
One Piece: Sign in

a traditional world traveler armed with a unique tool - the Sign-in system. One Piece World Fanfiction... (Other Worlds Travel is also possible)...

Aizen_Sosuke · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 7

Seph stood at a considerable distance from Buggy's stronghold, yet his eyes functioned like a telescope, effortlessly capturing the ongoing events with clarity.

Soon, his expression darkened.

Luffy and Zoro, an inexplicable duo, progressed unhindered through the ranks of pirates, their carefree demeanor evident as they reveled in each other's company.

Luffy delightedly savored barbecue meat, while Zoro, sporting a friendly expression, indulged in sake with a companion.

It was evident that they had been completely assimilated into the festive atmosphere of the Buggy crew.

Seph shook his head in amusement. The sole dependable figure seemed to be Nami, who had discreetly infiltrated Buggy's treasure room. There, she had discovered the Grand Line map and was diligently purging it of all other treasures. It appeared she retained some trust in Seph, Luffy and Zoro, or perhaps, with her inherently cautious nature, she would have fled the moment she secured the map.

Moments ago, a myriad of sign-in prompts had danced across his retina, and now, in the solitude of his surroundings, he initiated the sign-in process.


[Sign-in successful]

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring: Luck (concept), 3X Energy Core.]

LUCK (Concept/Growth): You are the progenitor of Luck itself. Fortune smiles upon you in matters of wealth, career, and relationships. Your luck knows no bounds, surpassing even the protagonist of this world.

Energy Core: A vast reservoir of condensed, pure, attribute-less energy. You possess the ability to utilize it to fortify yourself or employ it as a power bank to manifest new abilities under your Ability Creation feature.

Looking at the rewards, Seph was taken aback. He had almost forgotten about Buggy's reputation for luck. With this reward, he felt his security index skyrocketing to the maximum. Alongside the energy core, brimming with boundless energy, he could now begin experimenting with his Ability Creation skill.

While still contemplating, he suddenly felt a pull, as if something was calling out to him. With a peculiar expression on his face, he followed the sensation, leading him to a hidden corner where a yellowish tree stood.

On its branches, a black fruit adorned with wing patterns and white circles caught his eye.

"A Devil Fruit?"

Seph was stunned.

"This luck is beyond belief!"

[Devil Fruit Detected:

Hito Hito no Mi: Lucifer/ Satan, First Fallen Angel.]

Catching the Devil Fruit in his hand, Seph couldn't shake the feeling that this sinister fruit was created by the world's will for him.

In myths, Satan is no ordinary figure. Across religions, he is a formidable entity, omnipotent and omniscient. Yet, Seph wasn't tempted to consume the Devil Fruit. Instead, he had an idea.

"Ability Creation."

He utilized the Devil Fruit as an energy resource, assimilating its abilities into his own, abilities that could evolve alongside his physique.

The Devil Fruit shimmered with golden-purple light, dissipating into dust. Suddenly, Seph felt his body undergoing another drastic power-up.

As the powerful force surged through him, Seph felt a profound transformation coursing through every fiber of his being.

His six senses heightened to an extraordinary degree, perceiving the world with an acute clarity previously unimaginable.

His reactions, were once again sharpened to a an abnormal supernatural precision, allowing him to move with a fluidity and speed beyond comprehension.

The musculoskeletal system that supported him underwent a profound metamorphosis, imbuing him with strength and agility far surpassing understanding.

Within his brain, neurons fired with an unprecedented intensity, unlocking untapped potential and expanding his capacity for thought and understanding.

Every aspect of his being seemed to evolve, ascending to new heights that transcended the boundaries of even inhuman capability.

Seph felt weightless. Time seemed to slow around him. A regal crown materialized above his head, his blue eyes turned wine-red, while six pairs of black wings sprouted from his back, accompanied by a black-red soul-ring floating behind him.

He resembled a god descended from myth. In his mind, a remarkable ability was born.


Though grand, it wasn't without limitations. This ability granted him control over energy to accomplish anything he desired. As long as energy sufficed, even creating a universe was within reach. It was a remarkable ability, though Seph knew his Doomsday gene could achieve similar feats in the future. Nonetheless, he was content with this newfound power.

He pondered how to share his future rewards with his crewmates and strengthen their bond without revealing his system. Now, with such an ability, the magic of the 'Devil Fruit' could deceive everything.

As Seph pondered his next move, loud shouts of encouragement pierced through the air, disrupting his thoughts.

"Buggy!! Buggy!! Buggy!! Buggy..."

In an instant, Seph grasped the situation with crystal clarity.

As expected, they had been discovered. Even Nami, typically cautious, was implicated and caught red-handed.

"They are truly unreliable," Seph remarked with a hint of disappointment.

With a subtle motion, his body ascended into the sky above, observing the unfolding spectacle with keen interest.

Down below, Buggy sported a sinister yet comically exaggerated smile, his expression almost obscured by his oversized red nose. His eyes gleamed with malice as he addressed the intruders.

"Hehehehe!! You impudent brats! How dare you defy the mighty Buggy-sama?! Are you so eager to meet your demise at the hands of the great Buggy?!"

Luffy scratched his head in perplexity.

"What's up with this guy? Wasn't he being friendly? He even invited us for a meal..."

Zoro's fury ignited at Luffy's naivety.

"Baka!! Can't you see the truth? We clearly trespassed!"

Nami's eyes welled up with tears of despair.

"Seph-kun, you deceiver!!"

Buggy cast his gaze upon the group of intruders before him, his curiosity piqued as he addressed them.

