
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Light Workout Part 2

With Steady steps, Ulrick walked over the weapon rack on the wall and carefully selected a weapon. He considered fighting Rico with a sword at first, but in the end, he decided not to for a very simple reason because it was boring. Fighting with the same weapon over and over again was as unappealing as tofu was to Ulrick. Eating it will satisfy his hunger, but not his craving.

This craving can not be satisfied with any meager meal because Ulrick was and always has been in more ways than one a man of culture. A cultured man does not conform to society's norms. He branches out and walks the thorny road that has been spat on, shunned, ridiculed, and detested. The viler the road the more people like Ulrick are likely to walk it with unlikely hopes of finding another person with a refined palette like himself.

That's why Ulrick didn't choose the sword, or the spear, daggers, or even a club. For this fight, Ulrick wanted to branch out a bit and chose the nunchucks. A weapon people typically refer to as useless, but that's only because most people don't know how to use it. But because of Ulrick's stance mods, Ulrick did and he was going to show Rico just how deadly Nunchucks could be in the hands of a skilled User. The stance mod Ulrick equipped to effectively use the nunchucks was called Atlantis Vulcan.

[Atlantis Vulcan (nunchucks)] (Rank:3/3): a stance mod for nunchuck type weapons specializes in fast, multi-hit whirling strikes and deceptive movements.

After Ulrick picked up the weapon he went into his system to upgrade that stance mod to the max. It cost him 15 million because the card was an uncommon silver drop but Ulrick didn't care because he recently got paid 50 million by Alexander. Ulrick didn't get the whole 500 million he requested all at once because Alexander felt it was unwise to do such a thing. So, instead, he fed Ulrick some bull about them not having that much liquid funds at the moment. A statement Ulrick completely got the meaning of and didn't pry any further about his money. Since Ulrick had time he also upgraded 2 more stance mods to their max just in case during the fight costing him in total an additional 30 million.

[Homing Fang (Dagger)] (Rank: 3/3): A stance designed for single-handed daggers. It delivers fast strikes and many lethal hits in a short span of time.

[Fracturing Wind (Fists)] (Rank: 3/3): A close-range fist fighting style that delivers fast, multi-hit strikes with powerful finishers.

After that spending spree, Ulrick's fortune was reduced to 11 million in total. Ready to fight Ulrick didn't wait for Rico to say go he sprinted directly towards Rico like a mad dog ready to sink his fangs into his pray. Rico didn't fret he simply put up both of his hands like a boxer and got ready to confront Ulrick's frontal charge that suddenly turned into an aerial attack.

Rico was confused for a second too because mid-run Ulrick used his skill bullet jump to leap onto the sealing. Bullet jump is a technique that allows the user to leap high into the sky at a fast speed and even glide in the air to cover vast distances. On the ceiling, Ulrick kicked off of it and came hurtling down towards Rico. Rico easily predicting Ulrick's trajectory and took two steps back, so Ulrick wouldn't land on him. Rico geared up to punch Ulrick in the face once he landed. But Rico didn't expect Ulrick to crack the ground when he landed or a strange shock wave to suddenly ripple out from Ulrick's position staggering him for a second.

That one-second opening was seized by Ulrick to his fullest. Like a rising tide, Ulrick's attacks came in from all sides. Within a single moment, Rico was struck 5 times all over his body. 5 became 20 and that number instantly skyrocketed into something ridiculous. Defending made Rico a punching bag and the same thing happened when he attacked. Rico was planning on not using haki during the entires spar because it would be unfair and it would allow Rico to easily decimate Ulrick. But now Rico had a change of heart because he was the one being treated unfairly.

Ulrick's nunchucks traced the air creating a multitude of deceptive apparitions. A strike to the head turned into a strike to the knee. A blow from the left somehow came from the right and was quickly followed by an uppercut to the chin and a loud smack in the face by the nunchucks. Rico couldn't believe what was happening he knew that he was holding back but still for him to get his ass handed to him to this degree was a bit embarrassing.

A bit fed up with Ulrick's relentless barrage Rico stood his ground and endured the blows to land a 1-2 combo on Ulrick. Ulrick knew that he couldn't many or well any blows from someone like Rico, so Ulrick dealt with Rico's attacks by parrying them to the side. Ulrick knew that Rico wasn't trying to kill him he could see that clearly, but he still felt like he was dancing with death again. Just like when he fought Cadre Suko because Rico's attacks carried a scary amount of force. It was scarier than when Suko almost bashed his face in with his club.

Ulrick was only able to survive Rico's counter barrage by forcibly putting a stop to Rico's attacks the best way he knew how. Which was by using Rico's momentum against him. Rico was incredibly strong and sturdy even after all if Ulrick's attacks landed they only stung him, but didn't really hurt. Rico was seen as an unmovable fortress to many. So, you can imagine the shock on Rico's face when the world suddenly started spinning around and he was suddenly facing the ceiling. Rico couldn't believe it, but those that couldn't believe it more were the elite Mafia members that got thrown around by Rico like sandbags for years. They thought they were going to see another ignorant noob get pummeled, but what they instead saw was their savior executing righteous justice on their behalf.

Mid swing Ulrick used the nunchucks to grab Rico's wrist and pulled down. Forcible shifting Rico's center of gravity forward until Rico came toppling over forward onto Ulrick's back and was flipped over. Rico could only remain stunned for a second because Ulrick came soon after to slam his nunchucks in Ulrick's face. Rico rolled over and back onto his feet allowing him to avoid Ulrick's ground slam that was strong enough to crack the pavement.

