
One Piece: Starts With Vampire Devil Fruit

Karl D. Sephiroth finds himself unexpectedly transported into the vibrant world of One Piece. On the brink of being sold into slavery, join him on a thrilling journey as he rescues the Boa sisters and embarks on a new adventure in this unfamiliar world. --- Support Me: patreon.com/AnimeWrite --- Please Note: I do not own anything in this fanfiction. The copyright belongs to their respective creators.

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Poor Slave Traders!

Scrap Island…

Among the hills piled up from abandoned ship parts, a young man with blue hair, wearing a floral shirt on his upper body and only a pair of blue briefs on his lower body, was playing with a strange-shaped long-barreled cannon.

"Franky Cannon, attack!"

As the blue-haired boy finished howling, he immediately pulled the match rope in his hand.


Pushed by the gunpowder, the cannonball shot out of the muzzle instantly and flew towards the distance...

At this moment, a fast sailing ship, driven by the wind, rushed out from the coast of the Water 7.

The cannonball hit the main mast of the sailboat directly, causing the mast to be broken from the middle, split into two, and slowly fell downwards.

Sandersonia, who was sitting on the mast, suddenly experienced this change. She exclaimed:

"This...hey hey hey!"

Seeing this, Sephiroth quickly ran towards the green-haired girl, trying to catch her with both hands.


In his eyes, under the girl's green short skirt, the buttocks wearing green pantyhose were getting bigger and bigger, falling towards his face.

At this moment, it was already too late for the silver-haired boy to dodge...


Sandersonia sat directly on Sephiroth's face, assuming a duck-sitting posture.

The young man had no time to estimate how ambiguous this posture was. Under the impact of the nearly 70 kilograms of weight, his neck even made a cracking sound, causing him to briefly lose consciousness.

However, with the powerful healing power of the vampire devil fruit, Sephiroth's broken neck bone was perfectly repaired in just a few seconds.

Marigold quickly let go of the rudder, ran to the railing of the ship, glanced down, and said with concern:

"Sandersonia, are you okay?"

When the green-haired girl heard this, she scratched her head with a confused expression:

"Ah! I'm fine, I'm not injured."

With Sephiroth being pinned down by the girl, he raised his hand and patted the former's buttocks. He said in a muffled voice with a hint of helplessness:

"Umm~! As long as you're okay, but...can you stand up first...I'm almost suffocating..."

"Hey! Sorry, sorry!"

Sandersonia realized it later; she stood up with an embarrassed expression and took two steps back.

"Sephiroth, are you okay?"

The silver-haired boy stood up from the deck, twisted his neck, and made a "click!" "click!" sound.

On the other side, Scrap Island.

Iceburg, who had purple hair and was wearing a brown T-shirt and white jeans, grabbed the blue-haired boy by the collar.

He pointed at the sailboat with its mast broken on the sea and roared loudly:

"You bastard Franky! You actually created such a dangerous thing again! Look at what you did? You are finally in trouble! "

"I didn't mean it, who told the ship to suddenly come out!"

Franky knew that he had gotten into trouble and was a little panicked, but when facing his friend/rival Iceburg, he still subconsciously said something harsh.

"Hahaha! Franky, take responsibility for the consequences you have caused. This is what a true man should do!"

The guy who spoke was a long-horned mermaid who was over three meters tall and fat.

At this time, he was carrying a steam locomotive on his shoulders effortlessly.

His name is Tom, and he is Franky and Iceburg's teacher.

At the same time, he was also the shipwright who built the Oro Jackson for Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King.

"I understand, Tom-san."

Franky agreed with an impatient expression.

He was abandoned by his parents when he was ten years old. At that time, Tom, a shipwright, adopted him, so this horned mermaid was both a teacher and a father-like figure to him.

Generally speaking, whenever Tom says something, Franky will keep it in his heart.

A moment later, driven by the current, the fast sailing ship slowly docked at the Scrap Island.

"Hey! Who threw a canon at our ship?"

