
One Piece: Tales of Freedom

After enduring the worst atrocities of life head-on, Georges, an orphan, uneducated, poor, and above all, homeless, finds himself, after a heroic and particularly cliché action, transmigrated into the world of his favorite manga, One Piece. To escape the atrocities of his past life, he takes matters into his own hands by starting with a change of name and rising to the heights of the pirate world. He will encounter numerous powerful and famous pirates along the way. But in the end, who will be able to stand in the way of his freedom?

Death_Side · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The demon gunner

Fifth day, after Lynx's capture.

Surprisingly, yesterday was a real drag for him. Since it was supposed to be his "day off," he didn't get beaten up all day, which was a crucial step for his progress.

'I reckon it's time I start thinking about the next phase of my plan. My main goal on this ship is still the Devil Fruit. I don't know how, but I gotta figure out where they've stashed it, or I won't be able to move forward,' he thought, closing his eyes to concentrate.

'The only option I got is to get one of the crew members to spill the beans. Good thing they're all idiots. Shouldn't be too hard, right?'

"Hey! Wake up, you little shit," interrupted the captain's right-hand man.

Of course, before Atlas could even get a word in, what was bound to happen happened.

His first attempt to move forward with his plan had failed.

"Shit! The bastard didn't say a word. Just did his job and left. And the captain, as dumb as he is, won't ever spill the beans, not even by accident, about where he's hiding the fruit. So, if my second attempt fails by noon, I'll have to resort to force. Even though I would've liked to stay a bit longer."

His first attempt may have gone belly up, but he still had options. From now on, it was all about timing, and a bit of luck too.


On the deck of the ship, as midday approached, a brilliant idea crossed the captain's mind:

'That girl, she alone can take down half the crew. I wonder what it would be like if she started beating up that insolent Lynx. Eheheh! He's in for a real treat. Too bad she wouldn't give me her name, I would've had a plaque engraved on the ship in her honor, even promoted her. But that's alright, as long as I can use her as much as possible before she changes her mind.'

So he approached her and made his proposition.

- Hey there, beautiful, mind if I ask you something?

- Screw off, I ain't got time for this. She replied curtly.

- Ahem... I know you... you ain't the type to follow orders, but I just wanna ask you a little favor, and you'll be generously rewarded.

- ...

- 10,000,000 berries just for you. You could buy all the beer you want.

- If you got all that money on you, I could just kill you all and take it, wouldn't that be better?

- Unfortunately, we don't have it yet, but we will soon.

- All the same.

- No, it's not the same. There will be big shots from around the world here, no funny business will be tolerated.

- Hmm... yeah, whatever. What do you want me to do?"

- Come with me, I'll show you.


They descended into the ship's hold. Several things about this place caught the girl's attention, making her wonder why the captain was taking her to such a spot.

It was dark, with a nauseating smell lingering, and all sorts of debris scattered about. But despite all this, what she saw at the back was the only thing that shocked her.

A man, his arms spread wide and bound by chains, his feet not even touching the ground. And on top of that, his body covered in blood to the point where his skin color couldn't be distinguished.

- What did he do to deserve such punishment? She asked.

- He committed the gravest of errors, defying our pirate honor.

- Didn't you say you don't have any honor? Hmm... sure seems like you do when it comes to those weaker than you.

After those words, Lynx lifted his head slightly, and the look he gave the girl said it all.

'Weaker? Do you really think I'm the weak one here?'

- Uh... it doesn't matter. Honor's gotta know its place sometimes. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. You've got an hour to have your fun with him, not enough blood on the floor yet.


The captain went back up, leaving her alone with Lynx.

"I fail to see how this is fun. Dammit!"

- By the way, shouldn't you be dead already? She asked Lynx, but the latter was far too lost in his thoughts.

'Why did things have to turn out like this? I'm sure she's the new one. Not only did I not see her while I was on deck, even though I perfectly memorized the face of every crew member, but I also sense a strength in her that I hadn't felt before on this ship.

