
One Piece: Supreme System

[Note- I might or might not complete this story] Cathie, a huge slut who worked in the sex business for money gets reincarnated into the world of One Piece. In a world where people rule with power and status is determined by the background, she was reincarnated into a body of a beautiful girl. And by the stroke of luck, she managed to awaken the 'Supreme Slut System'. With no shame for indulging in sex with different people, she joined Straw Hats and made a goal to change the lifestyle of Straw Hats completely. Using the power of her system and her own passion, she will make Straw Hats' relationship even closer than the original. This is a story of a young woman who goes on a sex adventure where she would take action in bed, make harmony in the crew and change the lives of Straw Hats. .................. Check out my Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon?fan_landing=true&view_as=public/ https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Nami and Zoro joins

"So, is it just three of us?" While walking toward the Sea, Zoro couldn't help but ask. He was holding two massive bags in his hand.

"Yes, but we will have more members in the future." Luffy nodded his head and answered. He was also holding two massive bags in his hand.

"Then, where is our ship?" Seeing no ship on the seashore, Zoro couldn't help but roll his eyes and ask.

"Hehe! You will be surprised by this for sure. Cathie, show him the ship." Luffy chuckled and looked at Cathie.

Cathie nodded her head and upon reaching closer to the seashore, she took out the Weird Ship from her inventory.

"What?" Zoro was stunned when the ship appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

He looked at Cathie and asked.

"Are you a devil fruit user as well?"

"You can say it like that. I will tell you a secret but let's enter the ship first." Cathie smiled and answered. She wasn't holding anything in her hands.

She quickly climbed the ladder and reached the deck of the ship. Zoro and Luffy also followed her quickly. After they reached there, they were about to set sail when suddenly, they heard a shout.

"Hey wait, wait!"

Three of them turned their heads to the ground and saw a young girl with orange hair shouting at them.

Cathie was surprised to see this. From her memories, she knew that Nami wouldn't ask to join a pirate crew. So, why was she stopping them?

"What's the matter?" Luffy walked closer and shouted from the ship.

"I heard you say that you wanted to enter the Grandline. But, do you have the Charts to enter the Grandline?" Nami shouted from the ground.

Hearing her words, Luffy, Zoro, and Cathie were stunned. They looked at each other and noticed that they don't have a way to enter the Grandline.

Only then Cathie remembered Nami following them into the restaurant after Luffy singlehandedly defeated Axe Hand Morgan.

'It seems like she found out that we are powerful so she wanted to join us. I don't believe that she wants us to fight against Arlong. But, I believe her true goal is to get the treasure from Buggy.'

Cathie thought to herself and looked to the side.

"Luffy, it seems like she might have a way for us to enter the Grandline. Why don't you invite her?"

Luffy's eyes sparkled and he instantly turned around.

"Hey you, do you want to join my Crew?"

Although Nami hated pirates, she also didn't want to make any trouble. She quietly nodded her head and said.

"Although I don't have a map, I know a person who does. If we get the map from him, we can enter the Grandlind."

Luffy suddenly sensed something. He thought for a moment and shook his head.

"You clearly don't want to join us. If so, we will go by ourselves."

Nami was stunned on the ground. Although she didn't say yes, she clearly nodded her head. How could this boy know that she didn't want to join? But, she also didn't want to make any trouble.

"Even if I don't join you, we can still form a partnership. Give me the treasure and I will be your navigator. It's clear that you don't have a navigator."

While saying so, Nami turned her eyes to Cathie. She wasn't sure if Cathie was a navigator. It's just that her guts told her she wasn't.

"You are right. We don't have a navigator. But, unfortunately, we don't accept someone who isn't our crew mate." Cathie instantly rejected her before Luffy could agree.

Seeing this, Luffy decided not to speak. On the other hand, Nami was stunned. She didn't know how to respond now. They clearly don't have a navigator but they still wanted to set sail without a navigator.

Nami bit her lips and said.

"If you don't get a navigator, you won't be able to travel in the sea. Who knows what kind of trouble you might get into?"

Cathie smiled and said.

"Indeed! Without a navigator, our journey might be harsh but we rather not have a navigator who isn't even a part of our crew. My captain survived a storm and sea inside a barrel and ended up on a pirate ship."

