
One Piece : Satan

After a night of drinking, a One Piece fan finds himself trapped in the world of One Piece on an isolated island in the middle of the calm belt. His only hope of surviving is an unknown Devil Fruit ------------- Image taken from the internet if the creator wants it I will remove it

DiaboV · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


At the bottom of the ocean, there was a diving bell, its upper part was made of barrel wood, and its lower part was made of gold, allowing it to sink into the ocean.

Inside was the now Ozymandias lying on a wooden support he had made when he created the diving bell with the power of his Akuma no mi.

He was dressed in a lab coat that had been painted red with blood, and all wrapped up in the bandages that the Good Doctor had made before, and he had a needle stuck in his chest.


Ozymandias woke up catching his breath, The syringe he had applied earlier in his chest was supposed to make him stay in a state of near death. He knew he wouldn't get away that easily, mainly because of the observation Haki of his pursuers.

Kenbunshoku Haki or Observation Haki allows the user to feel the aura of others even while being far away from them. The concept of 'aura' is still very vague in one piece, would it be the aura emitted through the physical body of the living being or would it be something more metaphysical?

Ozymandias didn't know, he doesn't have the haki to investigate further. To escape the haki he had to fake his death by applying Anesthesia to his bloodstream, stopping his heart, and praying he doesn't die.

He had no other choice, He would die anyway if he didn't. Plucking the syringe from his chest, Ozymandias checked his wounds.

His right eye was gone, his back was broken, his entire body was covered in bruises, and he was pretty sure a few ribs had broken, and his head was still bleeding.

Opening the lab coat Ozymandias examined the chest there were the books he had placed in the lab coat, taking one he saw that there was a bullet right in the middle of the cover going through almost the entire book.

'If I hadn't found that safe and taken the books, the bullet would have entered my heart' thought Ozymandias. He then remembered the Devil Fruit he had hidden in his underwear, it was intact.

'' I'm glad they didn't kick me in the balls SASAHAHAHA UGH! '' Said Ozymandias as he stopped laughing, The pain in his body was intense he must heal first or he could pass out again at any moment and maybe this time he won't wake up anymore.

He started by closing his eye hole, He didn't know how to regenerate organs with his power he's been very lucky to mess with anything in his body so far. The fish he caught and modified to replace it in the boat was proof of that, he is a long way from being able to modify anything so radically as that. first, he has to learn some medicine to be able to use his power more deeply.

Touching the eye hole he used his Devil Fruit, Red rays came out of his hand and started forcing the wound to close after a while, the wound healed and now it looked like he had lost his eye years ago.

Then he went to his head and closed the bleeding, then he went to the ribs he managed to fix them to their original state because he already had experience in modifying bones. then he went to his back this time he was more careful, if he did anything stupid he could lose the movement of his legs or worse be completely paralyzed

He touched his back and concentrated. he used Analyze to check which part was damaged a light left his hand and went to his spine then came back bringing him the information he needed to proceed

Then he used his modifying skill, carefully a red beam came out of his hand and went towards his spine and started to repair it very slowly, he had to be very careful in areas of the body like this, but the damage didn't it had been so severe thanks to the incredible body this world has.

This is another reason why Ozymandias wants to learn medicine, One piece bodies are not normal bodies, Take Whitebeard as an example at the end of Marineford He took 267 slashes and 157 bullets and was hit by 46 cannonballs plus he had two enormous holes in the chest and losing a part of the head after all this he still died standing up.

After some time working on the spine itself, Ozymandias managed to heal and ignored the bruises for the time being. He didn't have the luxury of being able to fully heal himself due to the expenditure of energy.

Ozymandias then got up and touched the diving bell, The top part of the bell was made of wood where Ozymandias was inside, and the bottom part was made of gold making the bell sink, as he could not swim he had to abandon the gold to be able to emerge

Lamenting the loss of so much money, Ozymandias sighed and began to shape the bell. Red rays shot out of his hand and spread through the bell, sealing the wooden part with Ozymandias inside and separating the gold from the bell.


The diving bell now only made of wood started to surface leaving a fortune in gold behind

Now on the surface, Ozymandias used his power again to transform what was left of the bell into a small wooden boat. seeing no sign of his pursuers Ozymandias began to check what he had taken from the doctor's cabin now more calmly

There were also six books, a half-empty whiskey bottle, medicine bottles, and syringes and there was also a Log Pose pointing in a direction, and lastly there was a green Devil Fruit with molten wave patterns.

Curious Ozymandias took the Akuma no mi and tried to analyze it with his power. he touched the fruit and the red energy left his hand and ran through the Devil Fruit, it took a long time for it to return to his hand but when it returned


Ozymandias immediately fell down because of the tremendous headache he received, the veins on his forehead were bulging on the skin, and while blood flowed like a waterfall from his nose, he immediately dropped the Akuma no mi.

