
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Obtaining A Devil Fruit

On the deck of a medium size ship Ulrick was sipping on a glass of cold orange juice under an umbrella. The juice was made by Nami and the Umbrella was being held up by her as well. Ulrick had been at sea for 7-8 days during that time he didn't mistreat Nami or give her any over the top demands. He just made her punishment seem real when really he was just messing with her. Kuro tried to miss treat her and order her around like a servant girl but Ulrick made it painfully clear he was to never do such a thing again because all members of Ulrick's organisation are like family and Ulrick protects his family. Bartolomeo was an annoying ass hole during the whole trip and clashed with Kuro a lot something Ulrick knew was inevitable since their personalities where incompatible.

To stop the bickering and constant murder attempts between the two Ulrick gave both of the a copy of the marine's 6 power techniques to train with. Kuro knew the significance of what he gave both of them Bartolomeo less so, but he was quick to catch on. Besides to stop the fighting Ulrick gave them the techniques also because he never wants to see Kuro ever perform that shitty Soru nock off that he was known for. Ulrick told Kuro that straight to his face too to make that clear to him and made sure to only give him the instruction manual to Soru. Kuro didn't like the way he talked to him, but Ulrick didn't care made sure to let everyone know he was in charge. Bartolomeo had free rain about what to choose from to learn first and Gin also receive a copy along with Jango.

Gin and Jango got along, so there was no problem with them and as for Bartolomeo and Kuro's lackeys Ulrick left them all behind to force the core group to work together on one ship. Bartolomeo was fine with it, Kuro somewhat protested obviously still worried about putting any form of trust in anyone on that ship. Despite his protests he was forced on the ship by Ulrick.

Ulrick turned in all the bounties he claimed back at the Oykot Kingdom since it was the closest navy base. This all earned him an additional 156 million berries in total. Since Don Kieg was worth 40 million, Pearl 16 million, and the rest was from pirates with a bounty between 500 thousand and 10 million. After claiming those bounties he went back to the Simoni Family to collect his pay of 10 billion berries. Ulrick couldn't stop raving in joy about how much money he earned. Other idiots would have become lousy bounty hunters like daft fools if they were in Ulrick's shoes. If those muscle head idiots thought for a second then they would see how profitable so many other field are in this world that's why Ulrick decided to do the smart thing and become a merchant of war.

Ulrick didn't stay long there he loaded up his cash into the system and went straight to Kumate Island where his sources said a devil fruit user lives. Ulrick had mapped out and planned his root to victory for months. Now that he had a skeleton of a crew it was time to test out a popular theory about devil fruits. Ulrick was at the edge of his seat waiting in suspense because if it worked then it was going to be open season on all devil fruit users.

By the time Ulrick finished sipping his orange juice and remembering all that he endured this week Kumate island came into view. Ulrick's ship docked after it did Ulrick called everyone on deck to give his orders.

"Listen up everyone this here is where we will have our first mission and work together as a team. Now I know that some of you will have trouble getting along I'm looking at you Kuro and Bartolomeo. But, you guys better get over it if you want to be more then a third rate pirate that any random guy in the grand line can beat and the underworld king of multiple small fishing villages".

A large vain burst on Kuro's forehead he was clearly holding back his anger as he adjusted his glasses in a weird way and said, "third rate pirate how exactly am I the third rate of anything when I am one of the most wanted men in the east who's plans have never failed once?".

"Listen Kuro unlike me you've never been to the grand line. Your knowledge of the world is lacking. There are people that can split the sky with a swing of their sword and destroy islands with their fists. So, when I say something I mean it, but your with me now and I can charge that. To do that you just have to stop riding my ass, quit looking at me with those defiant eyes, and listen to what i'm saying. Like it or not what I say is true you are not the strongest in the east sea nor the smartest currently I hold both titles.

