
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

79. New Reward Order!

In the freezing realm of the Grand Line, Aokiji shattered Tom, encased in ice, along with his club, turning them into icicles.

Seizing the moment of Tom's revival,

Spike, accompanied by Muscles and Merlin, unleashed a relentless assault on Aokiji, leaving him no room to maneuver!

Merlin flicked his wand gently, causing thousands of tiny firecrackers to cascade like raindrops.

Witnessing this, Carina swiftly intertwined her fingers, ensnaring Aokiji within a protective barrier.

Right after confining Aokiji, Carina subtly flicked her fingers, creating an opening in the four-sided barrier.

Seeing this, Spike swiftly retrieved a colossal funnel from behind, without a moment's hesitation.

Bounding to the top of the barrier's space, Spike positioned the funnel over Carina's breach.

Under Merlin's command, a torrent of miniature firecrackers streamed into the barrier space through the funnel.

With these tasks accomplished, Al immediately unleashed several sword slashes!

Meanwhile, Muscles, remained rooted in place, assuming a crouching stance, his claws splayed in parallel.

As moments passed, it became evident that the air surrounding Muscles was coalescing toward his palm, distorting even the space around him!

"Dos Fluer Clutch (Two Flowers)!" exclaimed Nico Robin.

With those words, Al's sword slashes, combined with Muscles long-prepared 'Kamehameha', surged forth, aiming to vanquish Aokiji!


The deafening roar tore through the heavens, sending shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering ice for miles around!

Massive pillars of water surged upwards into the sky!

Simultaneously with the initial explosion, Al's slash and Muscles' Kamehameha converged, delivering a fatal blow!


Amidst the blossoming mushroom cloud, Aokiji, suspended in mid-air, was obliterated into ashes under the relentless assault of the group!

Tom, who had barely solidified his form, was hurled away by the destructive shockwave before he could comprehend the unfolding events.

"Captain Al, is the battle finished?" Nami inquired after a brief pause, her gaze fixed on the rising mushroom cloud above the sea.

Al shook his head, his eyes fixed on the ocean below, unwilling to underestimate their foe, yet resolute in his determination to swiftly master the techniques of Armament Haki.

If they possessed Armament Haki, this battle wouldn't have been such a daunting challenge!

Just as the tension reached its peak, a heap of fractured ice gradually took shape, coalescing into a humanoid form atop the sea's surface!

As Aokiji materialized once more before everyone's eyes, the tumultuous sea froze over once again!

Exhaling a warm breath, Aokiji casually slipped his hands into his pockets, his tone cool and collected, tinged with a hint of fatigue.

"Yeah, that was quite a blow. I thought my time had come."

As the words fell, before Al and the rest could react, Aokiji extended his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

In the blink of an eye, to the astonishment of onlookers, hundreds of sharp, cone-shaped icicles materialized in the air.

"Damn it, what sort of creature is he?" Carina exclaimed through gritted teeth, swiftly erecting a barrier around them.


With the den den mushi in his grasp ringing, Aokiji stood motionless, answering the call while continuing to release the icy projectiles.

"Moshi Moshi, what's going on?" 

"Aokiji, have you dealt with them?" 

Aokiji frowned, evading an incoming icicle before responding slowly, "Not yet."

Amidst the roaring explosions heard from Aokiji's end, silence hung on the other side of the den den mushi for a prolonged moment.

The order came swiftly: Aokiji was instructed to abort the mission and return promptly to Marine headquarters.

Upon learning that there was no need to engage the Al Pirates, Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief, hanging up the den den mushi with a sense of ease.

Without hesitation, as Aokiji raised his hand, the water jets suspended in mid-air surged forth, assaulting Al and the rest.

In the blink of an eye, he vanished from sight, as if he had never been there.

"I see no reason to prolong this conflict now. Can we call it quits?" Aokiji removed the Marine cloak draped over him, lazily approaching Al and the others.

"Do you all still wish to continue?" Aokiji inquired.

Nami and the rest brandished their weapons, assuming a vigilant stance, prepared for battle.

Observing their heightened state of alertness, Aokiji shrugged helplessly, disclosing the cancellation of his mission and proposing to cease hostilities.