'it's a lot of data for my brain to process' Ozymandias thought while wiping his nose. He was greeted by a flood of information he couldn't handle, Devil Fruits were unlike anything he had 'analyzed' so far, they were far too complex for his power to work. It's no wonder that many One Piece characters spent their entire lives studying the nature of Devil Fruits.

Geniuses like Vegapunk and Cesar meticulously studied Devil Fruits and only managed in the end to fake the real thing like SMILE. Ozymandias was a long way from even beginning to understand the great mystery that is the Devil Fruit.

Leaving that aside for now, he undid his bandages and created a makeshift sail for his boat. Now that he is in the East Blue where the wind was present he started to blow the boat and Ozymandias started sailing.

'I'm very lucky to be in the East Blue, the weakest sea in the world. any other Sea I would be lost or in grave danger. this is the best sea to start with, weak pirates and little government or navy presence.' Ozymandias said while looking at the Log Pose.

He had no choice but to head in the direction he was pointing. The trip was calm in the end, with the little presence of Sea Kings, Ozymandias managed to catch some fish on the way and the Sea Kings in that region were also smaller and weaker compared to the Calm Belt.

It was until he spotted an island that his log pose was pointing to.

It was a Huge island with a Big City. lots of ships passing around, it looked very economically active, full of people working in the harbor, loading ships. and bringing people.

''Look Daddy we're here'' a girl who was disembarking from a ship said to her father

''I expect more from this city'' Said a woman in expensive clothes who was also disembarking on the same ship.

''Honey I heard that pirates also pass through here, are we going to be ok?'' a cute woman said looking at her husband

Ozymandias who was tying up the boat in the harbor looked at these crowds of people who were leaving and thought 'Tourists? Interesting, what is your reason for coming here?'

A man with glasses looking at a clipboard approached Ozymandias and said ''Welcome to Longuetown sir. Boat docking costs $1000 Belly per day, if you are a local then show yours....'' He stopped talking as soon as he saw Ozymandias.

Ozymandias was wearing a white coat that was painted red with blood, his body was all wounded it was as if he had just arrived from war and still hadn't cleaned up.

''Huh?'' Ozymandias grunted and looked down at the clipboard guy. Due to the disproportionate size of Ozymandias with his 2.10 m (6.8ft), he created a shadow on the poor guy who was shaking with fear on the ground

''P-P-Please don't hurt me!'' Said clipboard guy shaking

Ozymandius came close to him and patted him on the head ''Easy there mate, I'm not going to hurt you but I don't have any money, you can keep the boat'' Ozymandias said while patting a few more times, and started heading towards the city

"AAAAAAAAAH Papa look" the little girl pointed to Ozymandias

Due to the scream people started looking at Ozymandias who was walking calmly as he looked at the city with a curious look on his face.

"look at all that blood" a woman said as she shook her husband's hand

''Look at the size of it, did it come from the grand line?'' Said a worried dock worker

''What are you saying? Quickly call the Navy! He is a filthy pirate'' Said the woman in expensive clothes with fear

"Look at his hands! A Devil Fruit user!" Said an old fisherman

More and More people start whispering while looking at Ozymandias some scared some curious some worried. Ozymandias looked at some of the people but they got scared and looked away.

"Tsk, Plebs'' Said Ozymandias as he ignores them and starts walking like a king

Arriving at the entrance to the city, Ozymandias looked at the entrance. There was a sign that said 'Loguetown' the city itself was full of people and quite big and beautiful, the style of the buildings was reminiscent of the European style but a little different

''It's bigger than expected,'' Ozymandias said, impressed. 700,000 people were living in this city, it was after all one of the most famous cities in the world. The place where the great age of pirates began, where the most infamous pirate in the world was exhausted.

''The place where it all began and ended eh....'' Ozymandias sighed

He then reflected on what he should do. He needed new clothes, food, and finally a place to rest. In that order, because he's starting to get tired of these people staring at him.

''I need money then'' Ozymandias then proceeded through the streets where people opened a passage for him as they froze in fear. He was getting a lot of attention and in his current condition that was something he didn't want. But he kept walking

'Why am I doing this? Why am I walking in the middle of the street? why not just use Geppo and go over the rooftops? or Use Soru to get past everyone without being noticed?' Ozymandias thought it was the smartest thing to do after all.

But something in him was rejecting that idea. A kind of new feeling for Ozymondias, he knew that the best thing to do is to avoid people's attention so as not to draw any unwanted attention. But that 'Feeling' in his heart wouldn't forgive him if he ran away, That feeling was screaming through his whole body

'Don't be a coward! keep walking! A King fears nothing!' Ozymandias felt his body tremble, he then continued walking without caring anymore, he would do whatever he wanted.