I am a man with an intellect that matches and surpass yours. You accepted my offer because you saw promise in what I was offering an opportunity to be more then a pirate and finally free yourself from those unwashed savages to achieve your dreams and probably live in peace on some island somewhere. If that's what you want i'll give it to you hell i'll give you more then that just stop giving me so much push back and listen to what I say. If not row back to your ship and continue robbing poor fisherman all day".

More vains grew on Kuro's head his hands twitched and balled up into a fist. Kuro didn't like what Ulrick had to say he didn't like being talked down to especially since he was the captain of the Black Cat Pirates for so long. But Kuro knew Ulrick was right about all of it and he could even see the potential benefits of sticking with Ulrick's organization. Though he didn't like it Kuro can bid his time and wait until being with Ulrick's organization no longer benefited him.

Ulrick knew that dealing with Kuro was tricky he was very useful but a self centered hypocritical douchbag. Ulrick can not show weakness to Kuro or ever let him think of him as another brainless pirate or else controlling him will be near impossible. Bartolomeo is a completely different story Ulrick earned his respect when he saw something heaven defying and felt the aura of a true king for the first time. Bartolomeo is sticking with Ulrick because he wants to see how far he will go.

"Now that's out of the way you should know on that Island is a devil fruit user that ate the Kuma Kuma No Mi (Bear Fruit). The user is apart of the Kumate tribe which is a tribe of cannibals that lives on that island they view that man as their leader and god. Your mission is to capture their leader alive and bring him here. I don't care how its done just do it. I could do it but you need to learn team work so I'm staying here with Nami. There's only like 100 people so get it done quick so I can show you guys a secret that less than five people on the planet know about and that's including me. Also remember Gin's my right hand so he's in charge when i'm not around".

Almost everyone on the ship soon left it except Ulrick and Nami. Alone with Nami Ulrick said to her, "Nami take a break till everyone gets back you can sit hear with me".

Nami let out a tired sigh and did as she was told. After spending about a week with Ulrick she became a bit less scared of Ulrick. She found out that he wasn't that bad of a guy and though the people he hung around with were questionable life on the ship wasn't all that terrible.

After Nami sat down Ulrick asked, "so, Nami since we're alone tell me about yourself".

Nami replied calmly, "what's there to tell I'm just a simply village girl on some island. There's nothing all to interesting to tell unless you want to learn how to farm I don't know what to say".

"Nothing interesting about you how could you say that. You being a thief sounds pretty interesting why don't you tell me how you came into such a life".

"My family is poor, so I needed the money same story as everyone else".

"All right you took it for your family, but why specifically? There are a lot of poor people in the world but not all of them are thieves. Was it for food, clothing, medicine, what factor drove you to thievery?".

Nami burst out, "what is with all these questions into my life? I already told you why, so drop it. Why don't you tell me what your trying to do here and what's with this organization you formed".

"I already told everyone why where here as for my organization our goal is to conquer land, build an empire, and become wealthier then the richest of kings. Does that sound like something your interested in little thief. Gold stacked higher then mountain, rivers filled with diamonds, enough money to buy a hundred islands and still not see a dent in your fortune".

Nami's eyes glistened and a bit of drool flowed out her mouth at the thought of what Ulrick said.

"So, your hear to conquer this island?".

"No, i'm hear to obtain the strength I need to protect my future territory and all the tax payers in it".


A loud explosion erupted from the island followed by a mighty bear roar. Nami had a look of worry, but Ulrick just smirked and said, "its about time".


On the island there where a bunch of strange aboriginals surrounding Gin and everyone else those people were from the Kumate Tribe. The Kumate Tribesmen all style their hair in the same fashion, shaving most of it and tying what's left into a long antenna-like ponytail on the top of their heads and leaving a little hair on the back of their heads. All tribesmen wear the same outfit, consisting of a striped shirt, torn skirts, a grass necklace, a long scarf-like cloth tied around their necks, and sandals.

No, one was particular worried about the tribesman they more looked like they just wanted to get back to the ship.