Rico looked at this with a smirk on his face as he said, "you're a very interesting person you know that. You have a level of craftsmanship that most people can't achieve in their whole lives. Yet, somehow you still found time to master how to fight with nunchucks. A weapon that I have never seen anyone even consider using once in my entire life".

Ulrick playfully replied, "Well what can I say I'm quirky like that and I bet I can kick your ass with just my first too. I could tell you need the handicap more than I do in this fight".

"Oh, really then show me what you got".

Without hesitation, Ulrick threw away his nunchucks and balled up his firsts. Ulrick wanted to see just how far he could go when he fought Rico with something he was good at defending against. The answer was not that far. Before Ulrick could even get a hit in Rico landed a clean blow to his stomach and chin. Rattling Ulrick's brain in the process while Ulrick was stunned for a moment Rico noticed something odd ofter punching Ulrick.

"Hay, Ulrick what are you wearing under your clothes it felt weird when I punched you".

After Ulrick regained his senses Ulrick thought about what to say for a second then replied, "its body armor that I procured during my travels in the grand line. I didn't make it myself I got it from an abandoned laboratory at Karakuri Island belonging to a man named Vegapunk".

Rico was surprised to hear Vegapunk's name from Ulrick's mouth. Anyone whose lived in the underworld and had enough dealing with people would have came across that mans name at one point or another and heard of his achievement.

"How good is that suit and can it be mass-produced?"

Ulrick wasn't stupid enough to tell Rico everything about his suit so he just said, "my suit is resistant against bullets, cuts, and blunt attacks, but not impervious. As for building more of them that is impossible I don't even know how Vegapunk made this suit. But I can create a bulletproof vest made of a carbon fiber mesh that can help defend your men. I can also make a bit of medicine to aid in their recovery. But, I'm not a doctor so don't ask me to do surgery.

Rico was quite impressed by what he heard, "you really are a jack of all trades aren't you. Where did you even learn this stuff".

"You know here and there but I'm mostly self-taught. Now let's finish this spare I won't be satisfied till I kick your ass".

"You know I've been holding back right".

"A wins a win no matter the circumstance"

With that said, Ulrick continued to clash with Rico, but more carefully this time. Rico was quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Ulrick felt like his arms were about to break after a few clashes with Rico. With sheer will Ulrick grit his teeth and pushed through. Ulrick's punch was blocked by Rico's attack once again, but the force behind it traveled through Rico's arm and struck him in the face as if he hadn't blocked at all.

A fierce exchange of blow for flow happened between Rico and Ulrick. Ulrick's attacks pierced through Rico's defense, but Rico tanked every blow without flinching. Ulrick on the other hand could not do the same if it wasn't for his suit significantly reducing the damage he wouldn't be able to stand up right now. Knowing that he would lose if this continued any longer Ulrick sought to end it all with one move.

Ulrick relined his body and went for a straight right. Rico easily stopped Ulrick's punch by grabbing his left shoulder. What Rico didn't expect to follow was his immediate loss. After Rico stopped Ulrick punch Ulrick's arm elongated. Ulrick dislocated the bones in his right arm in one swift motion. It hurt but Ulrick endured the pain allowing him to stretch his arm forward. While Ulrick's arm moved forward a hidden blade slipped out of Ulrick's sleeve and pressed up against Rico's throat. Drawing a few drops of blood before Rico subconsciously activated his armament haki in surprise. Rico was shocked his goons were shocked because Ulrick had actually pulled a miracle out of his ass and bested Rico.

Silence permeated the room before it was filled with laughter and cheer. Rico's subordinates acted like they just witnessed the greatest show of their lives along with Rico.

"That was one hell of a spare I honestly didn't expect you to force me to use haki at all. You've got some serious skills, so you don't need me to teach you how to fight. But, I did notice what's keeping you from using haki, so we can work on that immediately. During the entire fight your movements were deadly and precise. It looked like you moved to efficiently kill more than anything else which there is nothing wrong with. But, despite the skill, you displayed your fighting spirit was dull. Haki isn't used by thinking it's pure instinct. You got to use senses that you have never in your life thought about for more than a second because whenever you felt it it was just a passing feeling.

That feeling of danger when you walk into a dark ally at night that's haki. That feeling you get when you feel someone next to you that's haki. That feeling you get when you think your neighbor is fucking your bitch that's haki. You always had it and to draw it out of you we have to first sharpen your instincts to the max the best way creatures like us know how through battle and survival.

For your training you will fight 18 hours a day every day without rest. After you have been baptized by battle you will do the same thing again without sight to aid you. You will not be allowed to eat or drink until you learn to use observation haki.

For armament, we will push you to your physical limit and then keep pushing you until you learn how to draw on the energy inside you. We will start you off with a light work of 10,000 pushups, situps, squats, and a 50 mile run every day till you can finish it in a day. Then we will move to weight training where you will start off at 100 tons to warm those muscles up before we move on to 10,000 tons".

Ulrick's lips twitched at what he just heard not wanting to believe a word of what he heard".

"Alright, lets get to it".

Guys if you like my novel and want yo see it keep going can you please show me the same love you do to all those other authors and get my novel in the top 10. Your comments, reviews, and spirit stones are the only think keeping me writing.

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