Ozymandias didn't know that this new 'feeling' was something he had awakened on Shanks' ship. Something that is only awakened among one of several million people. Conqueror's Haki was used by Ozymandias unconsciously when he changed his name, but as all Redhead pirates were strong people and are already used to their captain's own Conqueror's Haki who is said to be the strongest among all Conqueror's haki users they don't pass out. making Ozymandias not notice that he had awakened something so important.

He then proceeded to a certain shop with two giant swords hanging in front of it. entering he saw a store full of armor, swords, and katanas everywhere it was the store where Zoro got his swords.

''Welcome customer, what are you looking for? we have everything a man like you needs'' says a man with black hair on the side of his head he had tanned skin and was short. His name was Ipponmatsu the owner of this shop

''Aren't you afraid? I'm covered in blood '' Said Ozymandias as he approaches the counter

''Don't worry about it, I've owned this shop my whole life. I've seen it all walk through those doors, and I know a warrior when I see one. See I hate that my work and dedication are wasted in the hands of a bunch of softies'' Said Ipponmatsu to him there is no greater sin in the world than a well-crafted sword in the hands of a person worthy of handling such a sword.

''I am not a warrior, I am a blacksmith. I don't mean to disrespect you, but from what I'm seeing around here...'' Said Ozymandias while taking a walk around the shop ''Your swords are as worthy as the people who handle them, in other words, your swords are a disgrace.. ''

Ipponmatsu was furious with this customer's audacity, he was going to tell him to leave immediately, but ''out of all this rubbish there is a diamond...'' Said Ozymandias while going to a specific sword barrel, Ipponmatsu thought 'It can't be... . he knows?'

Ozymandias who was looking in the barrel found the katana she was looking for was a katana in a red scabbard. he then took her

''A Wazamono treated like that? aren't you ashamed?'' Ozymandias said while unsheathing the sword it was Sandai Kitetsu

a Grade sword that has been named. In one piece there are four levels of blades, they are Grade, Skillful Grade, Great Grade, and lastly Supreme Grade. The sword Ozymandias is holding is a Grade sword, the Sandai keiretsu. Even if it is of the weakest grade, it should not be underestimated, it is a very sharp sword and has something that a normal sword does not have.

''W-Wait don't touch that sword! She is....'' Ipponmatsu tried to warn Ozymandias about the curse of the sword but

A red light came out of Ozymandias' palm and started to cover the sword the energy started to fight with the conscience of the sword, Ozymandius was fascinated it was the first time something resisted his 'Analysis' this had never happened because until now he only touched fainting beings or non-living matter.

But the One piece swords that are at least Grade, have their own conscience and personality so it is resisting its power, but ''Weak'' Said Ozymandias while increasing the red energy making the sword not able to resist anymore to its touch and then the energy returned to the hand along with data about the sword

''Y-you what are you doing?'' Ipponmatsu was fascinated by that red energy he didn't know what it was but he was surprised by such a strange scene

Ozymandias smirked. ''I was just getting a better look at the katana,'' he said as he wiped a drop of blood on his nose. he then put the sword back

''Why did you keep it? It looks like it was tamed by you, I'll give it to you for free'' said Ipponmatsu He wanted to get rid of that cursed sword for a long time. But even today, no one has been able to tame the will of the sword until today.

''I don't want it, I'm looking for something better'' Ozymandias said as he started touching every sword in the shop, a flash of red energy was seen every time he touched a sword but he always made a disapproving face and moved on to the next one.

Seeing this Ipponmatsu said ''please wait a bit I'll be right back'' he said as he ran to the back of the shop

Ozymandias gave a small smile of victory, he wanted exactly that. he continued to analyze all the swords around while the shop owner didn't come back. His power could analyze every atom of the sword and convey every tiny detail to him. After touching every sword in the shop and learning from them, he could now call himself a sword expert thanks to his Devil Fruit

''Here try this katana'' Said Ipponmatsu while placing a katana with a black sheath on the counter it was the Yubashiri one of the 50 Skillful Grades that exist.

Ozymandias looked at the sword and touched it ''It's a relic of my family it was passed down from generation to generation it is....''

''It's not enough'' said Ozymandias with a disapproving face, while interrupting Ipponmatsu's story

''What? This sword is the best sword I have, if you didn't like it I have nothing better to offer....'' Ipponmatsu said with a defeated face. It was his dream to pass this sword on to someone worthy enough, but he never thought that person would refuse him.

''Don't be sad, I'm not a swordsman anyway. tell me, can I use your forge?'' Ozymandias said with a smile

Ipponmatsu looked at him and couldn't refuse his request, he was curious to see what this man who had insulted all his work and his family's legacy could do.

"Follow me, the forge is at the back"





Ipponmatsu was shocked as he watched Ozymandias work. he had been a blacksmith all his life and he knew many blacksmiths as well he had seen many methods of making a katana but she had never in her life seen anyone bend the steel of a katana with their bare hands!



