
One Piece: Road To Admiral

Have you ever thought being marine in the era of Gol D. Roger, Rocks D. Xybec and Future Emperors? Well this is that kind of a story. This story will follow Black D. Dante who was born 35 years before Great Age of Pirates. 1500 - Starts Great Age of Pirates 1499 - Roger Became Pirate King 1486 - God Valley Incident 1465 - Dante was born. (Same year as Oden was born) ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, only OC in the fanfic is my creations.

Alekzi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

5. Unit!

All of the 5 Devil Fruit candidates were currently standing in front of huge forest with their units behind them. Test was here and it was quite simple. 26 v 26 v 26 v 26 v 26 battle royale type of match with all the units. Last team standing wins this test and gets the most contribute points. They have been rating us with contribute points since day 1 last year and i currently have 2675 contribute points and i am leading the other recruits by quite large margin. Borsalino has 1895 (Heh noob) he could have way more by now, but he still ignoring team play and will keep ignoring that's for sure.

Only one i need to be careful during this test is obviously Borsalino, it doesn't mean other devil fruit recruits aren't dangerous, it's just that in compared to Logia user like Borsalino, they don't really matter in larger scale, if i keep ignoring Borsalino he will win this.

One of the Devil Fruit has The Neko Neko no Mi Model: White Tiger

Other one has Noro Noro no Mi (Slow Slow Fruit)

and third one has Bane Bane no Mi (Spring Spring Fruit)

Not the weakest bunch, especially Slow Slow fruit seems quite annoying to deal with.

We were split towards 5 different entries which leads to the forest and we were patiently waiting for test to start, i told my unit to only focus on different units soldier while i keep lookout towards devil fruit users

''START!'' I heard loud yell from the sky and without further ado i lead my unit to the forest.

After 5 minutes walking deeper to the forest, i saw blinding light to the north of me and i knew that Borsalino was fighting someone. I ordered my unit to standby while i started walk towards source of the fight while keeping hidden. There i saw bloodied recruit laying on the ground while Borsalino was standing next to him. The bloodied recruit was user of Neko Neko no Mi Model: White Tiger and he couldn't last even 10 seconds against Borsalino.

''Oi, find his unit!'' i heard Borsalino ordering his unit, i could keep hidden and wait for right moment to strike, but what's fun in that?

''Borsalino!'' i walked away from the place i was hiding at and started walking towards Borsalino

''Ohh.'' Borsalino simply turned towards me with lazy looking face and fired a light beam towards me without any warning!

''Not even hello? Fine then.'' Then i opened rift in front of me which sucked the light beam and i unsheathed my sword and coated my sword in white light and slashed towards Borsalino, which resulted in huge crack forming in the air,

Rift Blade!

Crack which was formed in the air formed huge pushing force which resulted in Borsalino flying straight to tree behind him, but before he could hit it, he turned to light and appeared beside me.

''Have you ever been kicked with speed of light?'' asked Borsalino and kicked towards me.

And yes, it was my first time being kicked with speed of light and it made fly backwards hundreds of meters before i finally managed to stop.


It made me spit out huge amount of blood after all power behind that kick was no joke.

Then i saw blinding light appeared 5 meters from me and there appeared Borsalino while still having his same silly smile on his face.

Then Borsalino formed from his hand a long, very sharp and durable sword out of the light.

Ama No Murakomo (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven)

Seeing that without further ado i stood up with my sword in my hand and rushed towards Borsalino.

We kept going back and forth with our swords, which neither of us getting upperhand, but then..

Yasakani no Magatama (Comma Jewel of Eight Shaku)

Borsalino crosses his arms in front of him and uses both hands to fire a torrent of deadly light particles, causing extreme damage to whatever they hit.

White Hole!

I formed huge rift in front of me with color of white with shape of a hole and made the light particles fly away from me.

''Oh.'' Borsalino raised his eyebrow and rushed against me again with his Light Sword

Knowing that it's just matter of time before i would lose, i had to do something. I don't know how long Borsalino had his powers for, but he has greater mastery than i have.

Crevice Depth!

Seeing that Borsalino was rushing towards me, i stabbed my sword to the ground beneath him and coated my sword in white light and made huge crevice from it.

But then Borsalino turned as light and appeared behind me and slashed his sword towards me.

Spiral Rift!

I quickly formed Spiral made of rift under Borsalino's feet and it caused High-pressure air blades to form from it and making few slash wounds to Borsalino's legs.

Borsalino instantly turned to light and moved away from his current position, but i didn't let him, seeing him turning to light, instantly i made rift in color of black with shape of a hole to form in front of me and to the direction of light.

Black Hole!

It instatly pushed Borsalino towards me while canceling his light and turned him back to his human form and i touched to his torso and made white rift from my palms which launched Borsalino away from me while he coughed blood with his shocked gaze.

White Hole!

Instantly the area where we battled turned to wasteland, this was supposed to be units fighting against each other, but now it's pretty much 1vs1.


