
One Piece: Ruthless

Rhine traveled to the world of One Piece, took advantage of Blackbeard and Ace's fight, steal the Yami-Yami no mi and took over the Blackbeard Pirates. The next thing to do is to deal with Luffy, hand him over to the World government, and turn the world upside down. For the crew, he is the perfect captain. For the protagonist group, he is the most terrifying villain. Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1255593.html

Aries_tana · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

I'm Not Into That Kind of Things


The bedroom door that was opened before was slammed shut.Before Nami and Robin who were dragged in could react, they felt a hand pushing them.Then they fell on the sheet.

In the next second, Rhine didn't wait for any reaction from them.




"Ugh! Ugh ugh ugh!"

Because his cheeks are bound by seastone chains. Luffy can only make this kind of "ugh"sound.while hearing Nami and Robin scream. But he doesn't understand what happens to them.

Luffy nature is completely different.

he doesn't understood what Rhine was doing by dragging his two female crew members into the house.

After all,even in the original Anime, Luffy behaved like "i have no worldly desires".he only thinking about became the pirates king all the time

But even if the mission said to played with Nami and Robin when Luffy knew about it, Rhine has no interest in performing the action in front of Luffy.

Although he has read few novel where the villain protagonist fvcking the heroine in front of the hero in his previous live, he not gonna do the same thing. He doesn't have weird hobby like that

Have sex in front of many people?

Damn sick!

"Oh, what a poor boy~"

Even a villain like Burgess couldn't help but sympathize with Luffy.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind.

He must not make the captain unhappy.

Otherwise, he doesn'tn't know what will Rhine do to him

After another few minutes past by, Burgess became more and more irritable.

how to say it?

Although the sound insulation effect of the Sunny ship is quite good.But the thought of Rhine have sex with two beautiful women,

While he operating the ship here...

He quite annoyed...

After taking a dry breath, Burgess turned his head and shouted to Van Augur, who was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed:

"Hey! Augur, use your eyes to see how far the nearest island is!"

Burgess can't hold it any longer, he want to relief his pain, and go to the happy street.

Van Augur opened his eyes and glanced at the guy lightly.But he still looked up and looked around.

"Within ten miles... there are no islands."

A few seconds later, Van Augur responded lightly.

"No way!?"

With a mournful face, Badgers looked down at his tent.No, don't do it... You are all pirates, do you have to do such a shameful thing?

"Why don't you use him?"

Van Augur calmly pointed at the tied Luffy.

Burgess was dumbfounded.

man, are you serious?.

He not into that kind of things.

"Wait a minute, don't you think the ship is shaking?"

He don't know if it was an illusion, but Burgess felt a slight shaking from the deck.

Van Augur owered his eyes to sense it, and after a few seconds, he glanced at the direction of the bedroom from the corner of his eyes.

"Its from the captain's room..."

Burgess: "..."

Good Lord.., will those girls be able to tomorrow?


hours later.


Rhine let out a long breath, and began to think about the philosophy of life. Emmm... Although he doesn't smoke, Rhine thinks it's the right time to smoke.Otherwise, it always feels like something is missing.

"This... so... will you let Luffy go?"

At this moment, Nami on the left weakly said.

Rhine looked down at her, reached out and hugged her into his arms, and said with a light smile:

"Don't worry, I won't kill him, at least not during the time I'm with you."

If it was normal, Nami would definitely push this bastard away.But unfortunately, she doesn't even have the strength to move a finger now.

"You...want to handing Luffy over to the World government, to become the new Shichibukai?"

At this time, Robin on the right also asked with difficulty breathing.As big sister, she able to take more damage than Nami.

Fortunately, her endurance is quite good, so she didn't faint. In fact, Nami has passed out several times during sex.

Rhine reached out and hugged Robin together, smiled lightly and said:


"You didn't kill Luffy...to do, to do this kind of thing with us...?"

Robin gritted his teeth and asked.

Robin has always been puzzled by this question.

If Rhine is trying to prove to the World government that he has what it takes to be the new Shichibukai by defeating Luffy.

Just cut off Luffy's head and take it away.

There is no need to capture him alive.

After much deliberation, Robin could only think of this one reason.After all, no matter how smart she was, she couldn't have guessed that Rhine was planning to use Luffy's background to make trouble.

You know, even the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates don't know that Wang Luffy's background is so awesome.

At first Ithey thought he was from a normal background, but who would have thought that Luffy have one of the best background you can have.

Hearing Robin's question, Rhine was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Ah, yes, yes, who told you two to be so charming?"

As he spoke, Rhine held the two girls in his arms and played with them again.

Nami's eyes were filled with tears.

"Forget it, do whatever you want, just finish it quickly."

And Robin has a similar attitude.

If it can saves Luffy's life... then she can let Rhine do whatever he wants.

Aleast that's what she can do to pay back Luffy for saving her life before.