

Night life; someplace on earth

On the street there are a lot of shops full of people. A man could be seen walking along the side of the road while carrying a bag filled with a few groceries.

The man looks average, there is nothing appealing about him, from his looks to his expressions everything is pretty average. His name is Denver and he 24 year old.

He was born into a middle-class family, had a fairly regular childhood. From school to graduating, he didn't have many friends.

After completing his education, he got a job in a local company with a living wage enough to help him live peacefully.

Some years back, he lost his parents in an accident. During her last breathe his mother told him that she had no regrets. She taught him to enjoy his life and be a good person.

At the moment, he's on his way home after bringing a few errands. When he arrives at home, he takes a quick shower and goes to the kitchen to cook a few insta-noodles. After cooking the noodles, he brought them with him and sat on a chair.

Taking a mouthful of noodles, He opened the computer and started a movie. Suddenly there is a strong 'boom' and the computer explodes ; the room goes up in flames. Denver vison starts blackening.


I was in front of an old man. The old man seemed uncaring and had a peaceful expression. I could tell that tell that he was waiting for me to ask him question; intuition you know.

Mc: "So, who are you sir"

Old man: "You must have known already"

Me: "Yes. I can think of 2 possibilities, either I am kidnapped which I think it's not is or I am dead and waiting for judgment"

Old man: "You are smart indeed; but not smarter than me. I am what you call God, Creator, Deity or Supreme being"

Mc: "I see"

Old man: "Oh! You are taking the news normally"

Mc: "well I don't have any regrets left from my past life, it was boring but pretty good life"

Old man: "Yes, it was indeed a stable life"

Mc: "So now could you tell me why I am here"

Old man: "To put it simple, You are going to reincarnate"

Mc: "Why"

Old man: "Maybe because of your karma of previous life, maybe because of your luck"

Mc: "Then will I get to chose where I'll reincarnate"

Old man: " No, you don't have the luxury of getting wishes nor you decide which world you will reincarnate"

With a 'snap' from the fingers of old man ,three giant wheel in front of us. The old man called it wheel of fate aka :

1) Wheel of place

2) Wheel of race

3) Ability wheel

Suddenly the old man turns his face towards me and asks, "Do you want me to do it or would you like to do it"

Mc: "I will do it"

I got closer to the wheel which was as big as 5th Or 6th storey building. I don't know why but I could see many names on it clearly. I saw naruto, one piece, high school of dead, Mha, fate, and many more anime names. There were also game worlds such as Gta i-v, Warcraft, Minecraft etc. There were more like Dc, Marvel, X-men and so on.

I shifted my gaze towards the other wheels i saw they were blank. I thought the other two wheels depend upon the first wheel. So i touched the wheel to spin. As soon as i touched the wheel it started spinning and spinning, it started slowing down when i started to feel dizzy as the pointer stopped at one piece.

A crazy and messed up world for me to go. There's no rule there i could die due to many factors such as pirates, Marines, celestial dragons, Slave Organisations, and if I am simply unlucky I would die in the sea middle of sea.

I hope that I am not that unlucky for time being i thought while looking at the second wheel, which now have many names such as Giants, Fishman, mermen, humans and many more. I touched the wheel; it startes spinning, but this time it didn't took long and it finally stopped at 3 eyed man.

3 eyed man, not a bad option although the manga didn't explained much about it. But it was said that upon awakening the hidden ability of a 3 eyed person, one would be able to read poneglyphs and have to ability of voice of all things, which is kinda; telepathic ability. It's pretty good.

Moving on to the next and the last wheel, i got near it and started spinning without wasting any time. It started spinning and stopped at 'Dual hearted peson'???

Mc: "Eh! That's a new one, never heard of it"

I turned my head towards the old man with a confused expression to which the old man shakes his head and says,

Old man: "Young man, this ability helps you to have two different personality without affecting your mind or thinking ability. This ability also allows you have one extra life if your body or organs are not severely damaged"

Mc: "...Then doesn't that mean, I can use 2 devil fruit powers without any side effects"

Old man: " You are correct, but if you lose your other personality; you'll also 1 of the 2 devil fruit powers"

Alright then, it time for you to go and don't stop entertaining me. With a 'snap' of his finger I lost my consciousness.

900+ Words

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