
One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Akira crossed over to the world of One Piece! However, not only did Akira have reincarnated in this world, he got Uchiha Itachi's template fused with him at the beginning. ... Facing the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sakazuki Akainu said: "My magma that can burn even the flame itself, it is getting burned out by Akira!" Sengoku said: "Sengoku the Buddha?! Hmph... It turns out that you are the real Buddha!" Fujitora: "How could your meteor be bigger than mine?!" White Beard: "Akira's punch can destroy the world!" -------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/UVKWf6WC ___________________________ Author: Limitless Pirates Translator: 1stX_Z ------------------------------------------- Working days: 5/7 ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System.-patreon.com/HaOlu 2- HP: The legendary Successor System.-patreon.com/Zainal_BL 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- One piece: Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 057: Barrier-Barrier Devil Fruit!

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

You can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone in Webnovel on my patre@n:




Norton, the head of the Norton family, was originally a pirate with a bounty of 70 million bellies. Two years ago, he suddenly wiped out his criminal record. Somehow, Norton got in touch with the World Government and revoked his bounty order. Then he occupied a town as a lair.

He also has a group of well-known pirates under his command. The whole group of pirates had a bounty of 200 million Bellies before, and they also had a reputation in Paradise.

However, when Akira appeared, countless exclaim sounds came from all around him again.

"No! Is this person Akira?"

"Akira? The pirate who killed the Vice-Admiral of the Navy?"

After seeing Akira, the inn owner immediately took out a stack of bounty orders from the counter. After taking out one paper, he carefully compared it with Akira, and his facial muscles suddenly twitched.

"Sure enough, it is him, Akira, the new supernova with the bounty of 200 million Bellies!"

Most of the present people had not actually read what was written in the newspaper about Akira, but they had heard of Akira's name more often.

After all, a pirate who killed a Vice-Admiral of the Navy just after his debut was offered a bounty of 200 million Bellies on his head, making him not a target for bounty hunters of their level.

So after hearing Akira's bounty, most people panicked and quit the inn.


Norton looked at Akira on the opposite side, narrowing his eyes, and said: "You have killed a Vice-Admiral of the Navy, and yet you are openly wandering! Are you not afraid of the Navy's pursuit?"

"Let them come! I am not afraid of anyone."

Akira took a step towards Norton and asked in a calm tone:

"Do you want to avenge your three men?"

Norton's face stiffed, and he was already thinking to retreat in his heart, but in the presence of his men, he couldn't let it go.

"Killing the Vice-Admiral shows that your strength worths your bounty."

After a slight pause, he continued: "If I want to kill a powerful person like you, the people I brought with me today will probably have to die, and this is not a wise move."


Akira lightly tapped Norton's shoulder and said in a low tone: "You mean, if you have a chance in the future, you still will want to settle the score with me?"


Akira lifted his head, a pair of scarlet pupils in his eye sockets looked straight at Norton, and the Mangekyou Sharingan spun crazily; Suddenly, the black flames appeared on Norton's body.

"Don't think that I am afraid of you!"

Norton's face instantly turned chilly. He was also a pirate, and if he hadn't wiped his criminal records, his current bounty might not be lower than Akira.

What's more, he has now joined the Baroque Works Agency, backed by them; how could he be afraid of Akira?!

In this sea area, his notoriety spread all over the sea. Even in the face of pirates like Akira, who killed a Vice-Admiral in the Navy, he will not take a step back.

As his customarily, anyone who dares to provoke him must die!


(T/N: as I mentioned previously, Norton is a fictitious character in this Fic. Also, the Barrier Barrier devil fruit is supposed to be Bartolomeo's devil fruit but somehow the author of this fic gave it to this fictitious character)

Norton's fingers clasped, and a transparent glass-like barrier appeared before him, blocking the Amaterasu!


The Amaterasu, which claimed to be able to burn everything, was blocked after touching the transparent barrier!

"That's all that you have?!"

Norton said to Akira scornfully.

Akira glanced at him and ordered the system in his mind:

"Switch to Minato's template!"


A sky-blue airball appeared in Akira's hands.

"Flying Thunder God!"

With throwing a Flying Thunder God at Norton, the Rasengan blasted above the barrier at a breakneck speed.


The high-speed Rasengan was unstoppably rotating on the glass-like barrier, causing a piercing sound.

Meanwhile, many cracks appeared on the glass-like barrier.

"How is that possible?!"

Norton was shocked, seeing how his protective barrier was getting damage.

In the past, he faced countless enemies, but no one could shake his barrier.

And now, seeing a mysterious energical airball created by Akira was threatening him, so he became dumbfounded!

But he didn't panic; instead, he raised his hands and pushed them forward.

"Barrier Crash!"

After being hit by the Rasengan, some of the cracks returned to their original shape under the control of Norton.

Then with his thrust, a huge counterforce suddenly broke out, colliding with Akira.

Then, the Rasengan gradually dissipated.

"Huh! Huh! You are the first person who can deform my barrier, but it's not enough!" Norton laughed at Akira, panting.

Upon hearing this, Akira showed a proud smile.

He closed his eyes and slapped his hands with each other!

"The Sage-Mode!"

The Natural energy began to gather into his body, as his pupils turned into toad pupils.

"The Giant Rasengan!"

Akira opened his eyes suddenly, and a giant sky-blue airball appeared in his hand!