
One Piece: Son of the Star

Ulf D. Vince is a Fallen Marine who had been judged as a threat by the World Government and wanted to be captured alive was tasked by CP agents to marines with a close relationship with the government, by joining Luffy's crew might be able to find the reason why he was targeted. I DON"T OWN ONE PIECE It belongs to Eichiro Oda

John_Manf · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The weakest Admiral show up(COMPLETED CHAPTER)

A lively punch caught Aquillon by surprise as he wildly took the hit.

Aquillon: Amazing.!! You haven't lost your touch ever since you wore that modified sea stone armband.

He stood up unscathed from the punch as if the wreckage he crashed into did not affect him whatsoever.

Vince: And your acting being weak is more obvious than what the Navy Marines think of you, aniki.

Aquillon: <😩✋ > Just spare me will you..! I have my reason why I have to be weak and just enough to be an Admiral.

Feeling guilty after all the charades he played at Marineford, the two now stood inside the building, prepared to discuss an important matter that Aquillon had come to talk to Vince about.

Vince: Now will you tell me about her, on why you are so keen about preventing her in the hands of the Government?

He raised an eye expecting a valid answer for this mess.

Aquillon: I'm just gonna tell you about her when she was eight years old...

Vince: So you are a pedophile then...


Vince: GOUF!!! 😥

Aquillon: ✊😑 You like to piss people off don't you.

Vince: Swrby!!!(SORRY)

Aquillon: Ahhh!! Just forget it I'm just gonna do a flashback for you to understand.



Twenty years ago, in the West Blue, a place called 'OHARA' was home to a community of scholars dedicated to collecting and pursuing knowledge of the world. Among them, three individuals from the Nation of Starhaven arrived to study, engaging with the scholars and examining various poneglyphs within a giant tree that housed their pursuits.


 Vince: So how did this is connected to the Mess that I'm in?

Aquillon: We just started..!!


A tall, slender woman with raven-black hair and amber eyes wore a fitted navy blouse, flowing burgundy skirt, and knee-high leather boots. An intricately embroidered belt cinched her waist, adding a touch of regality. Her composed demeanor matched her sophisticated attire in the study room of the tree.

Aquillon: Ne! When will we leave this place? There's a lot of bookworms in this Island.

Young Aquillon, with a delinquent appearance, yearned to escape a place filled with books that annoyed him.

???: Just wait a little longer she will be done by tomorrow.

Aquillon: TOMORROW!!! You do realize I'm still on leave vacation.

???: Yeah!? What about it?

Aquillon: My due date is tomorrow..! If Sengoku-jiji knows this is what you doing I'll be in big trouble...

???: Don't worry as long your father blocks any leakage of our activity we should be fine... At least for one more day.

Aquillon just sweatdropped on the table sipping tea from this trouble he got into. 

Aquillon: I need to take a walk...

He stormed out of the room and explored the entire island, walking through grassy areas and settlements. His attention was caught when he noticed a young girl being targeted by bullies, who were throwing rocks at her.

Little girl: Please stop!!!😢

Bully: Why should we stop?

Bully2: You're an outcast you should be gone.

Bully3: I guess that is the reason why your parents leave you...

Little Girl: UWAHHHHH!!! (T_T)😢

Witnessing this scene reminded him of the discrimination from his homeland, prompting him to intervene.

Bullies: TAKE THIS!!!

They threw small, sharp pebbles in an attempt to hit her. In a blur, Aquillon swiftly caught every single one of them.

Aquillon: tsk tsk tsk!!!☝☝☝ It's not nice to throw rocks at a little girl. 

Bullies: So what would you do freak?

One kid tried to taunt him but also made the biggest mistake he could receive.

Aquillon: It seems you can't understand something here...

He crushed it with his bare hands turning them into dust, making the bullies tremble.

Aquillon: I'm not saying that little girl is cute but treating her like that because she's somehow different is not a thing I can't turn a blind eye to.

Bully 3: Hey... what is he saying?

Bully: Spouting nonsense...!

Bully 2: I'm scared!!! we should run...

The bullies were left unsure of what to do. The little raven-haired girl, stunned by this man's intervention, felt relief knowing he was there to protect her.

Aquillon: If any plump ruffian dares to harass this little girl you will be dissected and feed your intestines to the sea kings. 😈

A devilish smirk appeared on his face, causing the guys to cry and run for their mother while they involuntarily wet their pants.