Sephiroth jumped off the deck and landed on the ground. With an unhappy expression on his face, he glanced at the three people standing on the shore one by one.

Finally, he set his sights on the blue-haired boy.

Franky was a straightforward guy. He went straight to the silver-haired boy and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, I was the one who fired the cannonballs. You can hit me or punish me however you like. And, I will also repair the boat for you!"

"Oh? Remember this is what you said!"

The silver-haired boy grinned and smiled ferociously. He clenched his right fist and made a "click!" sound.

'If I hadn't eaten the vampire devil fruit and had amazing recovery ability, I would have been in bed for a long time after being pressed under Sandersonia just now.' Sephiroth felt unhappy.

Although he is not a stingy person, he is also not very tolerant either.

Therefore, he planned to teach this guy Franky a lesson.

Seeing the silver-haired boy acting like this, Franky gritted his teeth and did not flinch. He still shouted loudly:

"That's right, just come over here!"

"Okay, you are tough enough! I admire you!"

The moment Sephiroth's voice fell, he swung his fist violently and hit Franky in the face, causing his nose to bleed. He jumped into the air and flew over a meter away. .

"Now, we are settled!"

After saying that, the silver-haired boy waved his aching right hand, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart:

'Damn! Frankie has such a tough face. It seems like he hasn't modified his body yet, right?'

Seeing that the conflict between the two parties was finally over, the shipwright Tom suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha...! Brother, don't worry! We will definitely repair your boat as soon as possible."

"This ship... I would trouble you to help me dismantle it."

Tom hasn't spoken yet. Franky stood up while holding his bloody and broken nose. He was a bit depressed and widened his eyes and exclaimed in a low voice:

"Eh!? Then wasn't the punch I received in vain?"

Looking at the wolf-headed bow, Mr. Tom touched his head and said with some doubts:

"This ship looks a bit familiar!"

"The captain of this ship seems to be a guy named Peter, right? Some time ago, they came to our place to repair the boat. "Iceburg reminded.

"Oh! Yes, it's that guy..."

"You know those guys?"

Sephiroth took half a step back slightly, with a vigilant expression on his face.

When the three women who had just jumped off the boat heard this, they subconsciously put their hands on the long swords hanging at their waists, ready to unsheath them at any time.

"Hahaha...! It seems like you have some issues with those guys? Don't worry! Although I have helped them repair their boats, I am not the same kind of guy as them. "

"Those guys want to capture us and sell us as slaves." Sephiroth said in an indifferent tone.

Hearing this, Tom's laughter suddenly stopped, and his tone gradually became serious, even with a hint of disgust.

"Slave? That's really unforgivable!"

In the world of One Piece, the races that hate the slave trade the most are the fishmen and mermaids.

Since most fishmen and mermaids live on the fishman island 10,000 meters below sea level, they basically never appear on land.

Therefore, when things are rare and valuable, mermaids and fishmen are the most popular commodity in the slave trade, and it can be said that the demand exceeds the supply.

Sephiroth looked at Tom carefully with his eyes. He felt that the other party was not lying, and...

He analyzed the plot of the original One Piece and found that Tom is not very good at hiding his emotions.


The silver-haired boy still said tentatively:

"Yes! Those guys were really unforgivable, so I threw them all into the sea to feed the fish."

Hearing this, Tom suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha! Well done, little brother!"

Finally, after some deliberations, the two parties reached an agreement.

This ship was dismantled by Tom's Workers, and the parts obtained, as well as the two animals on board, were used to pay for the labor cost of the three people.

As for the valuable belongings on board...

The four of them overturned the entire ship and finally found 463,800 Belly!

Nine people in total only have around 460,000 belly in total. When divided evenly, the average per capita is just over 50,000 belly, which is only enough for the normal expenses of an ordinary person for a month…

Those slave traders were a bunch of poor people!

The four people divided the money, and each received more than 110,000 belly, even if it was the compensation taken from the slave traders...


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