Kuro overflowing with bloodlust uttered, "Jango do you mind creating a bit of chaos for me".

Jango nodded, walked out if frunt of the crowd, took out a metal hoop attached to a string then said, "After I say Jango you will all kill each other one, two, three, Jango".

All the tribesman fell under his hypnosis and started fighting one another. Kuro had a happy look once the blood started to spill and with mo one paying attention to him he joined the fight. His unique cat glove weapons were unshethed then Kuro moved in for the kill. Long gashes appeared on every tribesman he passed by. Kuro was a calm and eloquent man, but he attacked like a wild beast.

There was no need for the others to do anything since Kuro and Jango had it covered. So, Gin and Bartolomeo kept going deeper into the island to find the tribes leader.

"Hay, Gin you know what their leader even looks like". Bartolomeo said as he squinted his eyes looking around the village that had a poor taste in decoration. Their were human bones along with other creatures body parts places all around the village. Their was a large pot of soup with questionable meat inside and even child bones around it.

"Yup, thes guys are definitely cannibals". Bartolomeo was a savage guy with a bad personality which garnered him the nickname cannibal but it had nothing to do with actual cannibalism, so even he was put off by this sight.

"Boss said the guy was worship as a god and that he can turn into a bear, so let's just look for shrine and a big as bear. You know like ... that".

Gin turned a corner and found a shrine covered in blood and organs clearly as an offering to the bear god they worship and the leader who embodies that god.

"Good eye Gin, but were is their leader".

On queue a massive brown bear burst through the thatch huts. Its large body casted a shadow down on Gin and Bartolomeo as it tried to pounce on them both. The sudden appearance of the bear startled the two for a second, but after that they both got into fighting gear.


Bartolomeo shouted as he cross his fingers together forming a transparent barrier in between them and the bear. The bear clawed at Bartolomeo's barrier with all of its might to no avail the bears attacks did no damage. Furiously the bear shouted, "what is this black magic you have cast you filthy trespassers?".

Bartolomeo not caring to enlighten his opponent on his abilities said instead, "hay, bear are you the leader of these filthy savages".

"You heathens not only do you not know of my glorious name Chrome, but you also dare insult my followers. Does your insolence know no end? I am the vessel of the bear god devourer of flesh lord of the hunt. My will is his will and yo-"

[Barrier Crash]

Bartolomeo's barrier pushed forward nocking Chrome off of his feet through a line of houses and into the forest where he crashed into a bunch of trees. Chrome only stopped toppling over when his body slammed into a blonder cracking it.

"Man I throught that guy would never shut up". Bartolomeo uttered as he mocked Chrome.

Chrome flopped onto the ground, but didn't stay down for long. As a zoan fruit user he gains enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and regeneration. It only took Chrome a minute to get back up and charge at Bartolomeo and Gin while letting out a ferocious roar.

"You want a crack Gin?". Bartolomeo said not even caring about the massive bear charging at him.

Gin spun both his tonfas in a circle as he faced chrome. Chrome once close enough clawed at Gin. Gin jumped in the air dodging the attack, spun in a circle, and brought both his tonfas down on Chrome's skull. Chrome's head was barried in the ground a muffled roar could be heard as he pulled his head out. Once he did a tonfa followed immediately after striking the left side of his face shattering his teeth. Chipped teeth and blood splattered on the floor. Gin followed that attack with an upper cut to the jaw. The force of which forced Chromes fat body upwards exposing his belly. Taking the opportunity Gin rammed his tonfa into Chromes gut with enough force to shatter steel plates making him topple backwards.

Chrome let out a wimper and was about to get up again when a barrier slammed him into the ground. Chrome was imbeded into the ground but the attack didn't stop it repeated over and over against. Until the ground was uplifted and Chrome turned back into his original appearance due to him being unconscious. His real appearance was that of a 60 year old man in a tribal outfit.