I heard coughing from the direction where i sent Borsalino flying to and there he stood up from the ground while having his shirt ripped open and having few trails of blood in his lips.

Without further ado we ran towards each other and started Round 2 in our fight.


While the Instructors were watching our fight with hopeless expressions.

''I-is there anything left to teach them.'' Asked Instructor while seeing two young men destroying the forest.

'' Uh, i think we should talk about Rear Admiral about this.'' said one of the Instructors

''Yeah.. they should be sent to Headquarters and not waste their talent here.'' said one of the Instructors with slight envy.


In the different part of a forest there was rest of the units fighting, while some suffering from the power of Slow-Slow fruit.


They kept hearing the destruction from the fight of Dante and Borsalino and had hopeless faces thinking that their fight was like child's play.

''Are you kidding me?'' said devil fruit user with Spring-Spring fruit while fighting against Slow-Slow fruit user.

''Focus on the fight!'' said Slow-Slow fruit user and attacked with beam.


25 Minutes Later

Place where Borsalino and Dante kept fighting was turned to nothing but wasteland, trees were blown to pieces and ground was cracked like it had suffered drought.

There was handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes kneeling on the ground while trying to stop the blood from leaking from his wound.

In other side was young man with broken arm with bones popping out from his arms which had signs of cracking, he who usually had lazy looking smile on his face was now far from it, instead of lazy, it had now face with intense concentration.

Yup, getting hit from one of those light particles indeed hurts! I blinked for a moment then i saw light impaling from side of my waist and things is not looking too good right now.

But before i could anything else, loud yell was heard.

''TEST OVER! Only 1 Unit is left standing!'' yelled one of the Instructors.

I guess all of the unit members was defeated and only one unit was left standing, but i wonder whose? Devil fruit users of course were only commanders of the unit so it didn't matter were they defeated or not, it was considered Unit's loss if all their member were down or defeated.

Both Borsalino and i started limping back to the where instructors were.

After reaching there i saw all the units either injured or sitting on the ground injured, except for my unit who had few injured and they told me they won, because they watched other units fighting and after they fought till they were too tired to even stand, they made their move, these sneaky bastards.

''Unit Dante has won this test, but it didn't go as we planned.'' said one of the Instructors while facing me and Borsalino

''Seamen Recruit Dante, Seamen Recruit Borsalino, go to the Rear Admiral office.'' said one of the Instructors and i guess we are in trouble! Well not that i care, it was nice going all out against Borsalino

After both of us reached Rear Admiral's office, he let us in and we stand in front of his desk waiting for his words.

''So i heard you guys destroyed the forest?'' asked Rear Admiral to which Borsalino and i only nodded to.

''Hmm, we just received orders from Headquarters to send both of you there for more Advanced training.'' said Rear Admiral

While i looked shocked with my mouth agape, next to me Borsalino still had his lazy smile on his face and his broken arm was still hanging on his side, which he should get treated, oh i forgot i had f*cking hole in my waist, kinda forgot about it.

After that we went to get our injuries treated and rested for 2 days until the marine ship which takes us to the Marineford comes.


''Fleet Admiral Kong, can i ask why you made request to transfer these two to the headquarters?'' Admiral Sengoku asked

''I got request from the Rear Admiral of that academy and heard about their strength, so this is best place for them.'' said Fleet Admiral Kong while kept doing his paperwork

''But that kid is Jack's son!'' said Sengoku with little bit anger

''So?'' asked Kong

''If he is even half like Jack then we really can't handle it!'' said Sengoku with hopeless expression

''KAHAHAHA, Sengoku that kid will become great marine one day, i am calling it!'' said Garp while he entered Kong's office

''Garp! Shouldn't you be in New World?!'' asked Sengoku with anger

''Well i came back, not like they need me there with Jack going rampage there.'' said Garp with smile

''Oh no.. what did he do this time?'' asked Sengoku with terror filled face

''Nothing big, maybe destroyed one or two islands while fighting Roger.'' said Garp without any care in the world


''Don't wanna.'' said Garp and kept eating crackers.

''Kong-san this really is not a good idea!'' said Sengoku and practically begging to remove the transfer.

''Order has already been sent to, he will come back to training and no buts!'' said Kong


Marine Ship which came to pick us up had arrived few days ago and we were currently in the ship looking at huge wall in color of red.

It was Red Line, the entry point to the Grand Line.

Marine's had their own special route to go to Grand Line, which was safer and faster than ordinary route.

We finished the checkup and arrived in the Grand Line.

After sailing for another ten days and going through Gate of Justice we finally arrived at the Marineford and the sight was amazing.

Marineford has a crescent moon-shaped island that is composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. At the back of the island, standing large, tall and proud is the Marine Headquarters building. The building is a large multistory with the Marines symbol in between. Around the building's four cardinal corners is a small mountain with a small building on top and a flag with the Marines' symbol on it.

Year 1478 - 8 Years Before God Valley Incident