
One Piece: Starting with Rumble-Rumble Fruit and Mangekyo

Lin Yan transmigrates into the world of One Piece, becoming a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. As the impending Marineford War looms, threatening the downfall of the Whitebeard Pirates, he activates the "Fishing Across the Heavens" system. [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Mangekyo Sharingan!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring 20 years of training experience!] With his newfound abilities, Lin Yan strengthens the Whitebeard Pirates, recruits powerful allies, and prepares for the battle at Marineford. As the tides of war shift, the Grand Line is reshaped, and a new Yonko rises to power! This is a Translation!

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96 Chs

Chapter 68: Successful Liberation of Impel Down, Whitebeard's Betrayal

Although Magellan had fallen, he was still barely alive. Coughing up blood, he said, "I absolutely will not allow... you to take these prisoners... to Marineford...." As he spoke, "Poison Cloud!!" Using the last of his strength, Magellan released a poison cloud. The poison cloud spread like a plague, darkening the sky as it headed towards the prisoners.

This poison cloud might not be as potent as his previous venom, but it was still deadly to these prisoners! Once contaminated, the prisoners wouldn't die, but they would be paralyzed, losing their combat capabilities for a while. Moreover, this was Impel Down. The space was narrow, with nowhere to hide. Even if Crocodile summoned a sandstorm, the result would only be the accelerated spread of the poison cloud in this confined third level!

"What!!" Seeing the poison cloud sweeping towards them, the prisoners were immediately terrified and retreated. But as Magellan had planned, the third level was only so big. Where could they possibly hide? Even Jinbe and Crocodile prepared themselves. Jinbe readied his Fish-Man Karate, while Crocodile summoned his sand powers.

Lin Yan, with his hands in his pockets, glanced at Magellan indifferently and said calmly, "Desperate resistance." If it were against someone else, this move might be effective. But against Lin Yan, his assessment was: insignificant!

Mangekyo Sharingan activated. "Kamui!" Just as the poison cloud was about to engulf the prisoners, a vortex appeared, blocking the poison cloud. In an instant, the massive poison cloud was absorbed by Kamui. Not a drop left!

"What??" Seeing this, even the long-serving warden Magellan was stunned. Watching the vortex absorb his poison cloud, he was shocked. In this enclosed Impel Down, his poison cloud was almost a divine ability. Now, the poison cloud was instantly absorbed by Lin Yan. Looking at this squad leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, Magellan was full of doubts. Wasn't his ability the Goro Goro no Mi? He didn't know what that vortex was, but he was sure of one thing. It was definitely not a power from the Goro Goro no Mi. Why? Why did it turn out like this? What was that vortex?

Similarly, the sharp-eyed Jinbe and Crocodile also glanced at Lin Yan. They saw the vortex just now. However, they cleverly did not ask any questions. Magellan no longer had the strength to resist. With him down, the remaining five to six thousand marines were many, but in front of Jinbe, Crocodile, and the others, they were not enough.

At this moment, led by Luffy, the Supernovas began to unleash their power. With their overwhelming strength, they pushed forward irresistibly. In the vast underwater prison, no one was their match. The fifth level, the fourth level..... all the way to the first level. All the prisoners were liberated. Taking the prisoners, they seized three warships from the navy. The prisoners boarded the ships. Thus, everyone escaped to freedom.

On the warship, Lin Yan did a headcount. There were a total of 20,000 prisoners. Knowing this number, Lin Yan nodded. Twenty thousand, a bit more than expected. Once these people were thrown into the war at Marineford, the pressure on the Whitebeard Pirates would drastically decrease. Lin Yan was curious. When Sengoku, the Navy Admiral, saw so many prisoners suddenly join the battle, what would his expression be? Besides that, he was a bit disappointed, not encountering Blackbeard and his crew in Impel Down.

"Next stop, Marineford!" The three warships set sail, with Impel Down slowly fading from their sight!

While Lin Yan was liberating Impel Down, at Marineford, the situation was grim. The Whitebeard Pirates, led by Marco, Jozu, and Vista, were valiantly charging towards the execution platform to rescue Ace. The navy was not idle either. First, several giant vice admirals challenged Whitebeard, followed by Aokiji, Mihawk, Kizaru, and even Akainu personally attacking Whitebeard. Whitebeard truly lived up to his title as the world's strongest man. Even under such an onslaught, the Gura Gura no Mi's power was unleashed. Not only did he not suffer significant harm, but he also repelled all challengers repeatedly!

"So strong!" Garp, the naval hero, rubbed his fists. Seeing so many people unable to take down Whitebeard, his fighting spirit was ignited. It's been years since he last fought this old rival properly!

"After all, it's Whitebeard!" Though Sengoku often strategically downplayed the Whitebeard Pirates' importance, tactically, he always regarded Whitebeard as a formidable enemy. The title of the world's strongest man alone, across the entire sea, not to mention finding a successor, there wasn't even a comparable replacement.

However, although Whitebeard used his formidable strength to repel enemies repeatedly, the power of the Gura Gura no Mi was awe-inspiring, instilling fear in countless marines. In reality, prolonged fighting left his breathing erratic. After all, age was catching up; the twilight years were upon him. Additionally, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu were all at their peak. After rounds of battles, Whitebeard's forehead was sweating, and he couldn't deny that he was indeed old.

However, this wasn't the most important thing. The most important thing was..... Just as Whitebeard was about to catch his breath, a knife, with a swift sound, suddenly stabbed into his body!

Whitebeard and Sengoku were the main pillars of the navy and pirates. Any movement from them could instantly attract everyone's attention! When they saw a knife stabbed into Whitebeard's body, "Dad!!" Marco, who was leading the Whitebeard Pirates' charge, turned his head, his pupils contracting.

"Dad....no...." Jozu's face also changed. How could this happen?

"Squard!!" Vista, who was dueling with Mihawk, the Hawkeye, was startled, his heart in turmoil upon seeing Whitebeard stabbed.

Not just the three division commanders. All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked. Especially seeing that the mastermind was one of their crew members, the Great Whirlpool Spider Squard. Many people's eyes were filled with boundless rage.


"Squard, what are you doing?"

"Dad is hurt, we must go back and help."

"Dad, we're coming."

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates no longer cared about the enemies in front of them; they rushed back to Whitebeard on the Moby Dick.

"Whitebeard is injured??"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let's counterattack!"

"Drive these pirates out of Marineford."


Compared to the Whitebeard Pirates, who were demoralized by Whitebeard's injury and lost the will to fight, everyone in the navy was overjoyed. They realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Everyone's morale soared, they bravely charged forward, pushing back the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Who orchestrated this?" Seeing this scene, Sengoku realized that Squard's sudden betrayal was orchestrated by someone from their navy. But who exactly, he didn't know. Directly below the execution platform, Akainu witnessed this and a cruel smile appeared on his lips.