairs.

The two looked at Don who was still playing with Hopper and then ran up the lighthouse stairs to the room Yua and Hayami was in.

The two burst through the door to see Yua and Hayami looking at a wanted poster together. They inspected the room and found it to be pretty odd not knowing what she does. Mars walked around looking at the posters and Gan was drawn to a certain board. The board had wanted posters of dead pirates posted all around it and right on top was his late captain and vice captain. He let out a sad sigh before being interrupted.

Yua: Gan Gan look look!

Gan turned to see the poster Yua was inspecting presented to him. He quickly ran over grabbing it off her.

Gan: ME! What did I do! Don was the one who....

In the background of Gan's poster Akako could be seen kicking Don. Someone had clearly taken this picture just as Don was about to go through the ships floor.

Hayami: That was sent with the urgent ones by captain Akako. Clearly she wanted this poster out quickly.

Gan: Yeah... I did tell her my name...

Mars ran over and frowned then turned to Hayami.

Mars: You got one for me? I'm a pretty big threat too you know!

Hayami: No sorry nothing for you.

Hayami giggled and Gan laughed mocking Mars.

Gan: You better try harder polar bear woman.

Yua: Oh Gan don't be so mean. Your bounty isn't that high.

Gan and Mars looked at Yua oblivious. And then they remembered Yua's bounty. Mars laughed and slapped Gan's back.

Mars: Oh your so scary. Guess you should try a little harder to outclass the captain!

Gan: Shut up you don't even have one!

Out of absolutely nowhere Don appeared between them almost like he was a ninja and looked at the poster.

Don: This picture sucks! Why do I look like that!

Gan: Don it's not even your poster lay off!

Yua laughed at them and Hayami approached Gan.

Hayami: Well then. You heard my rule. Pay up!

Gan: H-Huh? I've got to pay you? But this came today!

Hayami: Rules are rules. Besides once I write my paper everyone is gonna see your face all over the world anyway.

Gan was annoyed and reached into his shorts counting out the money to add to the total of his bounty which was coincidentally most of what he had after buying supplies at Cocoyashi.

Mars: Well at least we can go over now.

Yua approached Hayami and smiled cheekily.

Yua: Can we keep one of Gan's posters?

Hayami: I don't see why not. You probably will have gotten one anyway.

Yua grabbed Gan's poster and rolled it up putting it in her sweater.

Hayami: Well I suppose this is goodbye kids. I'll open the gate for you. Just go get in your ship and sail ahead. A word of warning. Avoid hitting as much as you can.

Hayami walked out leaving the crew in the room. She was clearly going to get into position.

Don: So. We just go?

Mars: Seems like it.

Gan looked depressed he'd lost a majority of his money.

Yua: Hmmm the grand line huh... I can't wait. There's gotta be so many more Poneglyhs for me to find and read.

Gan looked at Yua curiously.

Gan: I have been meaning to ask actually Yua. Why is that your goal? Why not become the new Pirate King?

Yua: Well isn't the pirate king the pirate with the most freedom? And the one who holds the legendary treasure?

Mars: I suppose that's what it means yeah.

Yua: Well as nice as that would be I don't think it would happen. If the legendary treasure had an exiting history I'd probably want it. But someone will likely beat me to it.

Don: Now hold on. You say that but no one has found it after all this time. So who's to say our approach on this will fail?

Mars: He makes a good point. I mean have you ever considered the likelihood that these rocks you can read might actually contain more than you realise.

Yua thought for a moment. And then nodded.

Yua: Alright then! Let's give it a go. I'll become the next pirate king! And I'll uncover the history of this world while I do it!

Yua raised her arm up high.

Mars: And I'll find my mother and make enough money for my siblings to live healthy for years to come.

Mars raised her hand with Yua.

Gan had a lot of dreams his main dream was simply to complex to sum up in this moment. But he knew. One day he'd beat him. Gan raised his arm to join them.

Gan: I'll honour my old captain. And I'll unlock the true potential this weapon of mine holds.

Don looked between them panicking. He had already accomplished his dream. He had friends who actually wanted him around. He had what he wanted. But finally he raised his arm.

Don: And I'm gonna.... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna go down in history as one of the greatest pirates this world has ever seen! And have ally's all over the world!

Yua grinned proudly at them and then ran off to leave.

Yua: Let's go be the best!

Yua disappeared down the stairs leaving the others still holding their arms in the air.

Mars: We should probably go after her.

Gan: She doesn't know how to operate the ship alone so we'll be ok.

Don: Well. Let's go join her.

Don ran out the door and down the stairs with Mars and Gan following behind.

As the four exited the lighthouse Hayami and Hopper stood by the side of the gate. They turned looking at them and Hayami waved to them.

Don frowned knowing he'd have to leave the dog toad. But the others were fine. Well mostly. Gan was still bitter that he had to pay his fee.

The crew boarded the Crimson Vulture and got the ship into position. Hayami had opened the gate and was waving at Gan and Mars who were by the wheel. Don had decided to sit in the storage area where his makeshift workshop was. Yua had ran to the kitchen where the big board awaited and added Gan's wanted poster next to her's proudly then walked back up on deck.

The current from the mountain had already pulled them in and they were beginning to incline and rapidly increase speed. The Crimson Vulture couldn't turn back if it wanted to.

The ship was doing fairly well all things considered. They'd only occasionally hit the side though this increased as the mountains path got thinner. Gan had a firm grasp on the wheel and Mars was in the kitchen with Yua holding onto her since she looked like she was about to fall over. There was lots of noise from the store room as Don was being thrown around by the strong currents moving the ship. The walls of the mountain seemed to get thinner and thinner as they reached the peak and the boat could be heard occasionally hitting the ship. Once at the peak the ship joined the only current going down and was hurtled down the mountain at an incredible speed. Don hit his head again and shrieked from the pain of his wound being hit. Yua, Gan and Mars could see the bottom approaching quickly and then. They were there.

The Crimson Vulture had made it to the grand line and was in a moderate shape. Well.... Apart from the storage room slowly flooding.

Don: Hey! A little help with the holes in the ship!

Gan groaned and walked down. Since Mars and Yua were devil fruit eaters they had been put on bucket duty. Which basically meant taking a bucket and throwing all the water coming in off the ship. Occasionally a small fish would come through too which would make Yua extremely happy for barely any reason.

The Crimson Vulture had finally made it to the Grand Line. With a few holes and scrapes no less. The crew would face worse along their travels though it was all just a matter of time.