
One Piece System In One Piece

2 Siblings...... Leyla and Leon, As they went a road trip with their private plane..... on the road of return never would they have imagine themselfs in a new adventure......

Seion · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Chapter 77 : XxXxXxXxX

Leon was now sitting across the room as he watched face to face two beautiful naked girls looking at him with rosy faces...

They had booked a room on the other side of the town as they didn't want to bother anyone...

Kuina was slowly glaring at him as she was taking small steps with her toes towards him...

Nojiko although she was moving as well towards Leon she knew that Kuina deserved to go first therefore she was walking much slower than her...

Eventually Kuina reached next to him and Leon seeing her beautiful white skin and well preserve body with C cup breasts that were developed for her age, he couldn't control himself and pulled her closer as he sealed her lips...

He hugged her and gropped her ass making her flinch somewhat as he went further ahead and insert his tongue in her mouth...

Kuina could only respond with lightly moan that escaped from her mouth between small breaths...

Nojiko who was seeing this started feeling really weird as if she is losing... She then noticed that Leon was looking at her and motion her to come closer...

When she did, she saw Kuina with rolled back eyes, as he was sucking her tongue and saliva from her mouth...

He then proceeded and places his hand between her legs which caused her to yell loudly as she didn't expect go be finger up one touched...

Leon kept screwing her insides with one finger of his hand and with the other he caught Nojiko who was absent minded from what happened and started kissing her as well while fondling her breasts...

Both of them started moaning more and more especially Kuina who now felt two to three foreign things moving around inside her...

Leon stopped kissing Nojiko and started sucking her breasts while also fingering her as well...

It wasn't long before only their moans remained on the room...

At that moment both of them were feeling something poking them in their thighs and when they looked they saw a burst up dragon waiting to eat them as they blushed...

Both of them moved their hands and started giving him a handjob which now caused his face to distort as he gasped and moaned...

As he was holding back for quite a bit of time, more like months he started shivering as he desperately held it in since he wanted to make them cum first instead of him losing...

At the very least he wanted to come in a draw with them... He started applying more force in his fingering as the girls welped and gasped from moans while soon reaching their limits as well...

All three of them refused to back down and arrived at a critical point where they almost came on the spot...

Nojiko then bent done and shove his dick at least the tip in her lips and sucked it...

This caused Leon to flinch and increase his pressure in the fingers causing all of them to climax as they moaned....

Kuina : Aaaaaahhhh...

Leon : Mmmnnnn...

Nojiko : Mmnunn... Sluurrpp... sluuurrppp...

Kuina filled the hand of Lron with her juices, Nojiko did the same with the other hand but for this round between the girls, Nojiko won as she swallowed his cum...

Kuina : That was no fair...

Nojiko : Say what you want, it will be quite some time till I taste it so no complains there...

Kuina : Grrrtttrtttrt....

Leon finally snapped from his daze and caught Kuina as he placed her above him and then pushed her down as she felt a sharp pain in her lower region...

Nojiko saw from the connection of his dick a small trail of blood as Kuina gritted her teeth from the pain...

Just as she was trying to get used to the pain Leon started moving making her flinch...

Nojiko not wanting to be left behind she went on his face and sat with her pussy there and started suffocating him...

Tomorrow DxD!!!

April Monthly Release : BLEACH (0/10 at 20-4) - FAIRY (0/10)

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