Since she's new to this ship, she probably won't know where the Devil Fruit is.

But come to think of it, I might have a golden opportunity here.'

Lynx was completely lost in his thoughts, completely forgetting to answer the question he had been asked.

- Hey, I asked you a question.

- Oh... sorry.

- How the hell are you still alive?

- My body's tougher than it looks.

- I see. I'll do you a favor, I'll make sure you don't suffer too long. Just close your eyes, and this shitty life will be over.

- That's the last thing I need. No, I have a better offer for you.

- Hmm?

- What did he offer you to get you to come here and beat me up?

- He didn't offer me anything.

- So you expect me to believe you took this shitty job just for fun?

- ... none of your damn business.

- 1,000,000?

- ...

- 5,000,000?

- ...

-Damn it, 10,000,000!?

- Shut up. Remember, you're tied up and there's nothing stopping me from getting rid of you. Watch your step.

- I can offer you much more than that?

- Are you trying to buy me off?

- ... Yes! Don't make me think you're loyal to that dog up there.

- ... Hahahaha! You're a funny one, I like your honesty. She replied, laughing heartily. "But as I said, choose your words wisely."

- The pirates are planning a transaction in Loguetown. 500,000,000 for an unlisted Devil Fruit in their possession.

- 500,000,000!!! Are you sure about that?

- Absolutely. What I'm asking for is your help. I want the Devil Fruit they're carrying, but I don't plan on letting them keep the 500,000,000 berries. If you agree, I'll get the fruit and you can keep half of the sum.

- Half?

- Yeah, 250,000,000, that's a lot, right?

- I don't care. I want it all.

- *sigh* Fine.

- One more thing. Apparently, there will be big shots there to ensure the security of the transaction.

- How big shots?

- From the captain's expression when he talked about it, I'd say they're really powerful people.

- I see. We don't know the nature of his client. If they're pirates, we're either dealing with a Warlord, or worst case scenario, an Emperor. But I doubt it, why would a pirate of that caliber want to buy a fruit from a nobody.

It would be more plausible if it were the Marines, but that would mean the fruit is extremely important for them to choose not to risk attacking. In that case, they would definitely send an admiral to ensure everything goes smoothly."

- If you're right in your analysis, then we're screwed.

- Even more reason for us to join forces.

- Says the man chained up and covered in blood. Are you just oblivious to staying so calm in the face of such enemies?

- As you stand before me, I can feel the strength within you. And you, can you feel mine?

- No... but... I saw it in your eyes earlier. She replied, causing a proud smile to appear on Lynx's face.

- So what's your decision?

- Your plan is tempting, but too risky. It would be better if I kept my distance. ... But luckily for you, I don't give a damn about what's better. So count me in.

- Eheheh! Good.

- Do you want me to set you free?

- No, I'll stay here for a while, wait until you locate the Devil Fruit, then come tell me so we can plan the next move.

- Yeah! One last thing, why do you think I won't eat it, this probably very powerful fruit?

- ... *sigh* Are you gonna eat it? Lynx asked vaguely, sounding tired.

- No.

- Well, there you go. Oh, one last thing before you go. There's still a good thirty minutes left, so go ahead, do what you gotta do.

- Huh!? You want me to hit you? Aren't you... a bit... maso...

- Don't even think about it. It's just that it would be too suspicious if I stayed intact. He interrupted. "Oh, before you start, would this lovely lady care to give me her name?"

- Wtf! Change your tone, man!

- Ahah! Yeah, what's the name, sis?

- In this world, they dub me "The Demon Gunner". But, my name is: "Marshall D. Nym".

- ...

- ...

- ... Wait, what!!!


Hey guys! I'm really sorry for this huge delay, but I had difficulty posting earlier, I hope you understand. By the way, if you liked the chap, leave a vote. ;)

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