
One Piece System In One Piece

2 Siblings...... Leyla and Leon, As they went a road trip with their private plane..... on the road of return never would they have imagine themselfs in a new adventure......

Seion · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Chapter 74 : Destination Onwards!!!

Leon : Well you are right they are not accurate...

Leyla : Yeah most of those have changed...

Nojiko : What do you mean??

Deuce : Do you happen to have newer info about these places??

Leon : When we were training with Leyla or was it when we began our journey...

Leyla : Germa Kingdom, was controllable by a large rolling Family but now the world's only roaming, maritime kingdom. Currently, the Kingdom is assembling in the New World.

Leon : We have no info about Lvneel so i can't really say what is true or not...

Leyla : Same can be applied for Spider Miles.

Nojiko : So we have a ruined kingdom and 2 destinations...

Ace : Hahahaha, how about we visit all of them???

Leyla : Not just one ruined island...

Leon : Flevance was was destroyed by neighbouring countries due to misconceptions in regards to the Amber Lead Syndrome.

Leyla : News had spread out that it was a deadly disease that killed anyone who caught it without their knowledge and those that had children died at an earlier age...

Leon : I think this was caused by the mining there for a certain material...

Deuce : What about the other islands??

Leon : Minion Island would be a nice vacation if you seek the thrill as we know nothing of it...

Leyla : Rubeck Island as you said it's an exchange spot between merchants, which will visit to take goods and provisions there...

Nojiko : What about Swallow Island‎‎ i'm interested in its geography

Leyla : No idea we have no info...

Leon : If i remember correctly there is one more island i had read when i was on the ship of Shanks, its name was Notice...

Leyla : Aahhh... I remember that article as well, it had said it's an island but in reality, is a giant town...

Deuce : So out of 8 destinations 2 of them had become ruins...

Ace : As for the others, we have a few to little info...

Nojiko : So which way are we going to go, Captain??

Leyla : Well, for now, i want us to reach the waters of North Blue and we will see from there where we will go...

Leon : Ai, ai Captain!!!

Leyla : Don't call me Captain!!!

Pfffftt Hahahahahaha, all of them burst in laughter when they saw the pissed off, Leyla, as they started preparing the ship for their voyage...

Leon : Well then out Target!!! North Blue!!!

Leyla : Second, Target healing your hands!!!

Leon : I don't think we will find him in our way... And we haven't heard any movement from him for any group...

Leyla : It doesn't hurt to dream healing your arms!!!

Leon : Are you sure?? Cause if i get healed i'm gonna take your position of the future sexiest Captain in the world...

Leyla : And what would that make you??

Leon : The most handsome Captain in the world!!!

Leyla looked at him with half opened eyes as she shrugged her shoulder while Kuina and Nojiko were giggling.

Ace and Deuce had tired eyes as they were used to their fighting but they knew how deep their love runs for each other...

How should they know though that in the future the world will be dyed red in the blood of countless Celestials for ruining their own kin???

Somewhere far away from there in the deepest parts of the sea they layed a few glowing spheres with certain shadows looming over...

??? : The fate of this world changed!!

??? : Oh, the destruction!!

??? : The Rage!!!!

??? : Finally, Our Goddess Empress will awaken the divine Haki!!!!

??? : The Promised time through the ancients Clans will be fulfilled!!!

??? : The World Will Regret their Greediness!!!

Laugher could be heard from within the darkest parts of the sea as the only light reaching there were the glowing bulbs that suddenly blinked...

It wasn't lights illuminating the sea but the glint in their eyes looking at the future to come!!!

Weakly : ToDaG, Dan Machi, Naruto, STB, DXD...

No bleach and Fairy Today...

As i Had mentioned my health took a hit, therefore, i'll take it easy for the April...

April Monthly Release : STB (2/10) - BLEACH (0/10) - FAIRY (0/10) (They are what i owe from march..)

I'm grateful for many supporting me in any way possible... Check my book Seion Sect for the monthly schedule!!!!!

https://www. patr eon .com/uselessSeion

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