
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]

One individual—one who didn't read the manga named One Piece—reincarnates into the world of said manga, with nothing but his knowledge from the Earth to rely on. - No Devil Fruit. - No harem. - Pirate MC. - Warning: If you are here for an OP MC who receives all those cheats and has 200 IQ and all that, this isn't for you. However, if you are here to feel the adventure full of One Piece vibes, maybe this is for you!

BravoBuds · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 28

The sun shines. It generates a light that's bright by sight and warm upon touch.

The wind blows. It generates a gust that brushes by the skin and whooshes onto ears.

The sea churns. It splashes onto Rowan's sitting form, granting the cool sensation, splashing noise, and a salty taste for the slightest bit that entered his mouth.

'See. Smell. Taste. Hear. Touch. The five senses input five different kinds of information that get relayed to my brain.'

Throughout the 3 years, Rowan, upon the continuous usage of Observation Haki, came to wonder,

'Just how exactly does the Observation Haki work?'

This bizarre feeling that allowed Rowan to somehow read others' intents—it didn't correlate with any of the five senses mentioned. The manifestation of the sixth sense, that's how Rowan came to define his current progress with Observation Haki.


And therefore, Rowan came to wonder,

'If sixth sense still is a "sense" nonetheless, and involves the process of entering the information down my nerves and into my brain, then... can my other five senses be enhanced instead of this inexplicable sixth sense?'

On top of the Shooting Star's front section, Rowan was found to have his eyes closed, and ears and nose blocked with cottons. Breathing through his mouth, he brought his entire attention to the sense of touch only—the warmth from the sun's ray, the brush from the wind's breeze, and the chill from the ocean's water.

If others saw this, they may laugh at him, saying that it's futile. Haki, the tangible energy that represents the physical manifestation of one's willpower, was the naturally existing power of this world that no one bothered to question or decipher. The more that one's body and mind grew, the greater the magnitude and mastery over Haki became, and the select few who managed to awaken it simply stayed satisfied with such.

However, Rowan was different. Having lived a life in a world without miraculous energy such as Haki, he was eager to explore and comprehend this ability to the fullest.

Furthermore, though he was aware of all 3 types of Haki by a little bit of what he managed to hear in his previous life, he didn't know the very specifics. Advanced Armament Haki: Emission, Advanced Observation Haki: Future Sight, etc., Rowan didn't know such techniques, and therefore, was forced to think on his own way to develop Haki—


Then, an electrifying jolt suddenly struck onto Rowan's skin. He flinched up with his eyes widened, and his quickened breathing caused the pieces of cotton on his ears and nose to be blown out. He raised up his shaky hand and swallowed his saliva,

"That feeling just now. It felt as if..."

...as if countless dot-sized pebbles were wriggling against his skin. The sensation of it.

"...Particles?" Rowan muttered in suspicion, but shook it off with a light chuckle, "Heh... no. No way."

Placing the pieces of cotton back on and closing his eyes back, he focused once again,

"Let's try this again."


"Just what is he doing?" From afar, Deuce deadpanned at the seemingly foolish sight, where his captain sat in a meditating posture with his nostrils and ears blocked.

Nami, now resting on a chair with a cup of water on the plain table, shrugged, "Don't ask me. He's been doing that for 2 years by now."


"We're here!"

Nami hoorayed as she exclaimed in excitement. Filled with the sense of fulfillment that once again, she's successfully led the crew to their destination, Nami turned and looked at Rowan with eyes that seemed to be saying, 'I did well, didn't I?'

Grinning, Rowan rubbed Nami on the head with his eyes locked on the view ahead of them, "So that's the Deejay island. Heh, looks quite unique."

Just as Rowan said, the island wasn't that of your average one. It consisted of a large, guitar-shaped rock that stood atop all else. Surrounding said rock, at the outer edges of the island, were multitudes of trees.

Deuce, from the front-most part of the ship, remarked, "The island looks huge; we can't see the backside. And also, I can already see that that place is packed with people."

