
One Piece: Son of the Star

Ulf D. Vince is a Fallen Marine who had been judged as a threat by the World Government and wanted to be captured alive was tasked by CP agents to marines with a close relationship with the government, by joining Luffy's crew might be able to find the reason why he was targeted. I DON"T OWN ONE PIECE It belongs to Eichiro Oda

John_Manf · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


The crew is now discussing recruiting a new member a "Shipwright" for the ship to keep the condition stable and do some repairs while in the city.

Chopper: It is so exciting!! To meet new friends!!?

Nami: Yup. We were lucky, too. We got a map to start us off.

She takes out the map and unfolds it.

Nami: She said to go to the marked location to find someone called " Iceberg."

When opened the drawing of the city map the lady of the safehouse gave was too simple and childish. One can say that it is too easy to understand.

Nami: Oh I see. 💢It's a completely useless sketch.<Throwing the paper to ground>

Luffy: Look here. Let's find someone that looks like this.

A horrendous or weird drawing is being made by Luffy to his crew.

(Image Here)

Usopp: ...😨 If I see someone who looks like that, I'll just turn around and run.

Sanji: I would, too. I would jump into the sea if I have to. Although this guy looks like he's part octopus, so he will probably come after me.

Then Zoro interjected the two idiots.

Zoro: Oi, you better not be talking about me!

Nami: Okay. Everyone, Gather up!! I'm going to give out the spending money for the week.

Everyone: Yay! HURRAY!!

While the others are happy about the allowance Robin is very fond of the crew but one thing is still bugging her mind, why did that marine pretend that she is not the one in the poster he just showed to her? Speaking of the marine Luffy approach Vince who is meditating on the left side of the ship.

Luffy: Oi, Vince why did you leave our hideout without saying goodbye?

Vince: Sorry, but I just hate to bid people goodbyes that's all.

Luffy: Shishishishi... Leaving the scene so early just like the old days.

Luffy seems to be in distress, holding his thoughts and his face shows it.

Vince: Come on, spit out you still have something to say didn't you?

Luffy: Join my crew!!! Shishishishishi!!

He just laugh a little at his words.

Vince: Hee...😏 Thank you for your request but I have to deny it. After all, I am a Marine Lieutenant.

Everyone: Ehhhhhhhh...

This made it shocking that a strong guy is here on their boat.

Luffy: Hahahahaha... I won't give up but next time you will surely join me.😁

Sanji: Are you an Idiot? How can you ask a marine to join you?

Usopp: Mattaku!!! He doesn't know there are limits to things.

Vince: It's alright I'm fond of pirates, especially Luffy and Ace.

And Chopper with curious eyes approaches Vince without fear and asks.\

Chopper: Vince-san how strong are you?

This made the crew interested, waiting for his response.

Vince: You guys know Smoker???

All of them nodded.

Vince: My strength is only below his but the defense stuff is something he is more keen in that expertise.

Chopper: Awesome!!!

Robin: So Vince-kun is it okay for a Lieutenant to leave their base just like that, surely you must have permission to do this.

Vince: Yes, this is the last duty that the admiral gave to me so yes it is okay.

Zoro&Sanji: Admiral!!!

Both of them have strained faces upon hearing an Admiral is involved.

Robin: Who???

She whimpered when asking him. Nami saw her worried look so she stand beside her to make her at least know someone is there to defend her.

Vince: He is known as the weakest out of the Five admirals his name is Aquillon or his codename " Mizunagi "

Nami: Ehhh..! Didn't he resign days ago shouldn't it be rejected by the higher-ups?

Vince: This is a personal thing so they can just ram those complaints back at their mouth.

Nami is relieved that it was not the same Admiral they just encountered but not for Robin she doesn't have any clue why this person is interested in her they don't even know each other, especially for the past 20 years.

Vince: By the way, I didn't catch your name so, what is your name???

Robin:< CHUCKLING> My name is Olivia nice to meet you.

Vince: Olivia-san thank you for helping Luffy together with his friends. 🙇

It astonished them to see that a marine and also a brother of Luffy is so polite toward pirates.

Usopp: I wish Luffy could learn a little from him... 😟

Nami: I do too...

Chopper:.. me too!!

Luffy: <Munch > What??!

Nami, Usopp&Chopper: Nothing!!!

Suddenly a transponder snail is alarming from Vince.




He turns the transponder off.

Robin: That was something??! Why not answer it??

Vince: It was only my grandma calling I can just create some excuses. (Even though I know her reason why she called.)

