
Chapter 42: Aramaki vs Jack

The notorious figure of Jack the Dought was no stranger to the tales and tribulations of the New World, and Lin Yan, although a newcomer to many, had quickly begun to make a name for himself across the Grand Line. Despite Lin Yan's recent appointment as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Crew's 17th Division, to Jack, he was nothing more than a fledgling under Whitebeard's expansive wing—a mere underling whose prowess had yet to be proven in his eyes.

Jack's arrogance was legendary; he regarded very few with esteem, reserving his respect almost exclusively for his captain, Kaido, and his trusted brothers in arms, King and Queen. Lin Yan, a name barely whispered amongst the lower ranks, had not earned a place in Jack's consideration, let alone in the navy's extensive bounty database. As Lin Yan approached, flanked by the likes of Fujitora and Aramaki, Jack couldn't hide his disdain. From his elevated position on the deck of his mammoth ship, he barked down at them, "Tell me, what do you want by coming into the territory of the Beast Pirate Crew?"

"I just said we were passing by, do you believe me?" Lin Yan retorted with a slight grin, unphased by the towering figure of Jack. "Passing by? I think you don't take me seriously!" Jack sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. The rules of engagement at sea were clear, with the Navy maintaining a watchful eye and the Four Emperors adhering to a delicate balance of power. Despite these unspoken agreements of non-interference among the emperors, Jack felt no obligation to follow suit. This was, after all, the domain of the Beast Pirates, and Jack would defend it fiercely.

"You Whitebeard Pirates really have some nerve, are you looking for a fight?" Jack growled, his massive scythe gleaming in the sunlight as he pointed it directly at Lin Yan. "You're the Billion Belli Calamity Jack the Drought; I wouldn't dare to start a war with you," Lin Yan responded, his tone light but his words edged with an implied challenge. Jack paused, quickly picking up on Lin Yan's taunting demeanor. "No tears without seeing the coffin. Very well, you've angered me!"

Despite the escalating tension, Lin Yan had hoped to avoid a confrontation. The seas had been rough and the battles many, leaving him and his crew eager to avoid further entanglements. But as they attempted to navigate away from Wano Country, Jack's sudden and aggressive stance made it clear—there would be no peaceful departure. "Ah, it seems we'll have to resolve this by force," Lin Yan sighed resignedly.

Stepping forward, the imposing figure of Aramaki, who had been previously subdued by Lin Yan and now served under his command, took up the challenge Aramaki had been itching for an opportunity to prove his worth and unleash the frustration simmering within him. "Leave it to me," he declared, stepping in front of Lin Yan to confront Jack directly.

As Jack's crew prepared for the confrontation, the tension on deck was palpable. "Jack the Drought, one of the Beast Pirates' three calamities, right? I'll be your opponent!" Aramaki bellowed, his presence commanding as he pointed decisively at Jack.

Jack was momentarily taken aback by the audacity of Aramaki challenge. Who was this upstart to take him on so brazenly? His anger flared as he considered the disrespect being shown by Lin Yan's decision to delegate the fight. "Kid, what do you mean by this?" he spat at Lin Yan, his expression one of scorn and outrage.

"I've been holding back a bellyful of anger today, and I'm just looking for a place to vent!" Aramaki retorted coldly, his eyes narrowing as he prepared for the inevitable clash.

With a thunderous roar, Jack leaped forward, his scythe raised for a deadly strike. Aramaki met him head-on, their fists colliding with the force of a tempest. The impact was monumental, sending shockwaves across the deck and through the sea. In that moment of truth, as the two titans struggled for dominance, an unexpected outcome unfolded. Jack's confidence faltered as he realized, to his horror, that he was no match for Aramaki's overpowering strength.

"What??" Jack gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief. Before he could recover, Aramaki delivered a decisive, crushing blow, sending Jack plummeting into the sea with the force of a collapsing tower. The water erupted around him, sending waves crashing like a tsunami. Jack the Drought, one of the feared calamities of the Beast Pirates, was defeated with a single, devastating punch.

The atmosphere was electrifying, and the entire deck fell into a stunned silence. Everyone, from seasoned pirates to young cadets, watched agape as the impossible unfolded before their eyes. The indomitable Jack the Drought, a titan among the Beast Pirates and a feared figure throughout the New World, had been taken down with a single, devastating punch.

Jack's prowess was renowned. A bounty of a billion testified to his formidable capabilities, underlining the might of the Beast Pirates under the leadership of the fearsome Kaido. They were considered an unbreakable force, ruling the seas with an iron fist. Yet, in a blink, the myth of their invincibility had been shattered by Aramaki, the enigmatic new recruit personally selected by their team leader.

The crowd was in disbelief. "Is this the strength of Aramaki? Did he really just dispatch one of the Three Disasters of the Yonko Pirate Crew with such ease?" murmured a voice, tinged with awe and doubt. The impact of the moment was profound—a legendary fighter, felled by a single blow.