Aquillon: They really did wet their pants, Huh!?.

Little Girl: Pfttt!!!🤭

Aquillon: Oh!! You were finally relieved and chuckled a little.

Little girl: Mhm... Thank you for rescuing me...

The girl thanked the man shyly for saving her from those guys.

Aquillon: No prob... My Name's Aki by the way. ( I can't let her know my real name.)

Little girl: Nice to meet you my name is Nico Robin.

Aquillon: So Robin...

Robin: Yes..!

Aquillon: Why do they think you were an outcast?

A look of hesitation showed on her face when asked about it.

Robin: It's because of this...

In the left arm of Aquillon sprouts an arm, not just one but five sprouted on every area of his left limb.

Aquillon: This is amazing!!! 🤩

Robin: You are not scared.??

Aquillon: Why would I be?

Robin: Because this is weird...

Aquillon: Nahhh you are just unique.

For the first time in young Robin's life, she was called something unique, a departure from being labeled an outcast.

Aquillon: Just think of it... You can do many things with this power, you might be able to help people with this especially because you can duplicate a part of your body with this kind of power.

Robin: You really think so!!! 

Her eyes were filled with excitement.

Aki, also known as Aquillon, engaged in conversation with Robin about various topics, including knowledge. However, he struggled to fully comprehend her intelligence. Robin, in turn, served as a tour guide, and they spent hours walking together, enjoying each other's company until nightfall.

 Aquillon: It's already night..! Robin, I need to get going now, so bye...

Before he can leave Robin grabs his long vest and cries.

Robin: Don't leave me now.!!!

Aquillon: Sorry I have work to do tomorrow...

She was sad that he had to leave this quickly, they just got to know each other.

Aquillon: Don't be sad we're friends...

Robin: Aki-nii do you really mean it?

She felt a positive surge of emotion when he referred to her as his friend.

Aquillon: Of course. 😁

Robin: Then Promise me you will be back to play with me.

She started pouting at him.

Aquillon: Sure... 

Robin and Aquillon promise that they will play again.

With two weeks having passed since his encounter with Robin, which unexpectedly turned heartwarming, he read the newspaper before returning to Marineford from a mission. The shocking news about what happened to 'OHARA' left him in disbelief.

Aquillon: Is that Robin!!?

His eyes couldn't believe it a little girl given a high bounty of 79,000,000 beli, earning her the nickname 'Demon Child.' In response, he called his father for assistance in locating and helping this kid.

Aquillon: Come on..!? ANSWER!!!


Father of Aquillon: I Know I read it.

Aquillon: That makes things easy, so I want you to-

Father of Aquillon: Don't do anything Aquillon...

It made Aquillon agitated and fuming.

Aquillon: WHY!!!!?

Father of Aquillon: If we're connected to Ohara and that kid, the government might suspect us. They could send their best investigators, or worse, launch a large-scale assault on our nation.

There's no denying it if you rebel against the government, you'll be subjected to persecution in their eyes. Aquillon can do nothing against the power of the Government.

Father of Aquillon: But rest assured Aokiji is the one who will keep looking for her.

Aquillon: Is that so!? That is some piece of good news.

He sighed in relief because it was Aokiji because Aquillon knew he was the one that let or shall we say help her escape from her fate that day.

Aquillon: Then there is one thing to do then... I shall rise to the top.


Aquillon: And that is how I met this kid.

When the flashback ends Vince just sleeps through it all without a care. So he was beaten up by Aquillon for it.

Vince: I get the gist of it but it seems there is still more of it.

Aquillon: Yeah... I know there is some vital info you missing, you might find all those answers when you meet her again.

The glass of the window instantly breaks because of the strong wind of the weather outside.

Vince: I almost forgot!!? There is a huge wave that is coming in this city!!!?

Aquillon: I knew.

Vince: We should get going... No..! We are too late.

As Vince stood outside, a gigantic wave was mere seconds away from crashing down.

At the Strawhats.

After being almost swallowed by the Aqua Laguna they rested on the next floor of the big stairs of Water 7.

Luffy: By the way where is Vince?

Zoro: I don't know?

Chopper: Oh no!!? We forgot about him...

Nami: It's my fault I can't find him.

Luffy: VINCE.....

Loud footsteps echoed near the stairs, sparking curiosity among everyone present. They wondered who could have survived the destructive wave.

As a shadowy figure reached the top, shock spread through the onlookers when they saw what he held in his hands.