
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Gray knew the delivery address, and the wood was expected to arrive a day after.

I need to make certain that bugs do not irritate me there.

Gray had left the underworld market. He wanted to go to Franky's house and care for his entire group of people who call themselves his family.

Gray had forgotten about his hideout and had forgotten much of the series. One piece was too long for anyone to recall, and Water7's arc took place before Timeskip, thus it was natural for him to forget such minor details.

"Do you know where Franky's hideout is?"

The broker accompanied Gray; he was going to receive a huge amount of money through the deal. How could he just ditch him?

"I'm not sure where their hideout is, but I know several of their thugs and where they generally hang out."

Gray chuckled. He only needed one of them to find their hiding place. It would be more than enough to extract the information.

Gray grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

"Bring me there."

The broker guessed what would occur. He had previously witnessed his strength on the underground market. He was confident that he would be able to handle many of their members.

Gray was looking forward to enlightening them of the results of their actions.

'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.'

Gray followed the broker, who apparently knew some of their men but didn't quite understand why he was going out of his way to help him.

"Have you previously been robbed by them?"

The broker was gobsmacked. He was so happy to see them crushed that it showed on his face.

"If it hadn't been for their group of thugs, I would have been a first-rate broker and would be extremely wealthy."

Gray had a feeling he was getting himself too entangled for no apparent reason, and he suspected they had done something to him previously.

"That's tough, your career had been collapsing due to those idiots."

The broker no longer tried to mask his emotions; he simply uttered what he had been meaning to say for a long time.

"Can you take after them?"

Gray grinned lightly, "Of course I can, but I need to find them first."

"Leave it to me; I can't afford to give up another opportunity to advance in my career because of the same bunch of people."

The broker was enthusiastic as he led Gray to one of their group's gathering spots.

"They use this tower to find their targets and fire long-distance attacks."

'So this is where the big canon ball was shot from'

Gray was standing in front of what appeared to be a lookout tower used to scout areas and locate threats.

Gray left the broker outside the lookout tower and stormed inside.

A spiral staircase connected the watchtower's interior to the top.

Gray walked up the stairs to the top of the watch tower.

"Is this the canon with that I was shot from?"

Around seven people were surveying the area from inside the lookout tower, armed with a massive canon capable of sinking an entire warship.

As Gray asserted, folks turned around to find a young man of around 20 with a golden pupils within their spot.

"Who are you? "And why are you here?"

Gray chuckled as he heard their statements.

"You just shot me down with this massive canon a few hours ago, and now you're acting as if you don't know who I am. What a joke! "

The gang unloaded their firearms, with one of them pointing a rifle at him.

"This is your final warning. Either get out of here or don't blame us for what's about to happen."

Gray strode slowly towards them, taking each step with dominance.

"You overestimate your own strengths while underestimating your opponent's."

"Then die!" " Attack him."

Gray's right hand began to change into a dragon's claw and began to glow with red lines all over it.

"Red flames!"

Gray was attacked by the gang.



Explosions could be heard, and sparkles of light were seen flashing from the lookout tower from outside.

The group was lying on the ground, unable to move an inch due to the injuries sustained.

Red flames were explosive and detonated like a gernade explosion.

"Tell me where your hideout is now."

Following the explosion, the entire gang was blasted with red flames, their bodies in a state of disarray. They were coughing up blood in their mouths. Their insides were a total mess.

Gray could simply take them down without morphing his claw, but they needed to understand the difference between their abilities and Gray's.

He didn't want them to cling to their hopes and ideals. He demonstrated the ability to wipe out those in one fell swoop.

Everyone was in a condition of complete despair. They couldn't fight for their lives because they were fully at Gray's mercy.

"Poison vapor."

Gray's left arm emitted blue mist, which he made a handful of them ingest.

Blue mist possessed deadly characteristics, if not treated swiftly, it might kill someone and when mixed with red flames. It emitted purple flames.

"Four of them inhaled poison mist and would die within an hour if they are not sent to a hospital. Now you can either show me your hideout and come for them later to save their lives, or you may let them die right in front of your very eyes."

Four people who inhaled poisonous mist saw blue spots emerge on their bodies gradually and spread all over them.

"You can take your time; I won't stop you."

"Are you planning to kill everyone in the hideout?"

"No way, I'm not interested in killing. Simply breaking few bones would do."

They didn't think much about it and decided to show him the way to their hideout. In this situation, wasting time would only result in their loss.

"How about two of us show you the way and one of us bring them to the hospital?"

"No way. I don't want to talk about it any further so all three of you will be leading the way."

All three of them gritted their teeth at his cruelty. Gray chuckled lightly for a second at their anxious expressions.

They started leading him the way in a rush. They were covered in blood themselves but didn't care about that.

Franky's hideout looked like it belonged in a circus. It was placed near the sea on the beach.

After guiding Gray to their hideout, the three of them scrambled to save their friends.