In his thoughts, he knew she knew what is happening In Vince's dilemma.

Vince: Enough about me... I'm gonna take a light nap.




Vince: So what's up with that guy?

He saw Usopp hugging the mast of the ship like a koala that never let go.

Usopp: These iron plates on the mast... Are filled with the memories of our adventures.

Vince also notice that their ship is in critical condition and that is need of repair, one thing that caught his attention is the word "Adventure."

Vince: Oi Luffy <^.^ > What adventures did you do during your voyage?

Luffy: Well for starter I was on the sail...

He hung on to every word as Luffy recounted the minutiae of his initial bounty claim in the East Blue. The narrative carried him through the process of assembling his crew at present, overcoming adversaries including one of the formidable Seven Warlords, and embarking on the thrilling expedition to the legendary sky island housing the fabled City of Gold from Noland's ancient tales. However, upon hearing this, skepticism took hold, the notion that the infamous liar Noland from his cherished books could be a figure of reality seemed unfathomable. Amidst these astounding stories, Luffy also touched upon a certain boy by the name of Coby.

Vince: (Should I tell him that I knew Coby and the other one??? Nahhh... Not right now.) Amazing I wish I could come to that island you mention...

Luffy: Shishishishi...😁 You could if you join my crew...

Vince: Besides I have already a job so I have to refuse. hee.😏

While Luffy and Vince are talking to each other to cope with the time that they miss for 10 years until Zoro spotted something.

Zoro: Hey. Is that Water 7?

Luffy: Land ho~~~, Land hooo~~~...

Nami: Everyone start rowing!!!

Usopp: No. That's a waste of energy...

As they approach a city closer they were amazed.

Robin: Fascinating...

Luffy: Wow.

Usopp: <o((⊙﹏⊙))o. >...

Zoro: ... 🙂

Chopper: WOOW!! 😯

Nami: Pretty.

Sanji: Hoho...

Vince: So this is Water 7, it is huge!!!

(Image here)


Everyone: WOOW!!! That's so cool!!


Usopp: 🙄Man that looks like a metropolis!!!

Sanji: No wonder the sea train goes here...

Nami saw what seems to be the front entrance of the city.

Nami: Look. It says " Blue Station" Over there.

Now Marine Lieutenant Vince jumps over the station and waves goodbye to them.

Vince: 👋 Luffy everyone this is my stop.

Nami: Wait😠 you haven't paid for your trip with us!!

Vince: It is already in the hands of Olivia-san because I don't trust you...

Nami: What did you say!!?👿

Her face is starting to resemble a face of a demon, making Vince tremble at her.

Robin: Don't worry Navigator-san he already gave the exact price we agreed also it seems he added more 20, 000, 000 Berry.

Usopp: Really!!!!

Nami: Why did you give us this much money and How rich are you???

They have a puzzled expression when he paid more than what agreed on.

Vince: That is for the story of your adventure from Luffy and for the food that your chef gave to me. Hee...😏 And I got more money from hunting or stealing gold from pirates.

Usopp: Will you steal something from us??😖

Vince: No. Since you are Luffies friend. Oh yeah. I still have a parting gift to give your crew Luffy.

He rummages through his small backpack and throws a small pouch to Nami.

Nami: And what is this? A small pouch???

Vince: Not just a small pouch, look inside.

When peeking at the inside of the pouch Nami could not believe it.

Nami: Kyahhhhhh!!! It is so dark!? What is this thing?

Vince: That is one of the creations from our homeland called the Deep Storage Pouch you can store things like money or sort. Well, the name or powers of the man that ate a devil fruit for it is...

Chopper: Is what!!?

Luffy: What???

All of them waited for the revelation but...

Vince: That would be for the next time we meet so CHAO!

He disappeared suddenly.

Chopper: Ehhhhhh... He disappeared!!!

Sanji: No. more like he moves too fast but to the point he vanished in thin air. Pretty impressive if I must say.

Zoro: I like to fight him right now he seems Strong.

Luffy: He is strong alright but me and Vince are equally strong when we were kids that time.

Nami: Luffy everyone we should not worry about him right now we should concentrate on repairing Merry and be glad he is also dumb to notice that Olivia is actually Nico Robin, like our captain here.

Luffy: 💢Do you say NAMI???

Nami: What!!?

Luffy: Nothing😶

Everyone: ( She really is scary.)


I will skip some chapters until to the assassination attempt of iceberg to start some actions.]

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