
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Beaten But Not Broken

Once Ulrick actually stood next to Suko he got a clear scale for how large he really was. Ulrick was about 6 feet tall while Suko was more than a head taller standing over 7 feet tall. Suko's large fat body loomed over Ulrick blocking the light from the blazing building behind him thus casting a shadow on Ulrick below. Suko's fowl breath permeated the air and drifted into Ulrick's nose. Ulrick wanted to hurl from the stench but held black his vomit once he saw the iron club coming towards him again.

Ulrick knew that the amount of force Suko's attacks contained was beyond anything that he could physically handle right now, so he chose to parry them instead. Ulrick felt his arms go numb the second his sword touched Suko's club. He was pushed back 3 steps just to barely guide the club away from him. On the second clash was completely overpowered and could only role away to safety. Stone rubble splatterred everywhere once Suko's club bashed down on the pavement. It was a short exchange but Ulrick already was out of breath. Blocking Suko's attacks drained more energy from Ulrick then it took him to kill most of Suko's henchman.

"Oye, I bet your feeling regret now you marine bastard. You've been talking a lot of shit to us for a while now but it looks like that's all it was just talk".

"I'm sure that you won't be saying that once I bend you over my knee and start spanking your ass like I did your mother".

The veins on Suko's head grew and throbbed as his face contorted in anger.

"I'm really going to enjoy killing you".

"Just try you fat bastard we'll see what kills me first your mom when she's on her knees sucking my brains out or your stank breath".

Having enough of Ulrick's shit Suko charged forth like a rhino fully dedicated in smashing Ulrick into pieces. Ulrick side stepped away once Suko's club came crashing down. With a quick and heavy horizontal swing Ulrick cut into Suko's side. Blood spilled onto the floor but Suko wasn't impeded by such a small wound. He swung his club back around aiming for Ulrick's head. Ulrick ducked away at the last moment and slashed Suko's arm once it passed over his head.

This deadly exchange continued for sone time. Suko continued to pounce on Ulrick like a wild animal which resulted him completely destroy the street they were fighting on in the process. Ulrick was having the hardest time staying alive while he danced on the edge of deaths blade. He had overdraft his body a long time ago what was keeping him going at this point was his will to survive and his desire to shove his blade up the ass of every single bastard on the island. Ulrick's hands bled from his finger nails coating the hilt of his sword red. But through it all Ulrick held on to finally use the move that he was saving to end it all.

Ulrick was incredibly inexperienced he knew that and that was one of the many reasons that was most likely to lose his fight against Suko. That's why Ulrick kept antagonizing Suko at every chance that he got to hopefully leave openings wide enough that even an amateur like Ulrick could spot. Which would in turn by Ulrick enough time to learn Suko's movement patterns. It nearly cost Ulrick his life to learn how Suko fought but it was all going to pay off at this moment.

Ulrick purposely moved forward and positioned himself in front of Suko and as Ulrick expected Suko's response was to slam his club down from overhead. Ulrick didn't move out of the way like he typically does this time Ulrick met Suko blow for blow using all his strength to execute the technique perfectly.

[Blade Whip] - Blade whip is a technique that comes with the mod rising steel.

Ulrick's sword came from below as it met Suko's club in the middle. Ulrick's sword appeared to bend and elongate as it clashed with Suko's club. A loud boom sounded through the streets drawing any onlooker to the sight of Cadre Suko's club being flung upwards. The results of the clash happened not because Suko's lost in terms of power but in terms of skill. The sight of which was still unbelievable for many of the pirates that decided to stay and watch. Suko's still had a firm grip on his club but now he was wide open for any attack. Ulrick seizing the opportunity moved to attack.

Ulrick's sword was chipped and cracked but he didn't care he was dedicated on ending their fight now.

[Forward Edge] - a technique that comes with the mod rising steel.

Ulrick executed that technique with full intent on striking Suko through the heart but as Ulrick flashed forward thus becomeing a blurr to the eyes of normal people that saw him a problem happened. Ulrick felt the load of trying to execute two advanced techniques while his body was beaten to shit. This caused Ulrick's aim to be unsteady as he lunged forward.

Thus unlike how Ulrick wanted instead of his blade piercing Suko's heart it went through Suko's chest. Suko gritted his teeth as blood dripped from between his lips. He looked at Ulrick with a crazy madness in his eye. Ulrick feeling the threat from Suko's glare wanted to rip out the sword and lop off Suko's head in one move. But he Couldn't Ulrick sword was locked tightly in between Suko's muscles that were barried under layers of fat.

Fuelled by his rage Suko's swung his club far faster then he ever did before. To close Ulrick found it impossible to dodge and for the first time he received the full brunt of Suko's attack. Ulrick body scrunched up as he was sent flying over a hundred meters into the wall of the house. The wall unable to endure the force at which Ulrick came hurtling at it caved in and crashed down on top of Ulrick.

Ulrick let out a messy gurgling scream as vomit and blood came spilling out of his mouth. His eyes became unfocused as he felt a supposedly impossible amount of pain wash over him. Suko's not finished with Ulrick in the least walked over towards him as he ripped out the sword in his chest and through it away. Blood flowed out like a river from the wound but Suko's simply tightened his muscles closing the wound entirely.

Once he arrived at the spot Ulrick was burried he pulled him out from the rubble by his leg and threw him down on the floor. Suko's filled with pure rage unleashed it all on Ulrick. With each swing Suko's brought the ground 1 level lower. A fountain of blood sprayed out from Ulrick's mouth and mucous covered his face as the light from the world gradually got dimmer. Just as Ulrick was slipping into unconscionableness Suko grabbed Ulrick by his hair and lifted his battered body up to face level. Suko slaped Ulrick a few times to keep him awake and said to him with clear venom in every word.

"I'm not done with you".

I'm an author that wants an interactive story so if there is anyone with a unique devil fruit idea please comment it. If its good and not to op i'll considered it. Remember no angle, demon, or water devil fruits. I'm not a fan of Zoan types but if its a mythical 1 i might add it depending its intresting.

Please write a review and give spirit stones if you whish to see this stor continue. This story is not my main focus its for fun i'll drop it if not enough support.

Please read my original story titled UNUSUAL WORLD.

Loyalscumcreators' thoughts