"You there, if my memory serves me right, you're the pirate hunter Zoro. Have you come to claim my head?"

Zoro unsheathed his swords with precision, assuming his signature Santoryu stance.

"Not particularly... I've left hunting pirates behind not long ago. But the idea of besting you is rather enticing..."

Zoro was eager to test his skill against this renowned swordsman's bane.

Luffy tilted his head in realization.

"Zoro, is this red-nosed guy our enemy?"

A hush fell over the scene as Buggy's rowdy entourage fell silent, their expressions fraught with fear.

"What did he say?"

"He said, he said red--"

"Idiot! Shut your mouth, don't say it!!"

"Damn it!! Quiet down, or the captain will lose it!!"

Buggy's expression darkened, his eyes gleaming with murderous intent.

"What did you say?"

Luffy, still struggling to comprehend the situation, attempted to speak.

"I said--"

Before Luffy could finish his sentence, Buggy lunged towards him, brandishing daggers in both hands.

"Die in style!!"

The sudden attack caught Luffy off guard, but Zoro remained unfazed. With swift precision, he intercepted Buggy's assault, slicing through the daggers and cleaving Buggy's body into three parts.

Buggy's dismemberment should have instilled fear in his crewmates, yet they watched the spectacle with amusement, treating it like a theatrical performance.

Nami and Zoro scrutinized Buggy's divided form intently, well aware of his abilities thanks to Seph's warnings. However, Luffy remained oblivious.

"What a disappointment. I thought he was tough. Turns out, this red-nosed guy is all bark and no bite," Luffy remarked, his casual tone belying the danger of the situation.

As Luffy absentmindedly wiped mucus from his nose, a gloved hand suddenly appeared before him, catching him off guard. The fist connected squarely with his face, sending him hurtling tens of meters away. His trademark straw hat flew off in the impact, landing securely in Buggy's grasp amid a shrill shriek.

"Bara Bara no Mi... Zoro, your attacks are futile," Buggy declared with a sneer, his voice tinged with arrogance and confidence in his Devil Fruit ability.

Glancing back at the sprawled Luffy, Buggy's voice carried a mix of curiosity and recognition as he held the iconic straw hat in his hand.

"Brat!! This straw hat of yours looks oddly familiar..."

Zoro and Nami exchanged speechless glances.

"So embarrassing..."

Luffy rose from the ground, brushing off the dust. Aside from a scratched nose and a trickle of blood, he appeared unharmed. However, his expression turned deadly serious.

"Red-nosed monster, give me back my hat!!"

The words hung in the air, tinged with a hint of intrigue as Buggy examined the hat, seemingly recognizing its significance beyond its mere appearance.

For Luffy, the hat wasn't just an accessory; it was a symbol of his dreams, his aspirations, and the bonds he cherished. Its loss, even for a moment, ignited a fire within him, driving him to reclaim what was rightfully his.

Seph observed from his vantage point in the sky, his arms folded across his chest, as Buggy continued to goad Luffy with a mixture of fascination and intrigue. Despite his keen observation, Seph couldn't discern whether Buggy's actions stemmed from genuine anger or concealed intentions.

Buggy's behavior presented a puzzle, his motivations shrouded in ambiguity. Was he genuinely incensed by Luffy's intrusion, or did he harbor ulterior motives beneath his facade of hostility?

Reading his mind? Unnecessary. Besides, it's not his concern. It's merely a family quarrel.

As the drama unfolded below, Luffy and Buggy engaged in a heated battle, their clash resonating with intensity, while Zoro and Nami joined forces to confront the remaining adversaries.

Zoro displayed his formidable strength, effortlessly dispatching hordes of pirates with precision and skill, his prowess rivaling that of experts. Meanwhile, Nami's unconventional tactics and unwavering determination swiftly incapacitated scores of opponents, her quirky character shining through amidst the chaos.

As their side skirmish concluded, Seph materialized beside them, his sudden appearance eliciting astonishment from Zoro and Nami.

"Seph!!" Zoro exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Seph-kun, what's happened to you?!" Nami's gaze held a mixture of shock and admiration as she beheld Seph's radiant presence.

His charm seemed to radiate even more intensely, leaving Nami unable to resist his captivating allure.

Even her carefully prepared curses seemed to evaporate into thin air in the presence of his Fallen Angel form. The sheer intensity of his charm was overwhelming for her, a young woman unaccustomed to such experiences.

Even so, she still wore an angry expression as she demanded to know his whereabouts.

"Where were you?!!"

Seph smiled, turning to face her and gesturing to his transformed body.

"Didn't you see? I stumbled upon a devil fruit while I was out and about."

Zoro exclaimed, recognizing the significance of the find.

"You're lucky... this devil fruit seems extraordinary."

Seph nodded knowingly.

"Indeed, it's the god-like devil fruit, Lucifer, The First Fallen Angel and the original devil."

Zoro's shock was palpable; he hadn't anticipated that he himself will also held such a significant future title. King Of Hell..

Meanwhile, Nami regarded Seph with a mix of envy and animosity.

"Devil fruit?! Worth 100 million berries!! Spit it over!!!"

Seph was taken aback by Nami's demand, but he couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. He could only allow her to choke him to alleviate her misery.

As they continued to bond and enjoy each other's company, Luffy finally dealt the decisive blow to Buggy, bringing their original mission to a close.

Nami darted away to pursue her thieving endeavors, while Seph proudly displayed his devil fruit form, basking in the envious gazes of those around him, particularly Luffy, whose admiration he secretly relished.