
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]

One individual—one who didn't read the manga named One Piece—reincarnates into the world of said manga, with nothing but his knowledge from the Earth to rely on. - No Devil Fruit. - No harem. - Pirate MC. - Warning: If you are here for an OP MC who receives all those cheats and has 200 IQ and all that, this isn't for you. However, if you are here to feel the adventure full of One Piece vibes, maybe this is for you!

BravoBuds · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 7

Carina. She was a fellow thief and rival of Rowan and Nami.

They first met her approximately half a year ago in a Candle town, as they were being chased by an underworld gang that had control over the entire town.

Back then, Carina dressed up as an average village girl. Opening her house, she whispered Rowan and Nami to come into her house. Then, as they entered and momentarily took breathing, Carina stole half of what they had, and while Rowan and Nami were still being chased, ran away.

"That witch...!" Nami growled angrily while counting the money in her hands, "How is it that she's always one step ahead of us?!"

And starting from that occasion, they came across her many times in many different incidences. But nonetheless, Rowan didn't necessarily pursue her to take back the money,

'Since we too are thieves anyway. And unlike Nami, I don't necessarily focus on accumulating 100 million; Arlong won't keep the promise.'

Still, it was astounding just how many times they came to lose a good 'stealing' opportunity due to Carina. Rowan had to admit, that she, in the department of thievery, was far more talented than Nami.

'...But as far as I know, Nami in the manga was a navigator anyway,' Thought Rowan as he was doing a one-hand push-up with his top taken off, 'She becomes a part of, uh... Luffy, right, Luffy's pirate crew.'

Honestly speaking, this little bit of information that he knew, was one of the reasons why Rowan used to believe that a peaceful life may be possible. The thought that the main character of the story won't die... he truly was naive back then.

Currently, they were in a small and old-looking inn for the night, saving up as much money as they possibly could.

"...That witch told us to meet her tomorrow in the east region of the island, where there exists nothing but barren land." Nami then spoke up, "...What's the chance of her setting up a trap against us?"

While still in a push-up position and sweating profusely, Rowan hummed before responding,

"Essentially none, I'd say."

Only two hours passed after Rowan fought against multiple men at once. His body was exhausted from the fight, and an average person would've chosen to rest. However, Rowan couldn't afford to do so, after seeing just how strong Arlong was back then.

"Choosing barren land as the meet-up location itself is her effort to prove her sincerity. From a far distance away, we'll be able to see her. Any existing trap will easily be discovered. Finally, the benefit that she'll attain from us is much less than if the thievery against Mad Treasure goes successful, and considering that we know her quite well by now, the risk of betraying us, to her, may be as dangerous as stealing from the Mad Treasure."

Nami huffed while placing the well-organized stack of Beli down, before gazing at it thoughtfully. Her posture then slumped, and she muttered weakly,

"...I wonder how Nojiko's doing."

Rowan stopped his exercise and looked at Nami.

"Genzo-san, Dr. Nako, Sam, and even that snotty Palbo... I sometimes wish I can just go back." Nami's eyes became watery as she smiled in melancholy. However, standing up with strength and taking in a deep breath, she willed herself, "But whining won't do! 100 million... at least we are getting somewhere!"

In Rowan's eyes, Nami looked like a small candlelight against a harsh wind, threatening to go out at any moment. However... that didn't stop him from opening his mouth,

"Arlong won't keep the promise, Nami," Said Rowan, causing Nami to bite her lips out of frustration, "I told you this many times over the past two years."

"But then...!!" Nami reasoned, "All that we are doing now... will be useless. How else are we going to become free from Arlong?!"

Rowan gritted his teeth angrily upon visualizing Arlong's face in his mind, "By killing him, of course."

Nami gulped just from the thought of it. Arlong's strength—every time she thought about it—terrified her. She, after the horrible experience on that day, came to believe that no one will ever be able to defeat him. And then, the thought of Rowan, one who's been with her two years, throwing his life away by trying to fight Arlong...

"No." Nami stood up and glared and Rowan with teary eyes, "You aren't going to fight him. Bell-mere and your father were both capable!! And yet, they couldn't win against Arlong... it's impossible! You're going to get yourself killed!!"

Rowan sighed while sitting at the edge of one bed.