Al, sensing Aokiji's lack of fighting intent, remained silent, instead making a request of him.

Initially, Aokiji anticipated Al to inquire about divulging clandestine information or the like.

Upon hearing Al's request, which entailed employing Armament Haki once more, Aokiji wore a perplexed expression, evidently puzzled by Al's intentions.

However, Aokiji refrained from probing further, content as long as his sense of justice remained unblemished. Other matters could be negotiated.

After demonstrating Armament Haki to Al, Aokiji cast a complex gaze towards Robin.

Observing the shift in Aokiji's demeanor, Nami and the rest positioned themselves protectively in front of Robin, issuing a warning to Aokiji.

"Don't you dare provoke Robin, you scoundrel! We're well aware of the Ohara incident," declared Nami firmly. "If your intention is still to eliminate them all, I won't stand for it!"

"Though Robin was once our enemy, she's now an ally."

Confronted with the admonition from Nami, Carina, and Vivi, Aokiji responded calmly, "The World Government won't tolerate Nico Robin's existence. Even if she's an enemy of the World Government, will you persist in protecting her?"

With a grin, Al gazed at the wreckage of the warship on the sea and remarked, "Haven't we already become enemies of the World Government? If they still want to stir up trouble, then so be it."

The unwavering confidence in Al's words momentarily caught Aokiji off guard. A faint smile tugged at Aokiji's lips as he exhaled a warm breath, then turned away, waving his hand as he let out a soft sigh.

"Never mind, best of luck to you," Aokiji uttered as he departed, leaving Robin with an indescribable sensation lingering in his heart.

"Is it truly over at last?" Robin wondered aloud.

Simultaneously, Nami, Carina, and Vivi heaved a collective sigh of relief, allowing themselves to slump onto the ground in exhaustion.

Yet, just as they began to unwind, Aokiji materialized before them in a series of swift movements.

Startled, Nami and the others recoiled, scrambling backwards several meters in fear!

Aokiji emitted a peculiar sound, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment before gesturing towards the five tied-up Marine Vice Admirals nearby.

"Can I borrow a small boat? I can't take them back to Marine headquarters," he requested.

Without awaiting Al's response, Carina and Nami hurried over to him, pulling him aside for a brief discussion.

After their conversation, Nami indicated towards the scarcely seaworthy boat and spoke up:

"As for the ship, we happen to have one stocked with water and food, enough to get you back to Marine headquarters," Nami offered.

Before Nami could finish, Aokiji swiftly agreed, showing no hesitation whatsoever.

This immediate acceptance left Nami and Carina, who had just secured 200 million Baileys, feeling somewhat at a loss, realizing they could have asked for more.

Observing their mixed emotions, Al shrugged helplessly, sighed softly, and murmured to himself, "I guess I spoil them too much after all..."

After a chuckle, Al swiftly gestured for Tom and Spike to pilot the boat they had previously procured.

With the incident in the water 7 concluded, Al harbored no desire to linger any longer, wishing to evade any unnecessary entanglements.

This battle had served as a stark reminder to Al that their current strength was insufficient to confront a Marine Admiral head-on.

At least until they mastered Armament Haki!

Considering the possibility of Aokiji fighting them with full determination, there was a high likelihood that Aokiji would eventually exhaust their physical stamina in the process!

"A Logia user, huh?" Al mused, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he recalled Aokiji's utilization of Armament Haki.

Now, he could almost envision the technique clearly in his mind, though it still required some experimentation.

Once Armament Haki was fully mastered, they would no longer be at such a disadvantage when confronting Logia fruit abilities!

"Captain Al, what's on your mind?" Vivi approached Al, her curiosity piqued.

Al didn't withhold anything, revealing his thoughts on researching Armament Haki. He explained that mastering it would enable them to effectively combat Logia fruit users in the future.

Vivi's mouth twitched involuntarily, silently dubbing Al a "monster" in her heart. Yet, despite her initial surprise, she couldn't help but smile joyfully and murmured:

"The battle has ended, Captain Al," Vivi announced.

