
Chapter 15: Gangplank

(3rd Person: POV)

In no time at all the new pirate ship arrived at the marine vessel and the Argo.

Coming up along the opposite side of the marine vessel that the Argo was positioned at.

Once it did a single individual used a rope to swing down from the deck of the new pirate ship and land on the deck of the marine vessel.

The individual in question being a man. He had dark-brown hair and a small beard on his face. He also had a bandana with a skull imprinted on it wrapped around his head. The rest of his attire telling anyone who looked at him he fit the very definition of the word pirate.

[Image Here]

Drawing his cutlass sword from its sheathe located on his right hip, and pulling out his pistol from its holster on its left the male pirate was prepared for battle.

But stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the many dead bodies of marines lying atop the marine vessel deck. As well Achilles, Wave, and Illaoi.

The male pirate in question soon focusing his gaze entirely on Illaoi, a smile gracing his face shortly after he did.

"Gangplank." Illaoi happily said.

"Illaoi, my dear." The male pirate now known as Gangplank replied.

The two stared at each other for several seconds without saying another word. Then that came to an end as Illaoi quickly closed the distance between herself and Gangplank, took his face in her hands, and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

A kiss involving tongue.

*Mhm~ Ah~ Um~*

Moan and wet slapping sounds filled the air as Illaoi and Gangplank ravished each others mouths.

Completely forgetting Achilles and Wave were present.

This causing both of them to put wry smiles on their faces.

As Illaoi and Gangplank continued exchanging spit, and Achilles seeing they didn't look like they were going to stop anytime soon, he decided it was time to interrupt the couple.


He faked loudly coughed.

Once Achilles had done so Illaoi and Gangplank stopped kissing and then focused their attention on him and Wave.

The moment this happened Gangplank got ready to point his cutlass in their direction. Only for Illaoi to stop him from doing so by placing one of her hands gently atop hers.

"No my love, don't." She spoke. "They are not with the marines, and just like us they are pirates. Pirates who could've easily killed me, but instead chose to set me free." Illaoi explained.

"I see." Gangplank mused. "You two, you have my thanks for saving my wife." He said. "So as a gesture of goodwill I will not attack you and your ship this time. But the next time we meet that will not be the case."

"The same goes for you." Achilles replied.

When he did so Gangplank grinned.

Seeing this Achilles couldn't help but put a grin on his own face.

"You've got spirit. I like that. Tell me, what is your name?" Gangplank asked Achilles.

"Achilles. The captain of the Argonaut pirates. And you?" Achilles spoke.

"Gangplank, the captain of the Dreadway pirates. Remember of the name. For it will one day be known across the entire world." Gangplank confidently spoke.

"The same goes for you. Remember my name. For it too will one day be known across the entire world." Achilles replied.

"I'll do that." Gangplank replied. "Well then, let us take our leave my love."

"Yes dear." Illaoi spoke.

She and her husband Gangplank then turned and started walking in the direction of their ship, Achilles and Wave doing the same in the direction of the Argo.

As both pairs returned to their perspective ships, they began sailing away from each other in opposite directions.

But not before making sure to pepper Doberman's ship with cannonball's. To make sure it sank into the sea.

Though once that happened both ships truly left the area.

Marking the first ever meeting between the Argonaut Pirates and the Dreadway Pirates.


(Achilles: POV)

As we sailed away in the opposite direction from Illaoi and her husband Gangplank's ship I couldn't help but look at it until it left my field of vision.

For it was a marvelous vessel.

Not to mention her captain seemed wild, but also like a man I could call a friend one day.

Makes me hope our paths cross again one day.


Once the other ship was out of my sight I returned to where the others were on deck. Counting our loot from Doberman's ship.

Sitting down I joined them in doing so.

Just as Wave finished recounting our encounter with Illaoi and Gangplank to them on the marine vessel.

"Wow, to think a pirate would go that far for his wife." Kuroh mused.

"Hey, just because one is a pirate doesn't mean they don't have any morals. I mean look at our crew." I spoke.

"True." Kuroh replied.

"I think it's sweets." Atalanta spoke.

"Me too." I said. I then got up close to Atalanta, who was sitting on my right side, and whispered in her ear. "And if you ever want to experience a relationship like the one Gangplank and Illaoi have, know that I am here and ready whenever you are, kitty cat."

"Gah!" Atalanta shouted. Falling over as a massive blush appeared on her face and her ears drooped to try and cover her ears.

Which is seriously cute.

After recovering Atalanta started glaring at me.

A glare I promptly ignored as I continued counting the loot from the marine vessel.

"Bastard." She called me.

"Whatever you say kitty cat." I replied. "Whatever you say." 


Standing on the deck of the Argo I stood in front of Wave, Atalanta and Kuroh.

Four days having passed since our battle with Doberman and his marines where I killed him.

Now that all of us have had time to rest and recover it's time to get back to training. Or rather its time for me to take everyone's training to the next level.

"Ok, so for today's training I'll be reaching you guys something special." I began. "A set of superhuman martial arts known as the Rokushiki." I said.

"Is that how you were able to walk through the air and move me and yourself over to the marine vessel during the battle a few days ago?" Kuroh asked.

"Yes, yes it was. That technique was known as Geppo. Which allows one to literally walk on and maneuver in the air. But it is but one of the six Rokushiki techniques. Not even mentioning the hidden seventh technique that one can only perform once they have mastered all the other six Rokushiki techniques. Which unfortunately none of us will be able to do anytime soon since I only know how to perform five out of the six Rokushiki techniques. To get details on how to perform the last technique we would either have to capture a high-ranking marine, world government agent, or raid a marine base." I explained.

"Why?" Wave asked.

"Because the marines and the world government are the ones who invented the Rokushiki techniques in the first place." I revealed.

"If that's the case then how do you know about them?" Atalanta curiously asked me.

"You see my dear kitty cat, it's like this-" I began.

Only to stop when a News Coo landed on the deck of the Argo.

"Oh, looks like we'll have to put this discussion on hold." I said.

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out some berri, paying the News Coo for the paper before opening it up and beginning to read it.

Finding something completely unexpected when I did.

A bounty poster.

Of me.



Dead or Alive


35 million berries


Well this is surely an unexpected but not an unwelcome surprise.

Since it means I have finally been acknowledged as a real pirate by the government and the marines.



Advanced chapters of this story are available on my Paetron.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever

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