Not long after that Gin and everyone else returned to the ship with their target in hand. Ulrick already prepared for their arrival and had all the fruit he stored on the ship moved up deck. Dozen of crates filled with thousand of pieces of fruit lined the deck. Ulrick took all the fruit he could from the pirate island he raided and bought a bunch others when he docked at the Oykot Kingdom. He had so much fruit on his ship he had to dump all the canons out to make more. A decision Ulrick didn't regret because cannons are useless as fuck in one piece.

Gin threw Chrome's unconscious body on deck. Ulrick Only looked at it once and said, "I expected you guys hear sooner, but I guys time flys when you are having fun. Now let's get to it and let me show you guys something amazing".

Ulrick Walked over to Chrome and stabbed him in the hear. Gin and everyone else questioned the point of bringing the guy here if they were just going to kill him. Ulrick ignored them as he used his haki to sense for any irregularities. It took an uncomfortable minute of doubt and silence for something to happen though it was worth it in the end because after rummaging through a crate of apples Ulrick held a strange brown apple with swirls on it. Ulrick was beaming with joy because this was his key to his dream.

In Ulrick's hands was power infinite power in this world people can only eat one devil fruit but for Ulrick things were different he can obtain the powers of every devil fruit in existence. Not because his body was overly special allowing him to do, so but because unlike everyone else he had his warframes. Each one is a surrogate body for him he can feed devil fruits to his warframes and make them even more powerful then they already are without consequence. The curse of the sea meant nothing to him because even if his warframes loose the ability to move in water who the fuck cares they can't drown.

Ulrick couldn't stop laughing to himself how unfair this turned out to be for everyone else because each warframe he builds is a potential admiral level threat. Now that plus a devil fruit that synergises well with a warframes abilities means everyone of his enemies are fucked. If it wasn't for his low rank in the system, need of resources, build time, and a bunch of other factors Ulrick was sure that he would be strolling into Mary Geoise right now like he had the biggest dick in the world to fighting IM.

Getting a hold of himself Ulrick turned to face his men and said, "this is the secret I was talking about the transfer of devil fruits essence into another object after its previous host dies. This knowledge if exposed to the world and will start an all out war for power. If others know of this secret they would hunt down and exterminate devil fruit users on mass. That's why we must use this knowledge with care and exterminate devil fruit users on mass to prevent others from doing it first. All that power in the wrong hands could spell disaster that's why its a good thing I'm here to prevent that from happening".

Everyone on deck had a good laugh about what Ulrick said except Kuro and Nami. Kuro concealed his emotions while he contemplated what Ulrick was doing. Nami on the other hand acquirdly scratched her face after Ulrick's hypocritical speach that just admitted he wanted all the power for himself.

As that was happening a news paper bird dropped onto the ship. Nami saw it and paid for a news paper. After a quick look through Nami's eye opened wide from what she saw.

"Ulrick-sama look at this your in the news paper".

Ulrick's neck snapped towards Nami as stars shined in his eyes, "its about time I can't believe it took a week for the news to spread".

Ulrick took the news paper from Nami and saw an article about him along with a picture of himself in it as well. A week ago Ulrick sold info to Big News Morgan he provided picture and tons of details about what happened on the island along with the name of his organization.

The photo was of Ulrick wearing his sci-fi suit looking seriously into the camera while holding a flag pole with the symbol of his organization on it a lotus. All kinds of weapons where sticking out of the ground like grave markers. In the background you could tell the shot was taken on some kind of battlefield and just behind Ulrick was over 3 dozen burning pirate flags bellowing in the wind. This was a beautiful awe inspiring scene and in this shot was also Ash kneel down pledging servitude to Ulrick as all should. The title of this article was titled the rise of the Orokin 1 man vs. 10,000.

Ulrick spent hours with Gin to get that shot just right now after seeing this he knew it was worth the effort.

"Yes, look out world hear I come".

Give me spirit stones please and comment its what keeps me writing.

Loyalscumcreators' thoughts