Al grinned, gazing at the lingering ice on the sea.

"In Arabasta, there shouldn't be any more crises"

"Whether Saul was justified in sparing you, I may have found the answer."

Out at sea, Aokiji's gaze lingered on the ships slowly fading from view, prompting him to reflect on the events of Ohara twenty years ago.

And the giant who fought for Ohara - Jaguar D. Saul.

"Saul, those guys are interesting, and..." Aokiji trailed off, standing at the bow of the boat, gazing up at the blue sky with a contented smile on his face.

"Nico Robin, it seems you've found where you belong. Live well, Ohara lives on..." he murmured softly.

Just as he finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly emanated from the den den mushi resting on the nearby couch.

"Moshi Moshi, Aokiji, I heard you were clashing with the Al Pirates. How did it go? Is the fight over?" came the inquiry through the den den mushi.

Aokiji lazily lifted the den den mushi to respond, "Yeah, it's finished."

"Oh... it's finished?" Smoker in Arabasta couldn't help but frown upon hearing the news.

Anticipating Smoker's next question, Aokiji preemptively relayed the outcome of the battle.

"Are you serious? Those guys..." Smoker's voice dripped with disbelief.

They were clearly just a band of rookies, newly embarking on their journey at sea. How could they possibly contend with Marine Admiral Aokiji and not end up defeated?

Moreover, from the tone of Aokiji's voice, Smoker could discern a hint of apprehension.

What Smoker found most intolerable was the realization that...

They defeated Buster Call?

How could Smoker possibly reconcile such a fantastical notion?

Just as Smoker was about to inquire about the specifics of the battle, Aokiji seemed hesitant to delve into the topic further. Sensing this, Smoker redirected the conversation.

"Yeah, try not to be too astonished."

"By the way, Smoker, aren't you currently on a mission in Arabasta? How do you have the time to focus on these matters?" Aokiji queried.

Smoker was momentarily taken aback before recollecting the primary reason for his call.

From behind, Smoker retrieved two wanted posters, his voice taking on a solemn tone as he spoke:

"The primary reason I sought you out concerns the Arabasta incident," Smoker stated gravely, eyeing the wanted posters in his grasp—one featuring Crocodile, adorned with a head bearing two swan hairpins.

"In connection to the Arabasta incident, we're after the mastermind, Crocodile," Smoker declared, his tone stern. "And his accomplice, a former member of Baroque Works known as Mr. 2."

"We scoured Arabasta but came up empty-handed, so I'm reaching out to you for help," Smoker explained.

Upon hearing Smoker's request, Aokiji let out a lazy yawn, reclining leisurely on the chair. "Sorry, but those guys are no longer present," he responded calmly.

Before the words could fully sink in, a sudden crash shattered the tranquility within the cabin.

Moments later, two human heads emerged from the deck.

"Hey, you idiot, do you dare defy my command?" 

"Hmph, Crocodile, with Baroque Works disbanded, you're no longer my boss. Why should I obey you?" 

Observing the two fugitives scrambling to flee, Aokiji was momentarily taken aback before speaking up.

"Smoker, I don't believe you need to pursue those two any longer, because... 

"I've already located them."

Bentham and Crocodile, in the midst of their argument, froze in place upon hearing Aokiji's voice.

"Aokiji... what are you doing here?" Crocodile's tone was filled with despair. He would have preferred to encounter that foolish cat or dog instead.

No, scratch that—any member of the Al Pirates would suffice!

At least then, it would be a mere fight, not a death sentence!

But standing before them was none other than Marine Admiral Aokiji!

Their demeanors are utterly distinct!

In response to Crocodile's inquiry, Aokiji simply chuckled, extending his index and middle fingers across his forehead.

"Hey there, long time no see, Crocodile."

Meanwhile, within the Marine headquarters...

Despite Sengoku's desire to contain the incident in the water 7...

However, it's evident that this situation has spiraled beyond manageable proportions!

Attempting to contain it is simply futile!

"Shit!" Sengoku exclaimed, glaring at the newly issued bounty posters for members of the Al Pirates laid out on the table.

With clenched fists, he slammed them down hard on the tabletop!


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