"Ehem, of course it will be!" Crossing her arms, Nami spoke up in an elevated tone, "Deathmetal Town is said to make a living off of tourism! People from everywhere visit to experience this strange weather and environment that can only exist in Grand Line, free of risk! In addition, there's said to be a carnival opening every year or so, which serves as another attraction for tourists to gather!"


At one shore of the island that was devoid of any individual, Shooting Star was docked. Gazing at the forest ahead of them, Rowan asked Nami,

"What do we need here?"

Nami hummed while reading through a slip of paper with folded marks, "Dry crackers, dried fruits, salt, and some ale if applicable. Other than consumables, there is no particular item that we require."

"And how much will we have after getting them?"

Nami slumped in depression, "...Approximately 10 million only."


Rowan and Nami then spoke simultaneously,

"That should be more than enough." / "Uwaa, it's far from enough!"

The two of them raised their eyebrows before turning to one another.

"They're nothing but deadweight in the sea, you know. Might as well make Shooting Star as light as possible."

"We used to have more than 125 million in the past!! And look how much the amount was reduced since!!" Nami formed an X with her arms, "I don't want to be a part of poor crew, and I'm sure that Shooting Star doesn't want to be money-less either!"

Rowan deadpanned, "You speak as if 10 million is small."

"Duhh!! If 10 million isn't small, then what is?!"

"10 thousand."

"10 thousand?! That's practically non-existent!!"

Watching as an argument suddenly arose between Rowan and Nami, Deuce sweatdropped from some distance away. Scratching the back of his head, he said to himself, "Grimheart and Weather Witch? Them? ...More like an average joe and a banshee—"

Tap. Deuce couldn't finish his words as he found Nami right in front of him, holding his face with a surprisingly strong grip.

"...What did you say, Mr. doctor of the crew?" Nami's eyes flashed dangerously, to which Deuce gulped in response.

"Ha... haha... I meant to say that I feel nothing but respect for my dearest captain and vice captain..."

With her eyes squinted in suspicion, Nami released Deuce and slowly stepped back, "...I'm letting you go for this time around. But if you were to say that again—"

"He called you banshee, Nami!"

Nami froze as Rowan jokingly shouted from the back. Turning around and growling, Nami charged at him,


Jumping onto Rowan, Nami's demeanour abruptly shifted as she pecked Rowan on the forehead and formed puppy-eyes,

"Am I still a banshee to you...?"

"Nah, you're too cute for that."

"Heh, as expected!" Nami then turned back and shouted comically at Deuce, "So you're wrong, you hear that?!"

Nodded Deuce as he sweatdropped, amazed by how Nami's mood rapidly shifts like the weather of the Grand Line.

<<Lady and gentlemen!>>

Just then, a loud voice boomed from just across the final bits of trees that the crew was walking through. Interested, they quickly got past the forest and came in sight of many people gathering around a stage. On top of the stage stood a man in tuxedo, stating loudly with an underlying excitement,

<<Are you ready to enjoy~ tonight's Deejay show?!>>

""YEAAAHHH!!""" People responded with an even greater excitement. Rowan could feel the heat just from their shouts, and it made him wonder just what lied beyond the closed curtains.

"Nami, Deuce," Therefore, Rowan pointed his finger at the attraction, "The concert is free."

And that was enough to convince Nami, while Deuce seemed amused by their enthusiasm.



A band in black and spiky attires were screaming at their lungs as they hit their instruments. Rowan winced from the sheer volume of it, and as he turned to his side, Nami seemed to in a similar state, and Deuce... seemed to be genuinely enjoying it.

"Yeaaaaaa!!!" Deuce was practically standing up along with many others, pumping his fists up so hard that he was drenched in a sweat.

