
One Piece: Shadow Lord

Sea Circle Calendar1515, the ship of terror. He looked at Gekko Moria who was killed by him, and the Shadow Fruit regenerated next to him. Obask William fell into deep thought... A shadow king who made the sea tremble was born! Incredibly funny? Who the hell doesn’t know how to drive a Gundam! As a user with the ability of the Shadow Fruit, it makes sense for him to rely on his imagination to fight, right? …

electronatom · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Perona, I'm Very Angry Now

The crisp sound of footsteps echoed endlessly down the long corridor. William, with an unguarded gait, walked straight ahead while Perona followed closely behind. Her expression continuously shifted, her eyes brimming with conflict and hesitation. She desperately wanted to utilize the power of her Ghost Fruit ability, relying on the Negative Hollow to sap her opponent's resistance and avenge her respected Lord Moria. Yet, she ultimately could not bring herself to act.

"Well then, Lord William..." Perona spoke tentatively after a moment, a hint of unease in her tone. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

[Woo, Lord Moria, it's not that I don't want to avenge you, it's just that this guy is too scary!]

William paused before turning to face her, a smile playing across his lips. "I thought you would use the power of the Ghost Fruit to sneak attack me?" His piercing gaze seemed capable of seeing through to her very soul. "It seems you're not that stupid after all!"

"Ah?" Perona's heart skipped a beat as a chill ran down her spine. Panic gripped her, and beads of cold sweat formed on her skin. Instinctively, she averted her gaze from William's falcon-like stare that inexplicably made her tremble. Waving her hands dismissively, she hurriedly responded, "How...how could it be?"

Her back was already drenched in a cold sweat. The other party was indeed an agent of CP9, clearly aware of her Devil Fruit abilities. Fortunately, she had not taken action.

"So..." William gently pinched Perona's chin, his dark eyes boring into her guilty, evasive gaze. With a smile, he inquired, "Tell me, what were you thinking just now?"

Even without directly hearing Perona's voice, her emotional shifts could not be concealed from him. At times, she exuded malice, only to be suppressed by reason moments later. Evidently, she had repeatedly deliberated whether to take action against him.

"What?" Perona's face drained of color as sweat poured from her brow. She gazed upon the ridiculously young figure before her with horror. Could this man truly read hearts?

"This is your final warning..." William's slender index finger gently stroked her smooth cheek. Smiling calmly, he stated, "It's just this once; there won't be a next time!"

He could naturally surmise what Perona had been contemplating. As an elite CP9 agent, he was not merely a master of force but also adept in psychology. Combined with his innate Observation Haki, he could easily discern the other's heart. But what was needed was that very fear and uncertainty.

"Yes, I definitely don't dare anymore, Lord William..." Perona's body trembled as she sweated profusely, gripped by panic and unease. Frantically begging for mercy, she patted her developing breasts in earnest promise.

"Although the death penalty can be avoided, living crime cannot be avoided..." William patted Perona's smooth face. Gazing into her large, round eyes, he playfully remarked, "You have made a mistake, but you will be punished!"

"Ah?" Upon hearing William's words, Perona, who had just breathed a sigh of relief thinking her transgression had been revealed, felt her heart leap again. Suddenly, she became nervous once more.

A door clicked open. Perona's eyes widened - wasn't this her room? Although confused, she could only bite the bullet and follow William inside. The door slammed shut behind them.

William boldly and grandly took a seat on the sofa. Eyeing the trembling Perona standing anxiously before him, awaiting her resignation, he nonchalantly tossed over a seastone handcuff. "Perona, I'm very angry now!" he declared flatly.

"You have betrayed my trust... In view of your behavior and your dangerous abilities, you will wear seastone handcuffs until you pass my test again!"

"Seastone?" Perona was dazed. Why did the other party still carry a pair of seastone handcuffs? Was it specifically intended to deal with her?

Remorseful, she pleaded with a pained expression, "Master William, I know I was wrong, and I never dare to do it again... Can you not make me wear this?"

William narrowed his eyes as his voice rose sharply. "I wear it, I wear it..."

Perona pursed her lips, on the verge of tears. She busied herself, putting on the seastone handcuffs. In an instant, she became powerless once more, her abilities rendered unusable.

"Then Lord William..." Eyeing the devilish figure before her, younger yet seeming so much more menacing, Perona couldn't help but swallow hard before asking nervously, "I know I was wrong. How can I pass your test and regain your trust?"

Her gut was now filled with regret. She wished she could slap herself for even entertaining such thoughts. If she obediently remained by his side, wouldn't she be able to continue as a cadre on the Ship of Terror as before? Besides, she didn't want to wear this wretched thing every day, leaving her feeling so weak and miserable.

"That depends on your performance!" William stroked her pretty face with a smile.

"I promise to be obedient, and whatever you say will be mine!" Perona hurriedly assured, the frightened little girl that she was.

"Okay, you go prepare the bath water first..." William leaned back on the sofa, closing his eyes to relax. 

Over the past few days, he had devoted much thought to tonight's plan. He really needed to unwind. Originally, if the plan to assassinate Moria had failed, he was prepared to directly consume the ability of the Mythical Zoan Rat Fruit, the Scythe Weasel form.

However, compared to the comprehensively perfect Mythical Zoan Blue Dragon or even artifical mythical pink dragon form in all aspects, the generalized abilities of the Scythe Weasel form, recorded in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia with its sickle-sharp claws capable of releasing wind blades that tear everything apart, clearly did not meet his expectations.

Therefore, William had not made up his mind for a long time. Unexpectedly, he had accidentally become a user with the ability of the Shadow Fruit. Originally, he was merely preparing to take control of the Ship of Terror, completely taking everything from Moria.

"Ah!?" Perona was completely stunned. Wasn't this the maid's duty? She had never done the job of serving others, had she?

"Huh? Is there a problem?" William opened his eyes, frowning as he looked at her.

"No, no problem, right away -"

(end of chapter)