
One Piece: Starting with Rumble-Rumble Fruit and Mangekyo

Lin Yan transmigrates into the world of One Piece, becoming a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. As the impending Marineford War looms, threatening the downfall of the Whitebeard Pirates, he activates the "Fishing Across the Heavens" system. [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Mangekyo Sharingan!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring 20 years of training experience!] With his newfound abilities, Lin Yan strengthens the Whitebeard Pirates, recruits powerful allies, and prepares for the battle at Marineford. As the tides of war shift, the Grand Line is reshaped, and a new Yonko rises to power! This is a Translation!

heishiken · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 79: Arrival of the Navy Hero

At this moment, Lin Yan also saw the three warships docking in the distance. Two thousand prisoners on the warships disembarked one after another. These prisoners followed Lin Yan's lead, with Buggy, Jinbe, and Crocodile as his deputies.

Buggy ran to Lin Yan's side and asked, "Boss, all our people are here!"

"Since they're all here, let's begin!" Lin Yan ordered.

The presence of the prisoners bolstered the Whitebeard Pirates far more than Lin Yan had imagined. Especially after being imprisoned by the navy for so many years, they were furious upon seeing their enemies on the battlefield of Marineford. Instantly, the prisoners grabbed their weapons and charged at the navy.

With the prisoners joining, the pressure on the Whitebeard Pirates was greatly alleviated. The initially large gap between the two sides was visibly narrowing.

"Fufufufu! Isn't this the former ruler of the desert kingdom, now imprisoned in the underwater prison, old Crocodile?" Doflamingo swaggered over to Crocodile with a wicked smile on his face.

"Doflamingo!" Crocodile, with a cigar in his mouth and smoke curling around him, looked indifferent. "I asked you to join forces with me back then, but you didn't listen. Now you're tasting the bitter fruit! Now that it's rare to see you in Marineford, what do you say to my old offer? If you join me... everything stays the same!"

Though Doflamingo was inviting, his face was still full of mockery. Crocodile was no longer the formidable figure he once was.

"Shhh!" However, just as Doflamingo finished speaking, a sand blade suddenly shot out from the ground. The sand blade pierced through Doflamingo, cutting him in half at the waist.

"So many years have passed, and you're still as annoying as ever!" Crocodile said, taking a puff of his cigar.

On the other side, though cut in half, for someone with the String-String Fruit, Crocodile's sand blade didn't do much harm to Doflamingo. Doflamingo's body reattached itself, and he continued with a mocking expression: "Fufufufu, old Crocodile, do you really want to fight?"

Crocodile glanced at him: "Then let me see if your strength has improved over the years!"

As Crocodile faced off against Doflamingo, in the distance, Jinbe also confronted another Warlord of the Sea, Gecko Moria. At the same time, many strong and highly-bounty prisoners even sought out some navy vice admirals. The vice admirals found these prisoners very challenging. Firstly, their bounties were high, and secondly, they were all formidable fighters. In short-term skirmishes, even the vice admirals couldn't easily handle these ruthless prisoners.

The ones who feared death the least were the Supernovas. Led by Kid and Urouge, they directly challenged Bartholomew Kuma, a Warlord of the Sea. Young and fearless, they wanted to test the strength of a Warlord. Meanwhile, Luffy dragged Buggy along, and the two of them went to fight the world's greatest swordsman, Mihawk.

The battle was about to erupt!

As for Lin Yan, after setting a small goal for himself, he looked towards the execution platform. The journey ahead was not easy. The first obstacle was all the high-ranking navy officers along the way. The second obstacle was the three admirals under the execution platform, but they were currently occupied. The third obstacle was the legendary naval hero, Garp. If there was any danger to the execution platform, he would not stand by idly. And behind these three obstacles, there was the final challenge of the fleet admiral himself.

With these obstacles in place, not even Whitebeard, or even Rocks, could overcome them. This was why, in the original story, Whitebeard ordered everyone to support Luffy in attacking the execution platform. No other reason: only Luffy had a slim chance!

But the current situation was different. The three admirals were occupied. Countless vice admirals were being held back by the prisoners. The path to the execution platform was unprecedentedly clear.

In a flash, Lin Yan disappeared, turning into a streak of lightning. He quickly darted towards the execution platform.

Seeing Lin Yan moving, "Stop him quickly!" The nearby navy Six Powers experts rushed to stop him! They used Shave, Moonwalk, Tempest Kick, and other techniques, throwing everything they had at Lin Yan.

Facing hundreds of navy soldiers' obstructions, "Crackle!" The Thunder-Thunder Fruit was unleashed. Lin Yan emitted forked lightning, splitting and connecting to all the navy soldiers before him. The navy soldiers couldn't resist. In an instant, they were all charred and fell one after another.

After dealing with these navy soldiers, Lin Yan's speed did not decrease. Riding the thunder and lightning, in just a few moments, Lin Yan had arrived right below the execution platform. He tapped the ground with one foot.

"Whoosh!!!" A sonic boom echoed through the air, and the ground beneath Lin Yan's foot caved in. He shot upwards like an arrow from a bow. His speed was so swift and his force so strong, the navy present couldn't stand against him. More importantly, Lin Yan was only a step away from the execution platform!

"The new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is about to reach the execution platform!!"

"Damn it, can't anyone stop him?"

"The three admirals are all occupied!"

"We absolutely cannot let him get close to Ace!"

The navy, seeing the commotion near the execution platform, clenched their fists, their hearts in their throats.

"Go, captain!"

"Lin, save Ace!"

"You are our only hope!" The Whitebeard Pirates shouted loudly.

At this moment, just as Lin Yan was about to reach the execution platform, a towering figure quickly blocked his path.

"Although Ace is my grandson! But... I am also a part of the navy!" Finally, the legendary naval hero, Garp, took action. He stood directly in front of Lin Yan. Seeing Lin Yan's almost untraceable speed, his eyes flashed red, and Lin Yan's trajectory became clear to him.

Garp raised his fist, aiming accurately at Lin Yan: "Galaxy Impact!!"