"...Hey Rowan, did you notice?" Then, Nami whispered at him in a serious manner. Knowing what Nami was talking of, Rowan nodded as his eyes locked onto one member of the band on the stage, one with a spiky green hair,

"Bartolomeo the 'Cannibal.' Wanted for 7 Million Beli. Heh," Rowan chuckled, "If I remember correctly, he threatened marines to make his title Cannibal, although no one knows why—"



"Pff, there's your answer," Said Nami as she let out a light laugh.

<<LET'S GO!!!>>

Then, with the end of the band's song, the man in tuxedo came back to the centre of the stage and spoke,

<<Why, thank you, Barto Club, for the powerful music! And now, we only have one more musician left—one that all of us been waiting entire day!>>

"Wait, there's more?" Deuce, who was busy trying to calm his breath down, muttered tiredly.

"""WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!""" The crowd then screamed—even louder than before. Everyone except for Rowan, Nami, and Deuce were screaming their souls out, making Rowan wonder just who the last singer was.

<<Let us welcome~ the violet songstress full of mysteries, Carina~!!!>>

<<Hello everyone, it's Carina speaking, teheh!>>

The curtain opened, revealing Carina who's obviously grown since the last time they saw her. Not having expected to see her here of all places, Rowan and Nami squinted their eyes, trying to make sure that this Carina was the Carina that they were acquainted with.

<<Today's song is—>>

At the next moment, before Carina could finish her words, the entire stage came crashing down all of a sudden,


leaving no trace of Carina. People gasped and stopped on their spot, shocked by the sudden ruination of the scene.

"GYAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!" Then entered a blue-haired man with a Rudolph-like nose whose overall appearance reminded that of a clown: Buggy the 'Clown.' From his back came in marching the rest of the Buggy Pirates, filled with the sense of superiority and greed.

"A-AHHHH!!!" The man in tuxedo was crushed under a fallen metal pole. He exhibited pain as the blood oozed out of his crippled legs, and there was nothing he could do but scream in horror.

Looking around, Buggy grinned greedily, "Who the hell is Bartolomeo here?! If you don't want to see your town get destroyed,"

Raising his pistol up,


Buggy let out a shot, causing the civilians to wince before screaming and running away in panic,

"you'd better hand that Gouma's Bloody Tear to me!!!"


At the back of the stage was the green-haired man with a nose piercing, Bartolomeo, whose eyes were shadowed as he held onto a broken guitar. Then, with a red-shot eyes, he glared at Buggy,


"Gyahahaha! Call me the grand Buggy-sama!!"

"Huh, what the heck," Watching all this from the back, Rowan frowned in confusion before turning to look at Nami and Deuce. Nami shrugged in an equally confused expression, while Deuce seemed petrified from the sudden horror.

"Rowan," Nami then asked as impassively as she could, but Rowan could see worry in her eyes, "What happened to Carin—that witch?"

"Alive and well, you know her," Replied Rowan and Nami turned her head away, trying to hide her subtle relief,

"…Of course she would be."

Rowan chuckled, having seen through Nami's mind.


"Cabaji, show that pimp your strength!!"

"Of course, captain!"

"Hahahaha, you're dead now, spinach hair!! Cabaji-san is one of the strongest in our crew, and he's recently slain Cabbage the 'Meat Hunter' by himself!"


Cabaji, an executive member of Buggy Pirates, unsheathed his sword and began rolling his unicycle toward and unresponsive Bartolomeo with a vicious smile. Bartolomeo gritted his teeth so hard that the veins popped out of his forehead.

A fight was about to break out, and watching as the scene unfolded, Rowan and nami turned to Deuce and asked,

"""Can you go get us some popcorn?"""

Deuce couldn't help but shout, "What is wrong with you three—eh?"

Next to Rowan and Nami was a black-haired man with freckles who's wearing an orange-coloured hat with smiley badges attached on it. His raised an eyebrow upon noticing Deuce's confusion,

"Who are you?" Asked Rowan, amused and curious. The man opened his mouth to respond,

"Ah, I forgot to mention my name! Hello, nice to meet all of you! My name is… zzz…"

Then he fell asleep all of a sudden, much to Rowan's sweatdrop.