
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 7: Amazing meal! Fever Marine .

Lang Youqing and concubine are interested, and the two have similar smells and hit it off.

" Oh, that's it. " Mole's eyes smiled, showing 12 points of satisfaction for Loya's choice, but his tone was still very strict: " Of course it is, but even if you are already strong, join Marine You still need to start with the most basic Recruit , can you do it? "

" Of course you can. " Loya replied confidently: " And starting from scratch makes it more challenging. "

There is one more thing that Loya didn't say. He wanted to join Marine because of the Recruit camp. After all, from what I learned from the previous conversation, it was not when Akainu was in charge of Marine , that tragic legend. Character Zephyr has no chance now without looking. And who is Zephyr ? That's a top teacher! Think about the disciples he has taught, who is not the all-powerful figure in the sea!

When Kuzan, Akainu , Kizaru and others joined Marine , they also started from Recruiting , which is basically a decision of the will of the universe.

Want to get stronger? Then join the Recruit Camp!

The final reason is that the world-wide conscription has not yet started, and Loya has no other choice at all.

Seeing the confident expression on Loya's face, Mole nodded with satisfaction, folded his hands on his chest, and said, " Very good. It is expected that the warship will arrive at Marineford the day after tomorrow, and then you will join the Recruit camp and start training. Now , let's go to dinner. "

" Yes. "


Marine would not hold a banquet directly on the deck like a pirate, but had a separate cafeteria.

At the entrance of the cafeteria, Loya took the medicine for seasickness from the ship doctor and took it, his face quickly turned from white to red. Even if I still feel uncomfortable, I can finally get on with it.

Without the support of the young Marine , Loya came to the uncle who was cooking.

" Hello, I need curry rice for ten people, and give me a pot of chicken thighs, oh yes, and the fruit over there ... No, just give me the basket. "

Saying goodbye to the stunned uncle, Loya held the rice in one hand and the drumstick in the other, biting the basket full of fruit with his teeth, and ran to the Mole's table to sit down.


The iron pot fell heavily on the table, proving that it was full of dry goods. Looking at the pile of food in front of him that blocked his vision, Mole's eyes twitched unconsciously.

" Loya, do you eat so much at every meal? "

" Ah? " A chicken leg was thrown directly into the mouth, and Loya was not seen chewing it carefully, and even the belt bone was swallowed in a few seconds. Hearing Mole's words, Loya raised his head from the rice bowl blankly and said, " No, because of seasickness ... I have no appetite today. "

" No appetite ..."

In the time of these two sentences, Loya has eaten a pot of curry rice with a head-sized pothole. The Mole sighed helplessly and said, " I know now why you say there is no food on the island ..."

Fortunately, they could reach Marineford in two days at most . Otherwise, according to Loya's way of eating, everyone on the ship would have to go hungry for a few more days.

Seeing Loya eating so much, the other Marines in the cafeteria could n't help but carefully study the curry rice in their hands: " Is this stuff really that delicious? "

Fortunately, this is a Marine warship, and neither the quality nor the quantity of ingredients is comparable to that of ordinary pirate ships. Seeing Loya's way of eating, the uncle in charge of cooking hurriedly cut carrots and potatoes, and cooked a second pot of curry before the group finished eating, otherwise many people would definitely not be able to eat dinner tonight.


After eating the last bit of rice into his stomach, Loya loosened the rice bowl. He slumped on the seat with a bulging stomach, opened his mouth to burp, and a string of ice crystals spurted out along the airflow.

" I'm full, I haven't eaten such a delicious curry rice for a long time. Uncle! Help me prepare five more big meat bones, I'll take them away! "

clang ~

A group of Marines almost sat down, are you really human? Although there are many strange races in this world, and the people who eat a lot have gone to the sea, I have never seen a human being that can eat so much!

Mole rubbed his forehead in distress. If Loya really joined Marine , it seemed that the Recruit camp would need to prepare more meals. Otherwise, with Loya's character, Mole can guarantee that he will definitely grab all his colleagues' meals and eat them. Then train a P ! Can't get enough to eat.

Holding the meat and bones in one hand, Loya bid farewell to the mole and walked out of the cafeteria. The ship doctor told him before he left that he had prepared more seasickness medicine this afternoon, and asked him to go to him and take away the medicines for the past two days.

The location where the ship's doctor lives is not far from the soldiers' living quarters, just a few steps away from the cafeteria. Marine , who was in the corridor along the way, stared dumbfounded at Loya who was eating all the way. Every few steps, a big bone as thick as the forearm was thrown into the sea, and it was bare, not even a trace of shredded meat was left.

" Hello, is anyone here? I'm here to get the medicine. "

Standing at the door of the medical room, Loya knocked on the cabin door with a burp.

" Oh, it's Mr. Loya. Come in! "

The voice of the ship doctor sounded in the medical room, and Loya opened the cabin door upon hearing this. Inside is a spacious room, and the air smells of disinfectant and alcohol. There were several white hospital beds lined up on the left, and two Marine soldiers in hospital gowns were shivering under the quilt.

The ship doctor was sitting on the chair opposite the door, holding a needle in his hand, and was sucking milky white medicine from a bottle. On the table in front of him, Loya saw several bottles of brown medicine neatly arranged, which should be the seasickness medicine he took today.

Seeing Loya walk in, the ship doctor stood up with the syringe, and while observing the medicine inside, he said to Loya, " These brown bottles are five bottles in total. You take it first, if you run out or the situation gets worse, you must be Keep me informed. "

" Good doctor. " Loya nodded, walked over and put the medicine in his pocket. Looking back, he saw that the ship doctor was lifting the quilt and pulling down a Marine 's pants, revealing the white buttocks, so he asked curiously.

" By the way, sir, what's up with these patients? "

The ship doctor took aim for a few seconds, and slammed the Marine 's ass hard, with undisguised contempt in his words: " Hehe, many soldiers have caught a cold today due to falling into the water, these two guys' Constitution is too weak, even developed into a high fever. "

Uh ... Loya is not good at connecting, why did Marine fall into the water, not because he couldn't control his power.

However, I can't completely blame these people for their poor constitution . The ice mixed with magic power sprayed by the Ice Dragon Slayer is much lower in temperature than ordinary Ice Blocks . If you put a block in a small stream, a large section of water will flow. coagulate.

Although the icy air current that spread along the sea was blocked by the Mole's sword energy at that time, the cold air still eroded most of the Marine on the boat, and the guy who didn't catch a cold could be called an elite.

After saying goodbye to the ship doctor, Loya returned to the cabin where he lived.