"I don't believe with my captain's luck, we can't find a navigator before we enter the Grandline. After all, there might be some people who are willing to join us if we help them."

"For example, what if she wasn't willing to join a crew but was forced to? What if her family or her village was captured by a pirate? What if she had a dream to go around the world and draw a map of the world?"

"I believe we can find someone with even one of these conditions."

When she said that, Nami's blood froze for a moment. There was fear in her eyes as she looked at Cathie and asked.

"Who are you? How do you know all this?"

Cathie didn't give her the answer instead looked puzzled as she asked.

"What do you mean? I just said some of the situations that might occur in the sea. After all, this sea is filled with pirates. And, most of the pirates love to burn and kill."

"And, many people's lives are destroyed by them. Among them, it shouldn't be hard to find a person with navigation skills, right?"

At this moment, Nami's face was covered with hatred and fear. She was looking at Cathie with similar hatred and fear. There were tears falling down her eyes as she screamed.

"What do you know? You have never suffered such kind of situation. You know nothing about those people. You know nothing about what kind of situation they are going through. So, shut up!"

Seeing this situation, Luffy and Zoro decided not to speak. Both of them understood Cathie's intention.

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, Cathie stretched her arm and wrapped it around Nami. She pulled Nami into the ship and caught her before she fell on the deck.

"Yy-you?" Nami's mouth was wide open. Not only that, even Luffy and Zoro had similar expressions.

"Cathie, how do you have my ability?" Luffy asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"Hehe! Captain, didn't I tell you that I can get stronger through that? Of course, I get stronger by absorbing your strength." Cathie smiled as she answered.

Then, she put Nami down and crouched in front of her.

"You might not know but this power is called Devil Fruit. They are the treasure of the sea. After eating devil fruit, one can get extraordinary power but at the same time, they will also have the ability to swim."

"A devil fruit user can't exert his strength inside the sea. But, there is another power that rules the Sea. In fact, while devil fruit might make someone strong, what truly makes them a powerhouse in the sea is Haki."

"And, my Captain knows this. Zoro, do you mind cutting Luffy with the sword?"

"What?" Hearing her request, Zoro was stunned. But, Luffy instantly understood her intention and nodded.

"Yes, Zoro! Try to cut me."

Zoro looked at Cathie and then looked at Luffy, asking.

"Are you sure? Your fruit seemed to be weak against sharp objects."

"Don't worry, I will use Haki." Luffy answered.

"Alright then"

Zoro nodded his head and unsheathed the sword.

"Hey, wait! What are you doing?" Nami still couldn't comprehend Haki so when she saw Zoro attacking Luffy, she couldn't help but shout.


But, when Zoro's sword collided with Luffy's arm, it didn't even make him bleed. Instead, the sound of two metals colliding rang. And, a pitch-black arm appeared in front of Zoro and Nami's gaze.

"Is this Haki? Can you even block sword cut with such ease?" Zoro stared at Luffy's arm with fighting intent and muttered.

Unlike him, Nami didn't speak but just glanced at Luffy's arm.

"This is the power of Armament Haki. In the Grandline, there were countless people who knows Armament Haki, especially in the other half of the Grandline."

"With Luffy's strength, not to mention 20 million, even a hundred million Bailey opponent can be defeated. Unlike Devil Fruit, Haki represents true strength, a symbol of a powerhouse."

"So, for us, saving a small village to get a talented Navigator isn't a big deal."

Hearing Cathie's words, Zoro and Luffy's lips suddenly twitched. Even Luffy who was an idiot could understand the meaning behind her words, not to mention Nami.

Nami clenched her fist and there was some level of trust in her heart. But, she looked at Cathie and asked.

"What if you are the same as those pirates? I will hate pirates the most."

"Indeed! But, you don't have a choice, do you? Either become a marine or a pirate. Marines might be righteous but when you reach the level of Vice-Admiral, you will feel so disgusted that even the pirates like them feel like a good person."

"In the end, either you continue to live in the disgusted situation or become a pirate. If you want to achieve your dream, then you don't have a choice. No, I should say. You have a choice."

"And, that choice is to believe in us."