
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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[If you like my work please leave a review this stories continuation depends on however many people like it and my mood. If you want to see more of my work consider reading my original novel tittled UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR]


A Few Moments Ago

Outside of the bar Cadre Suko was pissed off. He joined in the groups capture of Ulrick because he thought that it would be fun. But in the end it turned out to be an exorbitant waist of his time. Waiting there for Ulrick's capture was sucking the life out of him. Which was time he could have spent having a beautiful woman suck him off instead.

"You shitty excuses for pirates in the amount of my time you've waisted capturing 1 guy I could have finished fucking at least 3 beautiful woman. Do any of you have any idea how much leg work I'll have to put in to make up that number".

Many of the pirates wearily looked at Suko before one of them scrapped up enough courage to say, "sir, Suko you must understand that the people in the bar have a well defendable position. The only areas we can attack from is the front door and the windows all of which makes shooting us easier since they know where we will be in advance. We can't even enter through the back door because its sold steel".

The pirate was going to go on about why they still can't take the bar until Suko interrupted.

"Excuses every time you guys fail at something all you give is nothing but excuses. During the start of the shoot out those two were shooting just as wildly as us. Now after 2 hours they only shoot once or twice every 5 to 10 minutes sometimes longer. Meaning that those guys in their are all almost out of bullets after resisting for so long. If you can't even see that then your not needed on this crew".

As soon as Suko dropped those word so to did he drop his massive iron hammer across his former colleages head. Suko's hammer slammed into that pirate's skull with unrelenting force. The amount of resistance that pirate's cranium brought to Suko was absolutely none. It was crushed as easy as smashing a watermelon and exploded just like one as welll. Most of the pieces fell on the floor but some of it landed on a couple of the other pirates.

Suko Swung his massive ironclub now covered in blood back over his shoulder as many of his crew mates look at him with absolute horror in their eyes.

"No more excuses out of any of you we finish this now".

Following that intimidating display Suko showed off his strength once more as he reached into the hard stone floor and ripped out a large stone brick. With a quick motion Suko through it and the result is already known.

Inside the bar Ulrick crouched there starring at the broken remains of Manroe with blazing red eyes that lit up the dark. As Ulrick stared at Manroe's mangled body he also placed the rising steel stance mod into the load out and upgraded it 1 rank. The upgrade was a quick process nearly instantaneous. Once that was done he took the mod out and clenched it in his hands allowing him to absorb it into his body.

Without delay knowledge flooded into Ulrick's body down to the cellular level. Though he had never wielded a sword past today Ulrick felt as though he had practiced with one for years. The blade by his side was no longer a foreign tool it was an extension of himself and what he will use to carve out a world of pain for anyone that crosses him. That single mod provided Ulrick a complete set of techniques that ranged from proper gun handling to small arms like pistols and throwing weapons.

"Looks like you got your wish old man and got to die in your bar now it looks like I got to keep my end of the deal and make sure that you don't die alone but you don't have to worry about that i'll be sending you company shortly".

Ulrick glanced over towards the direction the stone came from and saw exactly who will receive the most of his furry through the large whole he left in the wall. Through his target was in sight Ulrick didn't rush him like a mad lunatic he wasn't like Luffy. Ulrick clearly saw that he was outnumbered and while there was a chance that he could take them alone with his stance mod alone e didn't want to leave it to chance. Especially with a feakishly strong pirate right outside leading them. Knowing all of this Ulrick decided that the best way to defeat them was to lead them inside. But the million dollar question was how was he going to do that?

Ulrick looked around the tattered bar and saw the dozen's of still intact alcohol bottles along with the fulky equiped kitchen in the back and had a brilliant idea. It wasn't long before Ulrick brought a bunch of different items from all over and had them piled in front of him. Ready to act Ulrick shouted out loudly to the pirates.

"Hay, to the fat fuck that looks like he took beauty lessons from a horse's ass and to all of his ass kissing henchman you should know that i'm a member of the marines and that I've already called for backup. You've got about less then 10 minutes before my boys in blue arrive and get you all well acquainted with the worms in the ground. So, I suggest that you guys start running while you still can".

Cadre Suko had a manic look after Ulrick boldly compared him to a horses ass loudly in from of his subordinates. His eyes locked forward, veins bulged from his forehead, while a disturbing smile crept upwards on his face.

"So, your a marine are you i'm inclined to believe that because no random guy off the street can have balls as big as what you've just display. But it doesn't matter if your a marine soldier or some dirty street rat because your going to die here you hear me. Call as much backup as you want because its not going to change what i'm going to do to you".

As Suko was shouting a gleaming silver object came barreling towards him. Suko saw it coming at him and blocked it by using one of his closest subordinates as a shield. That pirate struggled when Suko grabbed him but that stopped when a meat cleaver split his skull in two. As that pirate dangled in Ulrick's arms it was the start of something more.

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