"That's it. You're free to move out."

Gray's right hand turned into a dragon claw.

Gray went through the door and inside like he owned the place, stating loudly to everyone present while grinning at them.

"You can't even begin to imagine how dead all of you are."

Everyone's attention was pulled to the individual who stood blocking their door, creepily smirking at them.

More than fifty people appeared to be enjoying their banquet after robbing Gray inside the hideout.

"Who are you? Get out now or things will get ugly."

Gray was handed a warning by a slew of nobody's. He never stopped smiling at them.

"Who am I? you ask." "Whose money party is going on in here?"

A slim and tender-looking man approached Gray, placed his hand on his left shoulder, and spoke in his ears. He gave Gray a light smile.

"You still have time?" "I recommend running for your life because these folks despise anyone disturbing their eating time."

While threatening Gray, he reached out his hand and rubbed his head that clearly showed he looked down on Gray.

"I believe you understand. Being a hothead doesn't always work, and I feel you value your life more than money."

Gray was irritated by his arrogance in treating him this way.

"Hah! I'll show what happens when you overestimate yourself."


Gray grinned at him as he grabbed his head with his dragon's claw.



Gray blasted him while clutching his head with his claw. He had completely scorched his face. Gray threw him at one of their group's tables so they could have a better look at him.

"That will be all of you in a few minutes."

Gray shut the doors; he didn't want anyone to get out of here.

"What did he do to our brother?"

"Let's get him!"

"You chose death by coming here."

All of the people who had been eating their meals stood up and glared at Gray with hostility.

"Show no mercy, kill him!"

With a huge butcher knife in his hand, a rather giant of a man rushed him first, before everyone else. He lunged at Gray 's neck with his knife.

Gray ducked just as the knife neared his neck and placed his claw on his stomach.

"I will be the one not showing mercy here!"


Butcher dude was hit in the stomach by an explosion. He was propelled into the air and landed on the ceiling, where the blast's impact caused his body to get trapped on the ceiling. The inside of his stomach were a mess.

"Hybrid form!"

Gray's golden pupils altered. One of them turned blood red, while the other turned ocean blue. Blue armor-like scales coated his body. The strips on his red claws began to glow hotter. During his change, his white hair remained motionless on his face.

Three of them charged at him at the same time, barehanded and armed only with their punches.

"Explosive spear!"

Gray formed a spear of blood red flames from his claws and launched it at the three of them in front of him.


When the spear impacted one of them, it detonated, causing a tremendous explosion and blasting all three of them with a single attack.

Gray charged into the oncoming crowd, which was all out to slay him.

"All of you want to dance!"

Gray mastered hand-to-hand combat after spending an entire day each day training with Grap.

Gray charged towards the crowd, scattering them with his assault.

"Extreme kick!"

"What a low kick!"



Gray had punched and kicked them and even blasted many, but he evaded their all and assaulted them back. He had observation Haki, which was already plenty overkill for them but he added his hybrid form.

Gray spread his wings and soared straight up into the sky. While flying towards the sky, he blasted the ceiling blocking his way.

"I'm sick of you knuckleheads. This isn't any fun."

Gray gently raised his claw in the air as he gazed over the crowd, most of whom had broken bones and ripped muscles.

A red flame-shaped arrow. This time it was a bloody crimson arrow with a high concentration of explosive flames.

He created a bow out of concentrated blue mist that transformed into matter with blue mist spilling out of it.

He aimed the arrow with the blue bow. As soon as he put the arrow on the bow, it changed color from crimson red to deep purple.

Gray pulled the blue string and aimed the purple flame arrow towards the hideout below him.

"I'm currently using the least dangerous form of Bolo Breath. I don't want to annihilate the island. This should suffice for nobody's like you all."

Gray fired the purple-flaming arrow at the people inside the hideout.

The purple-flaming arrow landed on the ground with no reaction.

"Hahaha! I expected something big to occur. I was almost scared."

"Haha, he's just babbling."

"I'm sure he flew since he couldn't beat us."

After 5 seconds, as they were all busy with their babbling. The purple flame arrow went berserk, unleashing a massive burst of fire that engulfed the entire terrain.

A vast area was fully enveloped with blue flames from ground to sky.


The purple flames began to chain reaction like an atom bomb, creating a massive explosion by little explosions.

Small explosions hit them all in different places of their bodies, smashing their internal parts one by one and breaking every organ in their bodies. It didn't kill them, but recovering from it would be a challenging task.

This maneuver was designed to scorch their opponents and destroy every muscle in their bodies for five minutes straight with chain explosions. It ineeded a large scale attack, but because they were near the water, he had a lot of space to work with.


"Ahh! I'm about to blow out."


Gray could hear their cries above the deafening din of explosives.

It was similar to domain expansion, but with no barrier obstructing the exit site.

"From now on, no one from your group will tamper with me."

"True art is an explosion!"