Ozymandias was focused now, he was bending the hot steel using the strength of his fists. As the red skin of his hand was quite tough, he didn't burn or hurt himself when hitting so he didn't need a hammer.

To make a katana he had to heat the steel and bend it by hammering it several times to form several layers, making the blade strong and flexible. But he had to be careful, too hard the sword could break. very flexible the sword will not be as sharp.

This balance between hardness and flexibility was fascinating, it is no wonder that many Japanese blacksmiths spend their entire lives studying and perfecting this balance. But thanks to his power Ozymandias knew through his akuma no mi the perfect balance he had to seek.

He then started to mold the shape of the sword, but thanks to his extremely precise hands he managed to pass this step smoothly.

Now it was one of the most critical steps in forging a katana, the Yaki-ire or Tempera. Ozymandias had to reheat the katana carefully and then cool it in water. He took the blade and stood in front of the oven, he then closed his eyes and concretely there was only him the sword, and the fire in his mind.


Ipponmatsu who was watching all this with admiration on his face, didn't dare to interrupt. he knew this was one of the most critical stages, he just watched quietly in the corner.

Ozymandias then began to heat the blade carefully and through his power, he waited for the exact time to cool down.

''Now'' Ozymandias opened his eyes and placed the blade in the water


Now it was the next step Togi or Polishing was a meticulous step and involved several gradual steps to achieve the characteristic shine and sharpness of the blade. but thanks to Hand Hand no Mi this stage is a thousand times more fun.

''Careful, lightning can hit you'' Said Ozymandias to Ipponmatsu as he placed the blade on a table. Ipponmatsu was confused ''What the hell?'' Ozymandias didn't answer he touched the blade and started molding it

Red bolts of electricity shot out of his hand and began to envelop the blade and as he shaped the blade the bolts became more and more furious and started bouncing around.

Ipponmatsu was shocked now, he bent down to not be hit by mistake but he couldn't get out of there, he wanted to see what would come out of there. Time passed and after a while Ozymandius wiped the sweat from his forehead and said ''The blade is ready, bring me the scabbard, handguard, and hilt'' Ipponmatsu didn't dare be disobedient and brought everything he needs

Ozymandias then proceeded to make the last step of the Koshirae or assembly, he started with the scabbard (saya) he made a red one with silver decorations. Now the hand guard (tsuba) he made in the form of an atom, he made the electrons of gold and the rest of silver, being the nucleus where the handle of the blade passed. the hilt (tsuka) he made red with silver details.

Finally, he made a mark on the blade right above the hilt, it was a design of an open palm on fire, and it was his signature. Then he assembled everything and it was finally ready.

''It's done'' Said Ozymandias while holding the katana with both hands

Yubashiri approached and widened his eyes ''Can I see?'' Ozymandias then passed the katana to him

Taking it out of its scabbard Yubashiri was shocked it was the sharpest blade he had ever seen, everything about it was perfect. "T-This Katana is Great Grade!" Yubashiri stood with his legs shaking he never in his life expected that a katana of such quality would be forged in his forge.

Taking the Katana back Ozymandias said ''There's only one thing missing''

''What?'' Yubashiri was curious, what could be missing from such a perfect sword?

''The name'' Ozymandias said as he thought of a name. Yubashiri patiently waited it was true a sword of such caliber had to be named.

'' Ushinawareta Genshi'' Said Ozymandias, The sword as if waiting for his name started to release a red aura in the shape of flames as if it was celebrating his birth.

Yubashiri was speechless with such a scene he had never seen such a thing happen. ''But why did you choose that name? Lost Atom?''

''It's very simple, I intend to sell it to you,'' said Ozymandias with a smile. He was poor now, and he didn't mind selling that katana. he didn't even have money to eat he didn't care about losing that sword for some Belly

''That's it then..'' Yubashiri was a little sad that such a weapon had to stay in his shop until he found someone worthy enough to pass it on.

''I can't disrespect your decision, I've never seen a blacksmith as skilled as you. but please tell me your name'' Said Yubashiri while bowing

''My name is Ozymandias''

''Ozymandias-dono, please forgive me but I can only offer 50 million Belly for your work''

Ozymandias was shocked 50 million Belly was a lot of money! Zoro's white katana which was also of Great Grade was only rated at 6 million Belly.

''I accept, but why are you offering me so much money for this sword?''

''It is a matter of honor Ozymandias-dono, after seeing such a weapon to be forged by a true blacksmith I will never forgive myself if I offer so little'' said Yubashiri, Yubashiri's family shop has 200 years of history, it's business they were going well. then he can pay such an amount

''She is yours then'' Ozymandias said smiling

Every Saturday there will be new chapters from now on! :-)

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