Aramaki landed smoothly back on the deck, his demeanor calm, almost indifferent. Clapping off the nonexistent dust from his hands, he commented dryly, "This is one of the Three Disasters of the Yonko Pirate Crew? I'm a bit disappointed." His words, casual yet cutting, echoed across the silent deck, stirring a mix of fear and admiration.

"Damn, that tone, that strength! Does he even speak like a normal human?" whispered a cadet, his voice a blend of envy and respect. The realization settled in slowly; they had previously challenged Aramaki, underestimating his strength, thinking him to be on their level. Now, seeing him topple a giant of the sea with such ease, they felt a chill of what they had unwittingly provoked.

If we had even a fraction of your strength, they thought, we too could have soared to unimaginable heights, standing tall beside the legends of the sea. The memory of their own confrontation with Aramaki played back in their minds, a stark contrast to the effortless display they had just witnessed. What kind of monster had they dared to challenge?

This realization changed their view of Aramaki entirely. No longer just another strong figure among many, he was now a symbol of untapped potential and raw power. They understood, perhaps for the first time, the depth of the facade he had maintained during their earlier encounters—to make them feel like equals, when in reality, they were anything but.

From that moment on, the cadets looked at Aramaki not just with respect, but with a newfound reverence, recognizing the full extent of his capabilities. This incident would be etched in their memories, a constant reminder of the day they witnessed a true powerhouse redefine the limits of strength.

As Jack disappeared beneath the waves, silence fell over the scene. Lin Yan, along with his crewmates Fujitora and Zephyr, watched with a mixture of satisfaction and awe. They had known of Aramaki's potential, but to see it unleashed with such ferocity was a sight to behold. The cadets, previously humbled by Aramaki in their own skirmishes, were now utterly stunned. They had challenged a titan and survived; now, they witnessed that same titan topple one of the most formidable pirates in the New World.

The victory sent ripples throughout the pirate world, reshaping perceptions and alliances. As Lin Yan and his crew made their way back to the Whitebeard Pirates' domain, their return was marked by wary respect and whispered speculations. What would this mean for the balance of power in the tumultuous seas? Only time would tell, but one thing was clear: Lin Yan and his 17th Division had sent a message that would not soon be forgotten.

Five days later, Lin Yan and his team returned to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. As they approached, familiar faces like Marco, Jozu, and Izou greeted them with mixed expressions. Surrounded by his comrades, Lin Yan faced their curious and somewhat accusatory stares. Lin Yan's expression turned quizzical as he asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Marco broke the silence, his voice tinged with concern, "Lin Yan, you've only been out for a few days, but the noise you've caused is hard to ignore. Don't you think you owe us an explanation?"

"Noise? What noise?" Lin Yan was genuinely puzzled, unaware of the implications behind Marco's words.

Izou, surprised, pressed on, "As the person involved, don't you know the magnitude of the events you've caused?" Lin Yan's confusion deepened as Izou handed him a newspaper. The headline screamed of the annihilation of Jack the Drought—with Lin Yan named as the mastermind.

"Well done!" Jozu congratulated him heartily, clapping Lin Yan on the shoulder. "Although we, the Whitebeard Pirates, have an unspoken rule with the Beast Pirates, their Three Disasters often antagonized us. "Well done, Lin Yan!" Izou joined in, his embrace almost a wrestler's lock.

Despite the celebration, Lin Yan pushed back, feeling somewhat bewildered. The annihilation was incidental, hardly worth such acclaim, or so he thought. But there were no bystanders at the scene—just their Seventeenth Team and the Beast Pirates. This raised a troubling question: Who had spread the news?

The answer came when it was revealed that Jack the Drought wasn't dead. Despite being severely beaten and presumed dead at sea, Jack had survived and dragged himself back to Wano Country to report to Kaido. The news of his fate quickly spread worldwide, provoking Kaido to demand an explanation from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Lin Yan was astounded. "Not dead?" He recalled seeing Jack defeated. "He was beaten up by Aramaki and even fell into the sea. Yet, he didn't die?" Aramaki, overhearing, remarked on Jack's extraordinary vitality, looking forward to their next encounter.

With the news spreading, Kaido had already reached out to Whitebeard, his tone a mix of inquiry and accusation. "Kaido has come looking for trouble?" Lin Yan asked, intrigued. Marco reassured him, "Don't worry, the old man brushed him off and even praised how good you are at causing trouble. He's eager to hear about this in person."

"Let's go see the old man!" Marco suggested with a smile, seeing the situation as beneficial for their side. Lin Yan agreed but indicated there was someone new they needed to meet first. "Who?" Marco looked at Lin Yan expectantly.

Who could it be? Marco looked at Lin Yan with anticipation.

Soon, a figure appeared behind Lin Yan. It was Zefa.

"Admiral!" The recognition was instant. Marco, Jozu, and Izou tensed, their postures shifting as they recognized the formidable presence.

In their early days as ordinary pirates, they had endured many hardships at the hands of admirals like him. The response was ingrained—almost muscle memory. Without hesitation, they readied themselves for battle, their expressions turning grave and determined.

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