
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 25

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 25

After Arlong returned to Arlong Paradise from Hokkaido Village, I saw the fishman who had been cut down in Arlong Paradise.

"What's going on? What the hell...what happened!!! My compatriots!!!"

Arlong knelt on the ground and hugged a man who had been chopped down. The injured Fishman shouted angrily.

The Fishman told Arlong with all his strength what had just happened.

"What! Did those two escape?!"

At this time, Aqiu caught Usopp back and said: "Catch him! Let's kill him! If you kill him, let's do it. It will be a lot easier, right?"

Arlong gnashing teeth said: "Killing him will not calm my anger."

When Usopp heard these words, he yelled in a panic: "Right? So… let me go! That's just a way to say hello. In our village, there is… There is such a way! Is it to say hello?"

"However, how did they escape…Arlong big brother, do you think it is possible? Nami deliberately let them go in order to get the first level."

Kuroobi proposed such a hypothesis.

"Nami?" Arlong folded his hands on his chest and bowed his head in thought.

"Speaking of which, Nami looks a bit weird today, she just saved Zoro who jumped into the water on purpose."

"Betrayal…but she is good at it."

At this time, Nami returned to Arlong Paradise and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! Don't guess nonsense! What are you trying to say!"

Usopp look When I arrived at Nami and came to Arlong Paradise, I was surprised: "Nami…really…" Is it really Arlong's group?

"I belong to you guys. I swear by this tattoo eight years ago! The money I made with you is about to save up. Now, I won't do this. Kind of boring thing!"

The two guys Zoro and Hill are really troublesome!

Arlong put one hand in his waist and one hand stretched out in Nami's direction and said, "Ah-I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. No wonder you are angry. After all, you have been together for eight years… …We're just getting hot for a while, in fact, we still trust you."

Then Arlong grabbed Usopp in his own hands and strangled his neck and said, "By the way, we must eradicate…Roronoa Zoro and his companions!!"

Usopp extended the hand in a cold sweat and panicked and said: "Wait…wait! Help!!"

Kuroobi Crossed his hands on his chest and looked at Nami and said, "What's wrong, Nami? Your face is terrible…"


When Nami heard this, she turned her head and looked at Kuroobi with a sneer and said: "It seems that you still doubt me!"

"Yes, just because you know who you are , Will doubt you. Because you are too smart."

hateful! I don't want to be killed by these guys for these unfathomable mystery reasons… ! Why bother me! Everything is about to be completed smoothly…Nami thought angrily and annoying.

But Usopp didn't know about Nami at this time, and moved towards Nami angrily and shouted: "Hey, Nami!!! I am so disappointed in you! You Demoness!!! Luffy him Even after knowing that you had escaped…he never doubted you at all!!! He totally believed in you!!! The same is true now!!! You can deceive such a person nonchalantly!!!"

Nami looked at Usopp with a sneer and said, "Thank you, but I only believe in money. I can only say that the deceived person is too stupid."

"What did you say, the soul is pale!!!"

Nami looked at Usopp and thought in his heart: I can't let these guys talk to me anymore, it will cause me trouble if this goes on! !

Nami took out her stick and gave Usopp a stick directly to Usopp's head. Usopp was spitting blood out of the mouth by Nami's blow.

Usopp took out his slingshot and yelled: "You are so faint!! Do you want to fight!!"

"It's your fault that gets in the way. Who will let you It's my fault to bring you here to Fishman. It's a state-owned country with national laws and family rules. Things could go smoothly, but you might ruin my work for eight years. So, at least I'll take care of it myself. You."

Usopp took out the killer·Smoke Star and prepared to escape from the smoke, but Nami had already expected Usopp to do this, and went straight behind the smoke.

A stick knocked Usopp down, and then took out a knife and stabbed Usopp.


At this moment Usopp knows everything. It turns out that Nami is protecting them.

"For my own sake, I can only…do this."

Nami pushed Usopp into the sea, "God to death!!"

And Usopp also cooperated with Nami to perform a scene where he was killed by Nami.

"hahaha! Good job, finally got revenge! This is the cadre of Arlong's group!!" Arlong shouted with a laugh.

And Johnny brow beaded with sweat, who was secretly watching all this outside the Arlong Paradise wall, said in a flustered manner: "Huh…ahhhh…how could this be…Woo…Usopp big brother unexpectedly Sister Nami…killed…"

Johnny turned and ran away to find Zoro and tell him about it.

In the forest outside the Hoh West Village, Zoro and Hood Hill are thinking about rushing back to Arlong Paradise to rescue Usopp.

Of course Hood Hill is not in a hurry, because he knows Usopp will be rescued by Nami.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky.

Hood Hill and Zoro stopped to see if what was happening in the air, and then they saw a ship moved towards them flying over.

"Ah, spaceship!" Hood Hill said to the ship.

It seems that Luffy and Sanji are here too.


The ship smashed into the faces of Hood Hill and Zoro, and they had no time to escape.

"Ah! Hill, and Zoro!"

The ship fell apart, and Hood Hill and Zoro crawled out of the ruins.

"Luffy, you are really gorgeous!" Hood Hill said, standing up and hitting the dust on his body.

"What are you guys doing!!!" But Zoro doesn't have the temperament of Hood Hill.

"That's right! Usopp!" Zoro thought of going to Arlong Paradise to save Usopp.

"He is dead!!! He was killed by Sister Nami!!!" Johnny ran over and shouted gasped for breath.

"You say it again! Watch out for me beating you! What nonsense!" Luffy grabbed Johnny's collar angrily and shouted, "Nami might kill Usopp so much!! We are partners!!!"

Johnny said with tears: "If you don't believe it, it's okay!! But I see it with my own eyes!!!"

"Who Is it a partner? Luffy."


Luffy lifting his head looked at Nami who suddenly appeared.