"Those idiots whom you fought just before—they are nothing when compared to Arlong!!!" Nami shouted, before pleading with a pale expression, "S-so please... don't die. I'm sure that even Arlong... even he won't be that cruel. He values money above all, so... heheh... he'll let us go when we pay the amount. Yes, I'm sure of it."

It's always been like this. No matter how many times Rowan tried to convince her otherwise, she rejected the notion of it, traumatized by Arlong's very existence itself.

But still, Rowan believed otherwise. For the past two years, he relentlessly trained and engaged himself in many combats. For the past two years, he protected Nami from many hostiles, regardless of whether they were the victims of her thievery or the criminals who simply had ill intentions. For the past two years, he attained many valuable experiences, and,

'...This is the only way,' Thought Rowan, 'In the end, everything can be solved... with strength alone.'

"H-hey... Rowan..." Then Nami, now standing right in front of Rowan, grabbed him by shoulders and asked fearfully, "You won't throw your life away, right? You won't try to fight Arlong... right?" She then whispered in a shaky voice, "D-don't leave me like Bell-mere did. The villagers hate me now, and only Nojiko knows. If even you are gone..."


In the end, there was nothing that Rowan could do but bring Nami into his embrace.

"...Everything will be alright. And don't worry," Stated Rowan as he stared at the outside sky, "I don't plan on dying young,"

though he himself didn't know if he was being truthful.


As the sun rose, and another day began in the Mine town,

"Listen, you two!"

Carina, in the middle of barren land where no one was present, said while drawing on the ground with a wooden stick,

"The last time I came across Mad Treasure, he was getting a new ship that can handle the weight of his treasures! Therefore, his ship is our target!"

Rowan and Nami deadpanned, ""...Duh.""

Ignoring their antics, Carina continued while raising up the index finger of her free hand,

"Mad Treasure's crew, from the latest info that I received, consists of twenty no-name extras, not even given a bounty on their heads!" Carina explained, "All of them probably joined recently after seeing the wealth that Mad Treasure managed to accumulate. And this also means,"

Nami's eyes flashed in realization, "...Joining his crew shouldn't be hard."

"Exactly!" Carina snapped her fingers, "I don't even think there is a set standard! Treasure pirates? Heh, more like Mad Treasure and his dogs!" Carina pointed toward the shore, "The simpler the plan, the better it is! Once Mad Treasure arrives, we'll ask our way in—not to Mad Treasure himself, but to one of those useless goons. Once we get in, look for a hole in the security, and steal the treasure little by little, and then,"

Carina then looked at Rowan,

"this is where you come in, Rowan! Prepare a ship of substantial size, big enough to handle the weight of lots of gold, and when we come aboard, immediately escape!"

"...While you two join the crew?" Asked Rowan, to which Carina nodded while crossing her arms. Rowan turned to Nami, and Nami was folding her fingers one by one,

"55 million... 20, 30, 35... 36...? More...?"

estimating how much they can earn out of this.

Rowan, scratching the back of his head, took out a crumbled-up bounty poster from his pocket. Straightening it up, he gazed into the picture of the pinkish-purple-haired man, Mad Treasure, grinning back at him.

'Mad Treasure.' Wanted Dead or Alive. 8.5 million Beli. In comparison to Arlong's 20 million and Krieg's 17 million, it wasn't as much, but still, he was a pirate whose strength lied far above that of the East Blue's average pirates.

"...Mad Treasure, also known as the user of Chain Chain fruit..." Rowan muttered, "...Devil fruit, huh."

'...In comparison to that man, where does my strength lie?'

Carina's plan was reckless and full of variables. However, Rowan nonetheless believed that this was a good opportunity.

"Nami, what do you think?" Rowan asked, and Nami, looking at him, gave a firm nod. Carina, coming to a grin, held her hand out, to which Rowan stared with a slight reluctance, before grabbing and shaking it.

"A temporary alliance it is, then!" Exclaimed Carina.


Three days quickly passed. After another night, another day has begun, however,


this day was unlike any other, with one townsfolk crying while running around,


At the shore of the island, there stood one huge pirate ship, with a jolly roger of Treasure pirates drawn on its sail.


And from there, one muscular man with sunglasses over his eyes exited. Grinning, he looked around the view and remarked,

"So this is where the 'Ore Seeker' Gouma met his end...!"

Mad Treasure, in correspondence to many individuals' speculation, thus arrives to the Mine town.

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